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Who, that we know, do you hate?

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 16 years ago Views: 12.8K
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Lvl 28
Verne Troyer...or whoever Mini Me is.

That guy is an asshole. Also, midgets gross me out.
Lvl 59
Perez Hilton

For those not in the know, that's not really his name, he just co-opted Paris Hilton's name in an attempt to gain fame when he started his celebrity-gossip website. That alone should clue you in to how horrible of a waste of his parents' reproductive systems he is. To reiterate: In order to become famous, he took the name of PARIS HILTON, someone famous for - as far as I can tell - having a cross-eye, being a herpes-ridden moron, and fucking some guy on tape while whining the whole time and answering her phone. This is his inspiration for fame. It should speak volumes to his character.

Anyway, Perez is a big, fat (literally...look at that damn picture) attention whore who runs a website which has done tihngs like posted child porn and forcibly outed previously closeted gay celebrities. Well, I guess we could overlook such things if he were out curing cancer or inventing a longer lasting lightbulb or something, but he doesn't do that. The only 'use' he serves is to post celebrity gossip on the internet, and make sure to pimp himself while doing so. So, his existence is similar to a leech. Except, it gets worse, because leeches aren't hypocritical fuckfaces. Perez is. You see, in the wake of the Rutgers student who was filmed having gay sex and then killed himself because of it, Perez said, "I’m just beyond sad — I’m crushed. And also compelled to act (after seeing) gay bullying and (kids) being harassed in school because people might think that they’re gay."

But wait, remember that part above, where I mentioned he outs gay people and posts their shit on the internet? Yeah. He does that. Knowingly and on purpose - for his own personal and financial gain. In his own words: "If I have to drag some people screaming out of the closet, then I will."

Awesome bro. Way to really take a moral stand and not be a hypocritical opportunistic fuck who is a gargantuan shitbag. He's the reason physicists theorize about time travel. Because, I'm pretty sure that if anyone ever did manage to harness time travel, the first stop would be the hospital nursery where he was kept after his birth, where that intrepid time-traveler would better humanity by leaps and bounds by switching his formula with a bottle of napalm. If they had time and enough power left in the time-machine batteries, maybe afterward they could swing by Hitler's place and take him out too. But you definitely have to prioritize here.

And a secondary, "GO FUCK YOURSELF WITH A RUSTY YARD RAKE" out to people like Ryan Seacrest and MTV for promoting this walking human bag of scum and allowing him to perpetuate this shit.
^ Agreed. The word douchebag comes to mind whenever I think of Perez Hilton. I seriously don't know why anyone would spend more than 30 seconds to anything that comes out of his attention whore mouth.
Lvl 2
Piers morgan....with a vengeance...just a one time newspaper editor who started off in cheap British tabloid papers...and for the love of god has ended up being some kind of upper-class ,plum mouthed non entity .Why...what has he ever done??...what???

and i hear he is about to get even more high profile in America...please don't watch his just encourages him xxx
Lvl 6
Ryan Reynolds, and Dane Cook take em both out back shoot em and be done with it.
Lvl 10
The bitch that works at the closest store to my house, she always ID's me for cigarettes and i've been going there for 2 years!
Lvl 12
Idiots who have mice in the house, and want to be humane ... so they get a live trap to catch and release them.

I noticed there are a ton of morons out there while looking at mouse trap reviews on Amazon. Many of them also had no clue that if they released them in the backyard, they would return.

The House Mouse and Norway Rat are both invasive, disease carrying species. The only reason you should be using a live trap is to catch more than one at a time, then, either wait until they die or kill and dispose of them right away.

On a side note ... Only resort to poison if you have a really bad problem. They'll end up dying and rotting in your house somewhere. Another problem is secondary poisoning ... like Hawks or Owls which will eat the poisoned rodents.

Lol ... that fat dude is Perez Hilton ... I've never seen him before.
Lvl 29
Olivia Munn.
Lvl 18
Originally posted by faulty6six6

Olivia Munn.

Really? I want to fuck her too bad to hate her.

I'd say Perez Hilton, Sarah Palin and anyone who has been on MTV over the last 5 years.

And Sidney Crosby of the Pittsburgh Penguins cause fuck that guy.
Lvl 29
George Bush, Karl Rove, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Sara Palin
Lvl 28
Peggy Hill..

What a douche.
Lvl 28
Can We Please Stop Giving Miley Cyrus Money Now?

Hello, society. I've come to talk with you all about the very serious danger that is Miley Cyrus. This thread is an extension of the Lindros thread here: Removed...Now I'm just going to post this in that thread

..about how much I dislike Miley Cyrus.

Miley a person.

Now, I'm not going to call a multimillionaire stupid, because well, I'm not one....yet. Although once the site takes off, I'm sure Dizzy will be flying me around the world in the WBW private jet, but until then, I'm all normal dude kinda.

