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The WBW NEWS forum

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 10 years ago Views: 17.3K
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Originally posted by Davey45
Just when I think I can't bash Miami any more, they go and....TOTALLY REDEEM THEMSELVES!

Pffft...they're only 15th preppiest. Losers.
Lvl 110
Originally posted by Sugarpie

Slut shaming much?

Now, I'm not into the whole almost incest thing, in my opinion its fucking gross...however, I have no problem with a mother supporting her daughter if she wants to get into porn. The daughter is 22 years old and can make her own choices. And who are you to say its a poor life? I know several girls in the sex industry (porn and/or web camming) and they're awesome well adjusted people; they pay their taxes, they make charitable contributions, they're your next door neighbour, they're students, they're people...just like you and I.

you're right as usual !!!!!!!!!!
Lvl 19
How about this ? Makes sense to me.
Originally posted by F1098
How about this ? Makes sense to me.


Yeah, its kind of being viewed as a non issue here to be honest. Prostitution hasn't been illegal in Canada for many many years, its always been solicitation thats been illegal, so its not the sex worker that gets arrested, its the customer that gets charged. Now, apparently street solicitation will no longer be illegal, so we'll see what happens. They have been working around the law for eons by placing an ad in a newspaper or online advertising "companionship dates" but everyone knows its for prostitution. So maybe now the hookers will save some money on advertising.
Lvl 59
The year is now 2014, we've put a man on the moon and have rovers on Mars, but physicists still don't know why bicycles stay upright:
Originally posted by EricLindros
The year is now 2014, we've put a man on the moon and have rovers on Mars, but physicists still don't know why bicycles stay upright:[Link]

But seriously...weird. If it isn't gyroscopic force...what is it? Are those chaps who did the experiment disproving gyroscopic force sure they had their calculations right?
Lvl 8
Attacking your wife with a banana? Yay, Florida!
This isn't really "news" but I had to post it...I mean...once you read it you'll understand why I had to post it.

NSFW work pics here and here

Lvl 59
I bet he sits down to pee.
he said he pees out of both.

my question would have to be...why is one circumcised and the other isn't? Like...didn't the doctor have time to do the other...could his parents only afford one? What gives?
Lvl 70
Originally posted by Sugarpie
he said he pees out of both.

my question would have to be...why is one circumcised and the other isn't? Like...didn't the doctor have time to do the other...could his parents only afford one? What gives?

It's not. Look at the first pic, they both aren't circumcised.
He just rolled up the skin of one like you would to clean it or when you have a hard on.
Originally posted by omuh
It's not. Look at the first pic, they both aren't circumcised.
He just rolled up the skin of one like you would to clean it or when you have a hard on.

I don't know these things...I don't know how you guys walk around with those weird things....let alone two of them.
F1098 finds this awesome.
Lvl 20
Originally posted by Sugarpie

I don't know these things...I don't know how you guys walk around with those weird things....let alone two of them.

It's innate. We actually use them for balance. Like these guys:
Cheetahs use their penis for balance? What do girl cheetahs do?
Lvl 25
Flop over ineffectively.
DEMO, jenngurl23 find this awesome.
Lvl 59
Lvl 27
More nOOdies of Lindsay
Just what the world needs...more nudes of crackhead Lilo.

Lvl 24
Couple tortures 13 year old for a year

Holy shit son, that's some of the worst stuff I've heard in a while.
Lvl 11
I'm really sad that I read that. I can't even think of a punishment that properly suits that crime. So sad and sick and blah
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