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Tattoos: What's the deal?

Starter: sookyjumps Posted: 14 years ago Views: 6.8K
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Lvl 16


  • love em

    46.51% (80)

  • who cares

    27.91% (48)

  • hate em

    25.58% (44)

Votes: 172
This is just to satisfy my sociological curiosity so please humor me if you will.

I've noticed a trend here at WBW regarding women who have tattoos ranging from tramp stamps to near full body coverage. It appears that many pics that feature these women almost always draw at least one negative comment about how someone dislikes them. Now people are entitled to their opinions and I encourage you to express them as this is what makes this site so great. However I've seen plenty of less than stellar posts that feature "homely" women, to put it nicely, and rarely do they draw any negative comments. I've done my research and the fake boobs or "thick" chicks debate pales in comparison. When someone posts a tattooed chick people seem to come out of the woodwork, people that hardly ever post will post just to comment on how much they don't like it.

So my question is what gives?

I don't really care if you don't like tattoos that's your choice, I'm just curious as to why. More importantly what compels you to express your opinion regarding tattoos. Now I assume since this is largely a porn site that there isn't a ton of ultra-conservative, cheese sandwich eating, polo-playing, yuppies here so there must be a reason. I mean I love tattoos but I'm also sort of white trash and ghetto so it just comes with the territory.

So what's your story?
Lvl 14
hate them, they are trashy, low class, and look nasty. Why ruin one of the most beautiful things on this earth (a woman's body) with one of the nastiest things possible?? It is like letting a 2 year old draw crayon on a Picasso
Lvl 27
It all depends on the girl, the tat, and the placement, some can make a girl hot as hell, yet others can completely detract from the beauty of the woman...
Lvl 16
Originally posted by thegame14

hate them, they are trashy, low class, and look nasty. Why ruin one of the most beautiful things on this earth (a woman's body) with one of the nastiest things possible?? It is like letting a 2 year old draw crayon on a Picasso

So is it safe to say that you find these pics disgusting? They aren't tattoos but they encompass everything you are saying.

Originally posted by Demonicmale

It all depends on the girl, the tat, and the placement, some can make a girl hot as hell, yet others can completely detract from the beauty of the woman...

So good tattoos are hot but bad, prison tattoos not so much.
Lvl 14
that is paint which comes off, not ink that is there forever
Lvl 59
In my younger days (like 3+ years ago) I used to pretty much despise tattoos on chicks.

But then, I was dating this chick who really liked them, and, you know what, it turns out that I didn't care so much about silly little drawings on her because they're totally irrelevant and in no way shape the person who is displaying them.

IMO, after some reflection upon the issue, I think it's actually pretty trashy, low-class and nasty to judge a person solely upon the modifications upon their body rather than the content of their character (and the shape of their body, which doesn't change when some tattoo artist colors on it)

(BTW, if you couldn't figure it out, I voted....

Lvl 28
Meh, I dislike tattoos on chick.

I generally regard them to be more like...sheeple trend followers, tramps or rednecks.

I do kinda like the ones that have some meaning, like if a chick had a tattoo of her dead brothers name or something on her arm, that wouldn't bug me, like, if it has a deeper meaning than just a random picture on skin. But like 94% of women have a fucking butterfly, heart or rose tattooed on them somewhere for no damn reason, I dislike it.

But, that's just my opinion, I'm sure lots of guys think they are teh sex.

Just like those asshole guys with that stupid barb wire around the bicep. If you're reading this, bicep tattoo're ridiculous and I lol at you.

Edit: I'm Lindros 3 years ago.

(although I also voted who cares, since it wouldn't be a deal breaker with a chick, since most of them have them and such, I just don't like them)
Lvl 16
Originally posted by thegame14

that is paint which comes off, not ink that is there forever

So it's a matter of permanence? Why do you care, you don't see these women on a regular basis, you just point, click, observe, and go about your business just like the bodypaint models. I'm not trying to bust your balls, like I said before I'm just curious and looking for a little friendly debate. Thanks for posting by the way.
Lvl 14
everyone is entitled to their opinion and how they feel, to me paint is artistic, tattoo is white trash or whorish
Lvl 30
For the women, unless they are done nicely, I take offence to them., Like take this, I like:

but this: ?

and as for Amy Winehouse:

form your own opinion.

* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 16
@Lindros I know what you mean fuckin PO-lice always be harassin me cause I got tats, wtf?

@Honda speaking of barbed wire armbands. Two replies with one pic BOOYAA!

@Sydney The hello kitty tats in the second pic are photoshopped, but I get the point and agree with you.

Originally posted by Demonicmale

It all depends on the girl, the tat, and the placement, some can make a girl hot as hell, yet others can completely detract from the beauty of the woman...
I agree
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Honda_X

(although I also voted who cares, since it wouldn't be a deal breaker with a chick, since most of them have them and such, I just don't like them)

yeah, that was pretty much me three years ago too...I would always say that I would prefer a chick without them, but I'd take a hot chick with them over a better-than-mediocre chick without tattoos.

Like, teh only time it would really matter was if I had a choice between twin sisters, and one had tats and the other didn't. But that situation hasn't ever come up yet, so until it does I've yet to choose a chick because of her body ink.
Lvl 26
Originally posted by thegame14

everyone is entitled to their opinion and how they feel, to me paint is artistic, tattoo is white trash or whorish

Does this only apply to women? and if so, why?
I have lots of tattoos, do this make me "whorish"?
To me white trash is hillbilly or someone who's dirty or missing teeth not someone who does something different to their body and besides tattoos aren't something anyone can consider "different" anymore.

Great thread by the way. I personally love tattoos on women but like most on here, they have tasteful. I hate big clusters of shit that you can't even make out what it is.
Lvl 16
Originally posted by childsplay


Does this only apply to women? and if so, why?
I have lots of tattoos, do this make me "whorish"?
To me white trash is hillbilly or someone who's dirty or missing teeth not someone who does something different to their body and besides tattoos aren't something anyone can consider "different" anymore.

Great thread by the way. I personally love tattoos on women but like most on here, they have tasteful. I hate big clusters of shit that you can't even make out what it is.

My point exactly I just want to know why. I understand that some people think tattoos are nasty and trashy but WHY?

If you say "I don't like hamburgers" and I ask why, your answer shouldn't be "because hamburgers are nasty" I hate when people do that, I mean is a little elaboration too much to ask?
Lvl 59
Originally posted by sookyjumps

I hate when people do that, I mean is a little elaboration too much to ask?

Yes, because when you start to ask people to quantify their emotional reactions to things, you're going to run into overly subjective and logically indefensible arguments.

Lvl 20
Fundamentally speaking, a girl who is homely or ill-proportioned can be presumed to be that way because that's the way they were made.

A girl with tattoos did that by choice.

It seriously pisses me off when an otherwise cute girl ruins the effect by having Mickey fucking Mouse tattooed someplace that ruins the aesthetic.
Lvl 11
Look over there

'nuff said.
Lvl 38
Originally posted by Honda_X

Just like those asshole guys with that stupid barb wire around the bicep. If you're reading this, bicep tattoo're ridiculous and I lol at you.


On topic the right tattoo on the right gal can be hot a s hell...I agree with what others have been saying with the same generic tramp stamp can just ruin a girl to look at.
Voted who cares fwiw.
Lvl 6
I'm not really a fan, people change and grow. This includes growing out of there tats physically (they look stupid when you get old and fat) and meantally.

But in saying that it really is a case by case basis.
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