Let's make the Official City of WBW the biggest on that website
Check this link to see what the city needs http://wbw.myminicity.com/xml
Increase population http://wbw.myminicity.com
Increase industry http://wbw.myminicity.com/ind
Improve the transport network http://wbw.myminicity.com/tra
Increase security http://wbw.myminicity.com/sec
Improve environment http://wbw.myminicity.com/env
Increase business http://wbw.myminicity.com/com

I found the old thread while searching for threads for the new Lounge sticky, the city is still there, it just needs traffic.
Original thread:
Check this link to see what the city needs http://wbw.myminicity.com/xml
Increase population http://wbw.myminicity.com
Increase industry http://wbw.myminicity.com/ind
Improve the transport network http://wbw.myminicity.com/tra
Increase security http://wbw.myminicity.com/sec
Improve environment http://wbw.myminicity.com/env
Increase business http://wbw.myminicity.com/com

I found the old thread while searching for threads for the new Lounge sticky, the city is still there, it just needs traffic.
Original thread: