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WBW City...

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 15 years ago Views: 41.9K
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Lvl 38
Clicked on population because it was first...

We need security, Transport and industry
Lvl 28
Industry is coming at ya..Town.
Lvl 37
Lvl 38
Added to police
Lvl 28
Which one do I click to declare nuclear war on a surrounding town? I want to nuke some fuckers.
Lvl 22
? no habla intrenETS !
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Punly

Which one do I click to declare nuclear war on a surrounding town? I want to nuke some fuckers.

Just put on a ski mask and light some fires dude..

It's the classy choice.
Lvl 37
Lvl 38
Brought in some more police
Lvl 28
I'm going to bring in some cops also.
Lvl 37

Lvl 38
More police for those hookers
Lvl 54
Improved the transport network
Lvl 20
Originally posted by Honda_X

I'm going to bring in some cops also.

You guys bring too many cops and I'll have to move to another city. Cops aren't real fond of me.
Lvl 28
That's because you're always getting jiggy with it.

..or whatever it is the guys with the pot smoking do. You jiggy down guy.
Lvl 18
18 February: New shops have been opened in the city center.

I figured we needed some more bidness.
Lvl 20
Originally posted by Honda_X

That's because you're always getting jiggy with it.

..or whatever it is the guys with the pot smoking do. You jiggy down guy.

na na na na na-na gettin jiggy wit it.
Lvl 28
Will Smith doesn't have to cuss to sell records.

Use him as an example, you jiggy guy.
Lvl 37
More shops for the hookers and cops!

Lvl 28
Holy shit, that random jpg actually made me lol...
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