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WBW City...

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 14 years ago Views: 41.8K
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Lvl 9
Added a park, need some security or transportation
Lvl 53
Added more cops to the city.
Lvl 37
More busses to haul asses
Lvl 28
Lvl 9
Lvl 53
One more citizen arrived today
Lvl 9
More security

Lvl 7
How do you do this ?
Lvl 37
More transportation
Lvl 22
Do they need a cabbie? (looking for work)
Lvl 9
Need more transportation and security.
Lvl 28
Lvl 28
I think that's a pretty good idea by the way...

If you see the city needs something, just add the link in your post..

I'll keep my sig updated though.
Lvl 22
added some business
Lvl 9
Added more cops, need transportation or security.

Improve the transport network http://wbw.[blacklisted].com/tra

Increase security http://wbw.[blacklisted].com/sec
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 37
Originally posted by webbie1

Added more cops, need transportation or security.

Improve the transport network http://wbw.[blacklisted].com/tra

Increase security http://wbw.[blacklisted].com/sec

Let me help you with this. Non-Crew are Blacklisted for these links.

Improve the transport network

Increase security
Lvl 53
Lvl 9
Zoom Zoom
Lvl 37
More Transportation added. Still need n more transportation and security.

Improve the transport network

Increase security
Lvl 37
Same conditions as yesterday.

Improve the transport network

Increase security
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