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ten tiny true stories about my life

Starter: Mr.Poop Posted: 16 years ago Views: 9.2K
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Lvl 24
1. I hate grass. It's one of the most ridiculous things ever.

2. I hate physical contact. It bugs the hell out of me when people want a hug.

3. I've received a "Cease and Desist" letter from the Department of Justice and one of the largest internet security firms when I was about 12 for certain operations.

4. Been in a sword fight in the Czech Republic. The "appointed" town mayor apparently didn't like how I addressed him. No one was hurt, and it ended in the basement of his tavern, then I went upstairs and had bread dumplings and beef gravy.

5. I've stolen sacred rocks from the Catholic church while in the Czech Republic, and have tried to smuggle cocaine from Mexico, but was unable to.

6. I don't trust girls, well I do, but yeah. They're fine as friends, and I love having girls as friends, but I don't like the ...influence they have while in a relationship.

7. I've had an article on methods to harness hydrogen energy published.

8. I'm learning Russian because I used to be friends with Russian twins (who were models ) and I enjoyed their stories so much that I want to experience them first hand. (I asked so many that I figure our friendship ended because of all the questions I asked about them, Russian history, and Russian culture. Among other things, I learned that New Year's is (apparently) wicked awesome in Russia and want to experience that sometime.)

9. I don't avoid pain (I don't prefer it either). There are a lot of things in life that are painful, so I feel that one should deal with life itself, and embrace the experiences involved.

10. Umm... I giggled hysterically while a stripper was looking at me while playing with herself.
Lvl 11
Originally posted by Bangledesh

1. I hate grass. It's one of the most ridiculous things ever.

Tell that to a cow.
Lvl 18
Originally posted by Stereotype

4) I own nearly 1200 books and close to 3000 comic books.

wow i thought i was a badass cause i owned 645

comic books that is
* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
Lvl 7
Originally posted by Stereotype

6) That relationship lasted 6 months and was a pure S&M relationship with virtually no actual sex.

Yeah, in Texas we just call that domestic abuse.
Lvl 18
Lvl 20
1. I used to have a private pilot's license, and enjoyed it. I was afraid to fly with passengers however, which took the fun out of it so I stopped. It's also reaaaaally expensive.

2. I won the college jeopardy tournament on my campus (not nation-wide, just on my campus). I won by such a landslide that next year they made me Emcee so I couldn't play.

3. I have been arrested at least 6 times.

4. I have a GED. I also have a high school diploma. I also have two bachelor's degrees.

5. I served in Desert Storm.

6. I used to be fluent and literate in Arabic. I am not any more.

7. I have been proposed to three times. I said yes once - meant it zero.

8. I have only ever cheated on one girlfriend, my first one, and will never do so again.

9. I own a piano that I cannot play for shit because I haven't ever gotten around to getting the actual lessons (it's a money issue).

10. I love riddles.
Lvl 18
riddles are fun
Originally posted by DaveWa


Tell that to a cow.

Lvl 18
Originally posted by Cooper.


so that the cow would know that
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