But....Miley Cyrus seems like a retard. I would say "normal teenage girl"..but she seems stupider than that. Every time I hear about Miley Cyrus I always look around kinda stunned, thinking "nobody is that stupid right?"

For instance, a few years back a few revealing pictures leaked out and there was some controversy about it, people were all "Not that sweet little Hanner Montanner?! She's just a kid, and she made a mistake....back off, haters, go hate...." etc. I thought "ehh, it was kinda stupid, but I guess you do make mistakes growing up, but..I bet you'll NEVER see her using another cell phone, lol.

Then she posted for that revealing photos....with her dad *banjo solo* and I was all "what the fuck? Really?" and everyone was all "That photographer should be rape murder deathed!!!!" and I was all "really, the photographer ripped her clothes off, she does have a dad..WHO WAS LITERALLY STANDING THERE." and then everyone again considered it just a little kid mistake. Fine, it's hard being a teenager girl, periods...I dunno, wearing heels looks annoying..etc. But I remember thinking "Oh hey, Honda...this is starting to look like a pattern."

Then recently she has started really pushing it, so she can break free from her wholesome roots, or you know...her fan base. My mom honestly believes she is a sweet innocent girl that grew up in a modest household.

SHES THE DAUGHTER OF BILLY RAY at the very least, she's always been rich, and the only reason she was ever Hannah Montana is because she was kinda funny as a kid, and her dad was well known...She's basically a douchebag, she's a female Spencer Pratt, only, at least Spencer Pratt is fucking trying, this girl is basically going out of her way to suck as hard as possible, and be a skank of Britney Spears proportions, and everyone is all " kids look up to her" and everyone just throws money at her.

Miley an artist.

First off...hahaahahhahfhfahfaha NO.

Listen to this all the way through.....


I'm not going to say her whole body of work is awful, she's had a couple catchy songs...but she's not overly talented as a singer. I mean, what's driving the level of fame here? Remember Britney Spears and "One More Time"? That song was catchy, and at the time, Britney Spears was pretty hot. So it made sense, here is a girl with a solid song, and she's pretty. Miley Cyrus makes mediocre songs, and ...she's basically average looking.

Her acting is so awful it's funny....I used to watch Hannah Montana occasionally due to how hilariawful it was, and how much it used to piss off my roommate. Even then I didn't care...until basically everywhere I looked in WalMart I had to see her stupid face. She's on everything, paper plates, scented candles...I'm surprised she hasn't endorsed her own special brand of extra large douches, it's basically the only thing she could endorse based on name recognition.

When I think of douches, I think of Miley Cyrus.

I'm again not saying she has not talent, I'm saying she's not talented enough for the level of fame she has...and despite the fact she's ...slightly talented, and somehow made it in the music business, instead of being all "sweet, I can't believe how blessed I am" She shit talks photographers and makes bird porn.


I mean, I've seen some cocky chicks in my day...girls who are so hot they think everyone should kiss their ass, but god damn, they're usually at least hot. If Miley Cyrus was an average girl, she would probably work a pet store and have lots of cats and keep a diary late into her 20's...

This isn't worth a thread, I lack the interest or time to do photoshop work and link basically.

With this recent vagina flashing and bong hitting. Miley Cyrus is a fucking douchetard. The majority of the kids that looked up to her as a role model are probably all fucked up.

She's insufferably annoying while high too, like...punch in the throat annoying.

Why do people keep giving this asshole money? At least Lindsay Lohan was kinda hot and has big jugs...

Miley Cyrus is just pissing me off right now, I don't know why.

She has a fucking like 17.

Entire book:

My dad was kinda famous, so I got a sweet deal on a TV show. Disney pimped me hard because it makes them money. Here I am.

I dunno, like I said...she just annoys me lately...every time I see her opening her stupid ass mouth it's either to sing a awful fucking song or say something retarded. Bah.

The end I guess. You guys missed out on "Miley a child" which was going to discuss how her mom banged Brett Michaels and how her dad CURRENTLY has a mullet.

Seriously, someone call everyone in the world and convince them to knock it the fuck off with giving her money and fame...also, those two Kardashian sisters, the less hot one, and the chewbacca one....they're stupidawful too.

I'll get the ball rolling by texting Lindros and Kanzen, the rest of your part. Stop her now, before she can have us all killed.
Lvl 13
Hate is a strong word BUT, I do dislike whom ever is approving some of the babe photos. I mean seriously, some of them are hideous and the voting confirms it.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Honda_X

Can We Please Stop Giving Miley Cyrus Money Now?

Hello, society. I've come to talk with you all about the very serious danger that is Miley Cyrus. This thread is an extension of the Lindros thread here: Removed...Now I'm just going to post this in that thread

..about how much I dislike Miley Cyrus.

Miley a person.

Now, I'm not going to call a multimillionaire stupid, because well, I'm not one....yet. Although once the site takes off, I'm sure Dizzy will be flying me around the world in the WBW private jet, but until then, I'm all normal dude kinda.

