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Lindy-Ross' Random Celebrity/Pseudo-Celebrity Post Thread

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 12 years ago Views: 112.0K
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Lvl 59
I saw a movie once where Jim Carey had a green face and could pop out his eyeballs and roll out his tongue like a flipper. He's a pretty good actor, I think, in order to pull that stuff off.

And since I'm posting in this thread, might as well include some pictures of someone famous.

So here's Kat Dennings and her gargantuan sweater hams.

Lvl 59
Lvl 59
Lvl 59
Lvl 59
Lvl 59
And since I'm in this thread and also have the folder of famous people pictures open, I might as well post some of them so I can clear that shit out.

And here's some Megan Fox in "This is 40" I think? To be honest, that's just what the pictures were titled, but I don't know the movie, don't care to look it up, and will likely never see it, so I don't care that much.

But what I do care about his the hot babes. And this version of Megan, before she was all grossly knocked up by that douche of the highest proportions David Silver, is always nice to see. Some moving pictures included because this is fuckin 2012 and that's how pictures work today. Technology, suckas.

Lvl 59
Next up we have Nipples Aniston. That might not be her first name, but I think it fits. Certainly better than "Jennifer" because when I think of "Jennifer" I think of hot chicks.

Here's Mrs. Aniston and her nipples, which have apparently been contracted out as radio antennae to help NASA with SETI.

The best thing about this picture is that Nips here is making the exact same face that I make when I see pictures of Jennifer Aniston.

But I know some of you corncobs dig her, so here you go.

Lvl 59
Now let us cleanse our eye-palates with some nice artistically shot nudes of Miranda Kerr.

FREEBIRD69 finds this awesome.
Lvl 59
FREEBIRD69 finds this awesome.
Lvl 59
And more moving pictures.

This time of Kate Beckinsale. She's a brit. From Britain. And she's prettay hot. She was in those vampire movies that SP told me to watch, and you should probably watch them too. Ok, can you tell I'm really half-assing this commentary? On to the gifs.

Lvl 59
So, remember post #106, where I posted a bunch of Megan Fox pictures and gifs? Yeah, well, turns out I overlooked some. They once were lost, but now they're found. Amazing!

So here's a bunch of Megan moving around and being hot and stuff.

Lvl 59

Yay Megan Fox!

Lvl 59
It's getting late and I'm tired, so I'm not going to spend a lot of time telling you that these are pictures of Katy Perry (who, btw, I also find not-at-all attractive)

These are pictures of Katy Perry (who I find not-at-all attractive) Some of them you can see up her skirt because she's on a balcony and the photographer is below and that's how physics works.

Lvl 28
Originally posted by EricLindros

These are pictures of Katy Perry (who I find not-at-all attractive) Some of them you can see up her skirt because she's on a balcony and the photographer is below and that's how physics works.

Those of us who would disagree, appreciate your lack of prejudice.

Lvl 60
Janice Dickenson is clearly the hottest.
Lvl 59
In case you guys hadn't heard the good news, Avril Lavigne is getting married to some shulb from Nicelback. So good for them. And for you, here's some pictures of Avril. And also a gif of her being classy and biting the cap off of a bottle of something and then spitting it out like a hooker you didn't pay the extra $5 to.

F*ckin' hilarious commentary. You, sir, should have your own show.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by roark

F*ckin' hilarious commentary. You, sir, should have your own show.

If you think this stuff is funny, you should read the captions before each of these babes. Exceptional work from EL.
Lvl 11
Originally posted by EricLindros

Former sui-dissant Supermodel Janice Dickenson. Naked.

Very former. Like, a billion years ago, former.

[ Link ]

Lvl 59
Looksie what I found. Here's Nicole Kidman, who was legitimately hot like 15 years ago, but over the years turned what used to be skin into something resembling tissue paper, looking very good here. I wonder how that happened? In a completely unrelated note, none of the thumbnail pictures are mistakes. Especially not that second one.

Whatever magic she was able to conjure in order to get them to come out like this, it's working. Also, nip see through in the big photo.

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