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Who, that we know, do you hate?

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 16 years ago Views: 12.8K
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Lvl 11
ALRIGHT!!! WOo! good thread, anyways Ill have a long list, and I know Ill forget someone on here

Hilary Clinton, thats just fucking common sense.
David Archuletta, Something bout that kid makes me wanna break out into violence
Sandra Oh- Ugliest bitch in television history. And she has no personality. And something about her..... kill!
Sarah SiOk I have a LONG list and I know Ill miss a few....

lverman, NOT FUNNY! kinda cute, but thinks way too highly of herself.
Peyton Manning, He knocks my broncos out of the playoffs too often.
Lil Wayne, a few decent rhymes but mostly just talking, and its all played out, hell say the same exact thing in like 8 different songs.
Julia Roberts, Overrated homewrecker.
Robbin Williams, WAYYYYY Overrated, unfunny, played out, annoying "comedian"
Ben Stiller, plays the same fucking character in every movie!! Either become a real actor or give up you worthless scum.
Patton Oswold, funny when other people write his lines, but his stand up isnt real comedy, just obnoxious comments about people he wishes he could be.
Ellen Degen-something, Ok! We get it.... youre gay! NOBODY CARES!
Rosie Odonnel, Id rather have sex with the slime that grows on the bottom of stagnant ponds.
J.K. Rowling, Thanks for destroying an entire generation of normal kids, turning them into future rejects
Janine Garofollo, the most outspoken, least knowledgable bitch in the world.
the head of the writers union, for being directly responsible for bringing back reality tv when it was almost gone
Micheal Moore, I cant put into words how much I hate this lying,decieving fat piece of shit. Id probably say I hate him more than anybody......ever.....period
Madonna, Youre not cute. Youre old. Act your age. And youve always been ugly. Oh and youre not fucking british. You dont need to fake the accent.
Anna Nicole Smith, Good riddance. Trailer trash, at its most extreme.
Carson Daily, Why is he famous?
Sean Penn, Arrogant Self-righteous bastard, that takes himself too seriously, when he made what 2 movies that did well?
Kanye West, Try to blame some more of your problems on the white man you racist piece of shit. And how about we make a song that doesnt sample something? Oh and with a god-complex that rivals..... well... god, you are not 1% as good as you think you are.
Flava Flav, Ive had enough of you. Its time to go away. I dont understand why this guy is famous either. He wasnt even a rapper. He was a Hype-man. How the hell does an idiot Hype-man get famous? Theres retards out there more acceptable than this guy.
Tila Tequila, what has she offered anybody? I wouldnt touch that girl with a ten foot pole. Tits 4 sizes too big for her body, alien head, too many tats, ugly, and famous? At least Paris Hilton has a cd out, has some movies, and a clothing line as well as some other business deals. Whats with this tila girl? famous for being on myspace? are you serious? If I took a picture of every shit that I took and posted it on the internet could I be as famous as tila? I know Id have better pictures to beat off too than her....

Well thats enough for now. I cant think of anymore right now. And theres some people on there that I hate more than others.
Lvl 23
I hate Bill O'fucking Reilly.

Lvl 13
Lvl 8
george bush, george w bush, tony blair, the entire conservative party(uk politics sorry)

paris hilton, and every wannab posh tart thats got to much money and no brains, even if they have a good body.

the guys that wrote matrix revolutions (waste of film)

bill gates

people that drive land cruisers at 180Km/h, getting right up behind you and flash their light to get you out of the way even when there is a fucking massive lorry in the next lane that you can't overtake because of some stupid pleb in another land cruiser that thinks it's ok to drive in the fast lane at 80Km/H just because they have a fucking land cruiser. burn the fucking lot of them i say.

oh and people that always use a credit card even if the bill is only a few quid.

sorry about the last two but they really get on my nerves.
Lvl 13
dr phil


paris hillton

and 1post REQ threads nOObs
Lvl 29
Maury Povich....misery pimp to the extreme and he tries to convince you that he is a real journalist.
"Tammy was born without a face, arms or leg and has been called horrible names by her schoolmates so let's bring Tammy out and parade her around for all you to see." At least Jerry Springer admits his show is shit.

Anne Coulter: I want to smash her in the mouth with a lamp, demolish her "dirty button" and then force her to watch every single Michael Moore film over and over again.
Lvl 43
Oh man, where to start....

Paris Hilton- Hot body but thats where it ends for her.
The I.R.S.- When ya owe em money, they want it RIGHT NOW!!...but if they owe you...don't expect it for 6 mos. or longer.
Cashier at the store- When ya get to the checkout, they look at you and getup like "oh man, I gotta do my job"...
Pedophiles and Rapists- Taking without asking...thieves and a waste of space on the earth.
Ron Jeremy- The "Hedgehog of Love"...Ugliest motherfucker with a huge cock..I should have been so blessed ...

thats a good start
Lvl 18
Originally posted by Dr.Phil

Tyra Banks, such a wannabe!

^^^^ I hate that guy. Damn some Dr Phil. He's the only male feminist on the planet.

Lvl 59
Tila Fucking Tequila

She is one of the dumbest, ugliest, attention-whores I've ever seen. Not only is she a dirty dirty trollop, but she somehow manages to get legions of "fans" who want to engage in highly-dangerous activities with her, like kissing. There is a bird that lives in the woods by my house who deserves a television show more than this broad. She needs to douche with a bucket of acid.
Lvl 13
Originally posted by EricLindros

Tila Fucking Tequila

[ Image ]

She is one of the dumbest, ugliest, attention-whores I've ever seen. Not only is she a dirty dirty trollop, but she somehow manages to get legions of "fans" who want to engage in highly-dangerous activities with her, like kissing. There is a bird that lives in the woods by my house who deserves a television show more than this broad. She needs to douche with a bucket of acid.

sooooooooo i take it you really hate this girl
Lvl 24
Originally posted by rainbowdemon


I have to admit to being a closet "Sex And The City" watcher a few years beck!!