But....Miley Cyrus seems like a retard. I would say "normal teenage girl"..but she seems stupider than that. Every time I hear about Miley Cyrus I always look around kinda stunned, thinking "nobody is that stupid right?"

For instance, a few years back a few revealing pictures leaked out and there was some controversy about it, people were all "Not that sweet little Hanner Montanner?! She's just a kid, and she made a mistake....back off, haters, go hate...." etc. I thought "ehh, it was kinda stupid, but I guess you do make mistakes growing up, but..I bet you'll NEVER see her using another cell phone, lol.

Then she posted for that revealing photos....with her dad *banjo solo* and I was all "what the fuck? Really?" and everyone was all "That photographer should be rape murder deathed!!!!" and I was all "really, the photographer ripped her clothes off, she does have a dad..WHO WAS LITERALLY STANDING THERE." and then everyone again considered it just a little kid mistake. Fine, it's hard being a teenager girl, periods...I dunno, wearing heels looks annoying..etc. But I remember thinking "Oh hey, Honda...this is starting to look like a pattern."

Then recently she has started really pushing it, so she can break free from her wholesome roots, or you know...her fan base. My mom honestly believes she is a sweet innocent girl that grew up in a modest household.

SHES THE DAUGHTER OF BILLY RAY at the very least, she's always been rich, and the only reason she was ever Hannah Montana is because she was kinda funny as a kid, and her dad was well known...She's basically a douchebag, she's a female Spencer Pratt, only, at least Spencer Pratt is fucking trying, this girl is basically going out of her way to suck as hard as possible, and be a skank of Britney Spears proportions, and everyone is all " kids look up to her" and everyone just throws money at her.

Miley an artist.

First off...hahaahahhahfhfahfaha NO.

Listen to this all the way through.....


I'm not going to say her whole body of work is awful, she's had a couple catchy songs...but she's not overly talented as a singer. I mean, what's driving the level of fame here? Remember Britney Spears and "One More Time"? That song was catchy, and at the time, Britney Spears was pretty hot. So it made sense, here is a girl with a solid song, and she's pretty. Miley Cyrus makes mediocre songs, and ...she's basically average looking.

Her acting is so awful it's funny....I used to watch Hannah Montana occasionally due to how hilariawful it was, and how much it used to piss off my roommate. Even then I didn't care...until basically everywhere I looked in WalMart I had to see her stupid face. She's on everything, paper plates, scented candles...I'm surprised she hasn't endorsed her own special brand of extra large douches, it's basically the only thing she could endorse based on name recognition.

When I think of douches, I think of Miley Cyrus.

I'm again not saying she has not talent, I'm saying she's not talented enough for the level of fame she has...and despite the fact she's ...slightly talented, and somehow made it in the music business, instead of being all "sweet, I can't believe how blessed I am" She shit talks photographers and makes bird porn.


I mean, I've seen some cocky chicks in my day...girls who are so hot they think everyone should kiss their ass, but god damn, they're usually at least hot. If Miley Cyrus was an average girl, she would probably work a pet store and have lots of cats and keep a diary late into her 20's...

This isn't worth a thread, I lack the interest or time to do photoshop work and link basically.

With this recent vagina flashing and bong hitting. Miley Cyrus is a fucking douchetard. The majority of the kids that looked up to her as a role model are probably all fucked up.

She's insufferably annoying while high too, like...punch in the throat annoying.

Why do people keep giving this asshole money? At least Lindsay Lohan was kinda hot and has big jugs...

Miley Cyrus is just pissing me off right now, I don't know why.

She has a fucking like 17.

Entire book:

My dad was kinda famous, so I got a sweet deal on a TV show. Disney pimped me hard because it makes them money. Here I am.

I dunno, like I said...she just annoys me lately...every time I see her opening her stupid ass mouth it's either to sing a awful fucking song or say something retarded. Bah.

The end I guess. You guys missed out on "Miley a child" which was going to discuss how her mom banged Brett Michaels and how her dad CURRENTLY has a mullet.

Seriously, someone call everyone in the world and convince them to knock it the fuck off with giving her money and fame...also, those two Kardashian sisters, the less hot one, and the chewbacca one....they're stupidawful too.

I'll get the ball rolling by texting Lindros and Kanzen, the rest of your part. Stop her now, before she can have us all killed.

BTW, you forgot the part she has the voice of a 57 year old car-salesman who's smoked 19 packs of unfiltered Camels a day.
Lvl 28
Glad you liked that Dros.

Lvl 17
Miley Cyrus and Christina Aguilera.
i hate that Honda guy..
always sending me fucking txt messages when im in the middle of my wife..
or sleeping..

Lvl 59
...That Honda. He called me yesterday, but hung up because he was intimidated by my voice mail message.
give me his number..
im going to call him up and ask to speak to his mother..

to tell her off for raising a son like that!
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