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I Cannot Fucking Stand It When..

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 16 years ago Views: 25.9K
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Lvl 18
Originally posted by PSF


Yes, I am. Besides I think it looks kewl.

apparently you're one of these douchebags who has to spell everything wrong. Kewl? are you kidding me or are you 15?

I can't stand teenagers in this generation who insist on misspelling or shortening every word. They do it so much they have no clue how to actually spell anymore.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by davey45


Not everyone is trying to compensate. I am not on a diet and eat crappy food sometimes but I can't drink regular cola because sugary drinks upset my stomach. Otherwise I would prefer the regular. It tastes better.

Yeah, i'm sure it's the sugar in the soda, not the lumps of lard, cheese and doughy bread the size of a large Smurf village that's floating around your digestive tract in a slurry of grease.
Lvl 15
Originally posted by J-Swiss


apparently you're one of these douchebags who has to spell everything wrong. Kewl? are you kidding me or are you 15?

I can't stand teenagers in this generation who insist on misspelling or shortening every word. They do it so much they have no clue how to actually spell anymore.

You might consider decaf
Lvl 8
Originally posted by EricLindros


Yeah, i'm sure it's the sugar in the soda, not the lumps of lard, cheese and doughy bread the size of a large Smurf village that's floating around your digestive tract in a slurry of grease.

No, I'm sure it's the soda. If I drink a soda with carrot stick I'll still get an upset stomach. I'm sure if I ate fast food more than once a month I would probably not feel very good either. I'd also probably be a fat ass.

Another thing that pisses me off is when people assume things about me when they don't know me.
Lvl 13
I fucking hate when you're in the line at the grocery store and you're about to pay - then the next person in line comes right up in your personal space! So close he could accidentally slip his dick in your ass... I usually turn and ask "are we friends?", to which they generally say "I don't think so", to which I reply "THEN BACK THE FUCK OFF!"

I also hate the sound of crunching snow - it's like styrofoam, which I also hate.

I hate when the woman doesn't put out for a week and tries to make it out like I'm the one not giving it up!

I hate lazy fucking douchebags who expect the world to take care of them as if they were trophy wives; instead of the drugged out fucktards they really are.

I hate parents who say "Don't tell me how to raise my kids!" - well somebody needs to tell you how, you stupid fuckwit, because you are obviously failing miserably!

I hate homework. Period. If I'm taking your class - I should damn well be taught everything I need to know in the fucking classroom. I work, I don't have time for "home-work"!!!!!!!
Lvl 5
Originally posted by newnicknameguy

I hate lazy fucking douchebags....

...I hate homework. Period. If I'm taking your class - I should damn well be taught everything I need to know in the fucking classroom. I work, I don't have time for "home-work"!!!!!!!

Lvl 13
Originally posted by Bea_Arthur


[ Image ]

! Although my definition of lazy douchebag is someone who wants their friends, family, girlfriends to pay all their living expenses, whilst they make up excuses why they can't get a job, go to school, stop smoking grass, etc. Then they get mad when you tell them you don't have money to waste on them and scream at you that they just need help, etc.

As for the homework - it's simply a matter of time in the day. 24 hours isn't enough for all I need to accomplish...

"What are we doing today Brain?"

"The same thing we do every night Pinky, trying to take over... THE WORLD!"
Lvl 13
Oh yeah. I hate movies based on books where the movie doesn't follow the book. I can understand condensing material, but not so other scenes can be added.


Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince:

What the fuck was the point of them burning down The Burrow?!? That wasn't in the book and seems at odds with important scenes from The Deathly Hallows.

Listen Hollywood - If the original book did so well that you want to make a movie of it; make it right or leave it the fuck alone!
Lvl 11
I hate men who do not have boats.

Every single man should have a boat.
Lvl 8
Originally posted by Quaker_Dip

I hate men who do not have boats.

Every single man should have a boat.

LMAO. As a boater, I have to respectfully disagree though. Too many idiots on the water as it is. I enjoy boating to get away from city traffic and congested roadways. If the waterways were like the highways in Miami, I'd kill someone for sure.
Lvl 18
Well davey it all depends where you take your boat. If you go the popular lakes and stuff then yeah it's packed but there's plenty of isolated places in Florida. Shit we're covered in lakes that you can go where there's no people for miles. If you take girls to the secluded places it's a lot more fun anyway, girls becoming magically less inhibited when they are far far away from civilization.

Owning a boat sucks though, way too much work. Best bet is to just get some friends with a boat like I have. This way you get all the benefits of owning a boat without any of the pains in the ass.
Lvl 13
I also hate it when my brokerage service is offline and I watch a fucking wonderful arbitrage opportunity slip away. GET A FUCKING UPS!!
no modern realtime business should be poleaxed by a fucking power outage.
Lvl 18
I hate that I don't have a fuckin brokerage service to bitch about being offline cause I'm too fuckin broke!
Lvl 4
grammar - people who don't realize then and than have different meanings. people who use your instead of you're.(you know who you are) People who use "ur" to hide the fact that they don't know the difference.

people who would rather go 5 miles UNDER the speed limit than 5 miles OVER the speed limit.
Lvl 18
I must confess I have no clue when to use then or than I know all about the your, you're and the their, there, they're though.
Lvl 8
Originally posted by J-Swiss

Well davey it all depends where you take your boat. If you go the popular lakes and stuff then yeah it's packed but there's plenty of isolated places in Florida. Shit we're covered in lakes that you can go where there's no people for miles. If you take girls to the secluded places it's a lot more fun anyway, girls becoming magically less inhibited when they are far far away from civilization.

Owning a boat sucks though, way too much work. Best bet is to just get some friends with a boat like I have. This way you get all the benefits of owning a boat without any of the pains in the ass.

HA. That's what my friends tell me. It's cool though. I've been on boats my whole life and love it. There is a bit of work invovled but I do most repairs myself. I don't think I could afford a boat if I had to pay someone to do all the work.

One of the perks is definately getting girls to go skinny-dipping in some of the secluded coves and sandbars in the keys. Chicks do dig boats.
Lvl 37
the two best days for a boat owner, the day he buys and the day he sells it

I fucking can't stand it when I take that last swig of coffee and swallow a roach

I don't mind smoking that shit but I hate to drink a soggy roach
Lvl 19
Originally posted by Quaker_Dip

I hate men who do not have boats.
Every single man should have a boat.

i have a canoe, isn't that the same ?
Lvl 37
Another thing I cannot fucking stand is when I sit for days at the computer without bathing.

When I try to get up my butt sticks to the chair and...OH FUCK, this ain't the anonymous thread
Lvl 59
Tom McCarthy talking about a no-hitter in progress as the guy announcing the damn game. Everyone knows you don't talk about that shit. Fucking dick.

And as I type this, base hit. What an asshole.
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