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I Cannot Fucking Stand It When..

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 16 years ago Views: 25.9K
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Lvl 10
I hate my name being spelt wrong - which it always is

people walking really slowly in front of me when I can't get round them
Lvl 22
<<<< I hate everything,bwah
Lvl 28
Originally posted by kimmiekins

I hate my name being spelt wrong - which it always is

people walking really slowly in front of me when I can't get round them

Sorry to hear that Kimmy.

@Notech, fo sho.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by kimmiekins

people walking really slowly in front of me when I can't get round them

Oh, this is a good one that happens at school all the time. I want to punch those slow sonsabitches in the back of the head for holding me up.
Lvl 10
Originally posted by Honda_X


Sorry to hear that Kimmy.

If you were trying to be funny by spelling Kimmie differently I don't mind that
It's more when people say Kym not Kim
or Kimberly not Kimberley

and my surename, no-one gets it right
Lvl 24
Originally posted by freddielongleg

- people who cheat at golf/pool

how the hell do you cheat at pool?

either the ball went in or it didnt, either it was a legal shot or it wasnt, either it scratched or it didnt. wtf
Lvl 10
......when people get in my car and leave their trash, or leave dirty tissues in the door handles. Do they think it's the god damn trash can?
Lvl 6
Originally posted by Keystoner

......when people get in my car and leave their trash, or leave dirty tissues in the door handles. Do they think it's the god damn trash can?

Ooh I do that! When I first met my husband his car was sooo clean and he was like 'NO ONE eats in my car blah blah' well that didn't last long and now his car looks more like a mc donalds rubish bin. Oopsie. :o

Actually I'm guilty of a lot of the things people have said here. I'm quite a nice person online though so don't worry. Lol.
Lvl 51
my really annoys me when a person puts their fingers in their nose...
Lvl 9
...when people drink out of a large container of milk/juice etc. How much trouble is it to get a glass? If you live alone, fine. If your share a refrigerator, then don't drink straight from the jug.
Lvl 7
I hate it when beautiful girls have pictures taken of themselves to put on Great sites like WBW...and stick their lips out like Donald Duck! Whoever told them that was sexy???? It just looks stupid (in my humble opinion).
Lvl 28
Originally posted by TerryLC

I hate it when beautiful girls have pictures taken of themselves to put on Great sites like WBW...and stick their lips out like Donald Duck! Whoever told them that was sexy???? It just looks stupid (in my humble opinion).

I blame Angelina Jolie.

A lot of super gay dudes do it too..they think it gives them pouty lips and cheek bone definition.

...basically, plain people trying to look hot.
Lvl 6
Pouty lips are lame.

The cool kids stick to their collahs.

Lvl 6
...a pic may or may not load in that post.

I dunno, it's kinda rocking the slowboat.
Lvl 6
When people think there big and clever just because they've found me on another site. A comment I just got on another site:
I'm sure the unedited version would be fine for here - it would certainly keep the Flangelina fans Jolie!! (its What some Boys Want)

If he wants to advertise this site then I'll let him carry on wasting his time, lol.
I think he thinks I must be embarassed or something, wtf, this is a awesome site why would I be embarassed?

He's probably reading this now! *waves* Hello stalker!
Lvl 6
I thought someone else posted before you? Where did that post go? Or did I imagine it? I'm sure someone did, it was about people with small willies acting tough and I was wondering how they knew the people had small willies!

I can't stand it when my oven makes horrible burning smells like the house is going to blow up.
And when my laptop suddenly goes slow for no reason!
Lvl 28
I can't stand it when people with the smallest little bit of authority act like total cocksuckers for no reason.

My mom got a DVD for Christmas, and when she opened it, there was nothing inside. So we went back to Wal Mart, and I started to explain the situation, and this fat old cunt behind the counter started getting all sassy. "We can't take that back if it's open." then I explained was sealed, and then there was nothing in it, so it's a manufacturing issue. Then, like the borderline retard she is, she points at a sign that says "no returns on opened CD/DVDs"..or whatever that sign says.

My response "Unlike yourself, I am not a retard and can read fairly well, maybe instead of pointing at signs like a chimp, you do your job?"

My mom starts getting all pissy, like I should just let it go..then before bitchy manager even had a chance to come back at me, I was like "Can I see your manager please."..

Then she was like "I am the manager."

Then I was like "Ohh, the manager of the Wal Mart electronics department, amazing, YOUR BOSS PLEASE."

Then someone who isn't a fucktard came along, I explained the situation and walked away with a brand new copy of Julie and Julia that I'll never watch as long as I live. VICTORY IS MINE JACKASSES I CANNOT STAND.

That is the third time I've had to argue with someone that works in the fucking Wal Mart electronics department, pretty much all the arguments are the exact same as well.
Lvl 6
When I have a headache that wont go away for over a day.
When it snows on hills so then you end up snowed in coz you can't get up the bloody hills, grrr. I'm okay for food and stuff, but really low on bog roll and I'm worried, lol. I don't want to be stuck in my house for over a week without toilet roll! AND my husband can't get to work coz of it, so that sucks too, lol. That's probably why I've got the headache that wont go away actually.
Lvl 28
I can't stand it when people group me in with other people that are doing dumb shit.

My friend recently got into some trouble for doing dumb shit, and just because I was there...people kept including me in the story "Friend and Honda were.." I was fucking standing there, minding mah own biz.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Honda_X

I can't stand it when people group me in with other people that are doing dumb shit.

My friend recently got into some trouble for doing dumb shit, and just because I was there...people kept including me in the story "Friend and Honda were.." I was fucking standing there, minding mah own biz.

I remember that...yeah, that was terrible.
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