You just can't do anything right, can you?
Lvl 32
Originally posted by EricLindros

Tila Fucking Tequila

[ Image ]

She is one of the dumbest, ugliest, attention-whores I've ever seen. Not only is she a dirty dirty trollop, but she somehow manages to get legions of "fans" who want to engage in highly-dangerous activities with her, like kissing. There is a bird that lives in the woods by my house who deserves a television show more than this broad. She needs to douche with a bucket of acid.

You couldn't have said it better I 100% agree!
Lvl 59
Nancy Grace

For those not in the know, Nancy here has a talk/news show on CNN. During this show she berates a good percentage of her guests, talks over others, makes fucked up faces, and generally acts like a 7th grader hosting a television show. She is the special combination of idiotic, arrogant and loud. What a treat. I've never seen more than nine seconds of one of her shows while changing channels, however, that time is enough to show me there is no God. This woman is so atrocious she actually drove a guest to suicide after accusing her of kidnapping her own child.

She has zero redeeming qualities. In fact, I don't think it was the accusation of kidnapping that drove that lady to suicide, I think she went home, watched the show she was on for 5 minutes and couldn't take any more of Nancy's smarmy, know-it-all, douchbaggery. If I had to choose between watching one full Nancy Grace show (I don't know if it's an hour or a half hour, and it doesn't really matter) and being fisted by Andre the Giant then impaled on splinter-laden telephone pole, I choose Andre and the big wooden stick.
Lvl 7
Originally posted by Honda_X

I agree, Tyra Banks is fucking annoying, I don't even know how people can bare to watch any of her piece of shit shows..I'd rather feed my nuts through a meat grinder....Or full-sex with NG.

I hate....HATE Sarah Jessica Parker. Everytime I see her stupid disgusting self on television I get angry..because that cow has tons of fucking money, looks like some sort of sea monster..and makes money from talking about sex. The last thing I want to associate with Sarah Jessica Parker is sex....she's fucking disgusting, only fat chicks like her show...and shes a shitty actress. I hope deep down..she gets cancer. I hope she doesn't die from it, just gets kinda sick for awhile, but it gets her out of acting, and she decides to spend more time with her I no-longer have to see her hideous excuse for a face anymore.

Holy shit, I hate Sarah Jessica Parker too. Just the way she looks makes me want to hammer her knuckles. Although, and I know it was a joke, wishing cancer on someone isn't something I will do. I've had it. You never want it. And I am in my 20's.
Lvl 7
Originally posted by EricLindros

Spencer Pratt.

Most sane people (ie. People who don't watch the MTV show "The Hills" ) won't know who the fuck he is, and they should consider themselves blessed. He pops up on websites and TV shows that I watch now and again, and he puts me on life tilt every time I see his dumb fucking ass. He's the goddamn Emperor of Douchebaggeryland.

He needs to be anally raped by a bullet train and then have someone burn off that chia-pet flesh colored, prepubescent "beard" he has.

Yeah, pose for some more staged fucking paparazzi pictures, human zero. Does it get weaker than that? Staged paparazzi photos. Fuck off, you fucking nobody.

[ Image ]

He fucking dies his facial hair. Hopefully with semen.

Have you seen his new commercial on MTV? I want to set him on fire.
Lvl 7
Originally posted by EricLindros

Tila Fucking Tequila

[ Image ]

She is one of the dumbest, ugliest, attention-whores I've ever seen. Not only is she a dirty dirty trollop, but she somehow manages to get legions of "fans" who want to engage in highly-dangerous activities with her, like kissing. There is a bird that lives in the woods by my house who deserves a television show more than this broad. She needs to douche with a bucket of acid.

Blasphemy! I am fucking dissapointed in you EricLindros. You hang your head in shame...

You know you would hate fuck the shit out of her!
Lvl 18
eric are you angry?
Lvl 16
Ashly Simpson.. she is a no talent nasty skank.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Mr.Poop

eric are you angry?

What would make you ask that?


Kathy Lee: Reeeeeeeeeeeg! That's so neat. You know, I have a fucknozzle family that I always talk about. My little dirty satan-spawn children, I love them. Not them, really, but their ability to allow me to tout my motherly traits to every stupid housewife sap who's too stupid to realize I'm a vapid attention whore.


Kathy Lee: Look at my huge fake smile! Look at it you filthy television viewers! You should be bowing down to me! My talent and humility are awe-inspiring! KISS MY FEET!

Regis: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! OK!!!!!!!!!!

Kathy Lee: You know, reeeeeg, my husband didn't cheat on me with hookers because I'm a dirty fucking waste of human skin, he did it because my vagina is just too good for his eight-thousand year old pecker.


Kathy Lee: Ok, REEEEEEG. Hi, who is this?

caller: This is little sally. I'm 9 years old. Mommy told me to hold the phone while she does something even more stupid than watch your show.

Kathy Lee: Little Sally, do you like to travel?

caller: Yes

Kathy Lee: Great! I've got a plane ticket to Vietnam here for you! An all expense paid one-way trip. All you have to do to get it is agree to sew buttons on blouses for my clothing line for 17 hours a day at a pay-rate of twelve cents and a bag of peanuts per week!

Lvl 16
Originally posted by EricLindros


Me: [ Image ]

Can we add this smiley to the list?? It is so perfect, for situations like you just showed..
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