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I Cannot Fucking Stand It When..

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 16 years ago Views: 25.9K
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Lvl 6
...He rides the bus.
Lvl 7
I absolutely positively fucking hate the assholes on MTV's "Is she really going out with him?"

The girls on that show are all Gorgeous.

I know its probably some acting or whatever, but the way they treat those girls, and im sure guys out there really do treat their girls like that, really pisses me off

Id love to have a girl like that! I cant fucking stand it when girls are with losers like them
Lvl 21
Originally posted by Quaker_Dip

People that hit on me who do not own boats, or a BMW of a 5 series or higher.

It's like, what? What are you even doing?

I hope your kidding.
Lvl 7
When girls that don't need them get breast implants
Lvl 59
Originally posted by sUpA_bOpPaS

When girls that don't need them get breast implants

What if they need them emotionally? You know, for self-image issues.
Lvl 29
People who run stop signs/traffic lights. Both stupid & dangerous.

People who drive 90 mph right up to a stoplight/stop sign.

When I'm in a store and the clerk blows me off to answer the phone. I am right here, dude.
Originally posted by JSteel


I hope your kidding.

She's not...she's a superficial bitch, but she's hot.
Lvl 7
Originally posted by EricLindros

What if they need them emotionally? You know, for self-image issues.

Originally posted by sUpA_bOpPaS

Id love to have a girl like that! I cant fucking stand it when girls are with losers like them

Case in point -

Lvl 8
Originally posted by unclesomething

When I'm in a store and the clerk blows me off to answer the phone. I am right here, dude.

As the owner of a small business sometimes you have to stop attending to a customer to answer the phone. Now if it's a personal call...that's just being a dick.
Lvl 7
Males that wear earrings, rap crap, rap clothes, hip hop garbage, so-called "music" generated by a software program instead of actual instruments, "reality shows", people that think a baseball cap is to be worn everywhere and on every occasion, facial piercings, tattoos, people that have no idea of how to use the work "like"......and on and on and
Lvl 28
When they put Tom Petty on King of the Hill..

Fucking srsly annoying.
Lvl 28
I have to use dial up, this shit is awful.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Honda_X

When they put Tom Petty on King of the Hill..

Fucking srsly annoying.

Well, who the hell else were they gonna get to marry Luanne?

You know what really grinds my gears? When I have a delicious meal, but it's too big, and then my tummy hurts.
Lvl 28
God I hate standing in line.

Everyone in Walmart kinda smells and is ugly, whenever I see a hot chick I'm all whoa. I fully checked out a 7 today and she looked right at me...and in other environments it woulda been like "oh, a girl" in Walmart is like "whoa, you're special...even though you're average" I dunno.

It's weird.

Walmart has some solid deals though.

I'm sleepy.
Lvl 59
lol, walmart.

I hate Walmart.
Lvl 22
I hate big cities!

(visit the lounge to see why)
* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 6
i cant stand it when im driving down the road, and a car is wanting to turn onto the road im on, but they wait for you to get real close and decide to pull out, and then you have to hit the brakes to keep from hitting them when they could have waited two more seconds because there is noone behind you, then decide to go 20 miles under the speed limit...irritates the crap out of me!
Lvl 28
Just do what I do, get as close as you can to hitting them, then lean out the window and scream like a lunatic.

Threaten to kill their children to show them you mean business.
Lvl 59
I hate when I want to take a shower at night, but then I know I also have to take one in the morning. It's a dilemma.
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