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Seriously, LISTEN up!

Starter: ObsoleteRealism Posted: 19 years ago Views: 16.9K
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Lvl 44
Ok so heres the thing, I was reading some posts here and there about how people on WBW are getting lazy, this is a more recent issue, seems alot of the members prefer to leech or lurk instead of simply saying thank you to the posters.

Some have said it is in fear of getting bashed or saying the same thing someone before you said, who cares, if you can come up with nothing better simply hit "quote" and type "DITTO", I have talked to a few of the posters in the NPB's forum and alot of them have noticed this as well.

I know there is alot of material being posted and consistantly, even alot by me. So whats up with people not being able to say "Nice thanks" or "hope to see more", we are people who enjoy bringing content to WBW and the member that appriciate it.

What it's comeing down to is many people are getting bored posting, I do it so people will enjoy as do many others, if we don't see that people are enjoying then it becomes pointless, it this just a matter of being lazy or is there something bigger going on?

Hope to see things pick up in the NPB's forum or I will just drop my picture sharing and move to the lounge, remember this, it's not just me... many of us are getting bored for doing all we can to try to make the members happy...

As Is OR

* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 18
This has been a complaint for as long as i can remember.. I fully agree with you.. people that are enjoying your posts.... should say somthing...anything... people seem to like to find thi9ngs to complain about... likle she's ugly or fat or somthing...

I really hope this changes.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 44
Originally posted by bachiotomy

This has been a complaint for as long as i can remember.. I fully agree with you.. people that are enjoying your posts.... should say somthing...anything... people seem to like to find thi9ngs to complain about... likle she's ugly or fat or somthing...

I really hope this changes.

Me to... if it doesn't change before I hit like 10,000 posts my new home will be the Lounge

On top of which honeslty for the longest time alot of members would give compliments to the posters, I would always try be the 1st to post a reply and soon as I cliked send I would end up like the 5 response, those are the days I hope for again...
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 11
A lot of people here haven't figured out that some really cool people hang out here and contribute some pretty amazing things a compliment is always appreciated and from time to time a complaint is going to come accross but we can't always make eveyone happy, nor should we try. The best thing to do is learn the site by reading the stickies and if you don't understand ask and then contribute to make this one of the BEST DAMN SITES THERE IS.

It all starts with communication, People get tried or going unnoticed or unappreciated and besides everytime you contribute to a thread makes it more sucessful. I know I am still learning but have made several great friends here by making comments about there post and lets all face it we can never have to many friends.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 24
yeah man, this gets talked about a lot. but WBW tends to run in cycles, so things should pick up shortly.

unless everyone has converted to spamming leechers, instead of just lazy...
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 44
Originally posted by wonderboy2255

A lot of people here haven't figured out that some really cool people hang out here and contribute some pretty amazing things a compliment is always appreciated and from time to time a complaint is going to come accross but we can't always make eveyone happy, nor should we try. The best thing to do is learn the site by reading the stickies if don't understand ask and then contribute to make the one of the BEST DAMN SITES THERE IS.

It all starts with communication, People get tried or going unnoticed or unappreciated and besides everytime you contribute to a thread makes it more sucessful. I know I am still learning but have made several great friends here by making comments about there post and lets all face it we can never have to many friends.

See what I think some of it is, alot of people (myself included) get wrapped up in their own posts and forget to check out the posts of others and when they do they always look @ the recent posts instead of all they can view.

I have caught myself doing this plenty of times, what I try to do it get all the posts out for the day that I wanted to then go back and see what other people have posted, I grant you I don't always give a compliment but I assure you I try my best even If the content posted isn't to my personal liking.

We know who posts on every forum, we know the content that they post and the threads themselves are getting the views but no one wants to take the MAX 13 seconds to say... "Thanks!", I know I get wrapped up but I try to find the time, if more and more people don't find the time, posting will get boring.

People think because we post the porn that we LOVE to look @ it, I post the material for the members of WBW, not for myself, thats why I look @ everyone elses posts and let them know when they do a good job. Eventually you get tired of posting porn but I will never get tired of supplying it

We @ the NPB's | FB | NNPB's | WTG? all have various material to post, and most of the time every poster has a different stlye, a type of material that he/she prefers, I try to do a bit of everything but one of my favorite posters for the NPB's forum is "Mistral" I don't think I thank mistral enough for the GREAT posts.

Thats not the only one, there are many amongst the ranks and I thank you here and I will do my personal best to get out there and better thank y'all in the thread(s), lets get the forums back in motion, give the credit where the thanks are do!

As Is OR
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 28
I agree. Finding good quality pics takes time. Getting them sorted into sets to post takes time, and the uploading them to pic servers and sharing them here takes time too. If members are just going get what they want and be on their way, that's fine. It's not like we're saying you have to go find pics and post them here; just say thanks nice pics.

On a side note, to all the leachers that don't speak up and say anything, if this is because you think you're going to get bashed, post anyway. As long as you don't leave a comment like. "She's an gly fat b*tch", don't worry about what other members say. If you find what they say offensive, or threatening, ask a mod to remove it.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 16
My problem is that coming in so recently, I find most of what I have has already been posted and I hate reposting bunches. One or two in a set of 50 or so is fine but when 80% or more of what I have to post would be a repost I just drop it.

That being said, I really do appreciate the posts you and others place here and when I have stuff to add I do.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 24
there we go.

thread cleaned.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 11
why bother listening to opinions in a rant thread.

the truth stands. you post pictures to share, then get angry when people don't say thanks? come on. what do you have to earn other than cool guy points for someone saying "hi, thanks"

don't delete this post bangle. you know i'm right.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 44
Originally posted by can'tstaybanned

why bother listening to opinions in a rant thread.

the truth stands. you post pictures to share, then get angry when people don't say thanks? come on. what do you have to earn other than cool guy points for someone saying "hi, thanks"

don't delete this post bangle. you know i'm right.

If you have another account to which you contribute more then mindless banter, then I apologize, if you do not and this is your only account, then I will listen and agree with what you say when you post as much as most of us and get no "good job for your hard work" and can turn around and feel the same way.

* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 16
I love those who say it is a free site while bashing people who are actually paying for memberships, thereby allowing them to enjoy the "freeness" of the site.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 51
i'm agree with you, that´s why i don´t post more like i did past months ago.... this site needs a clean up to eliminate leech people...

* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 11
or maybe i had a few that have been banned, ergo the name. --

bottom line is, you are posting under the guise that you like sharing, then get angry when you don't get back, go into sales or something, so you can make commissions and "thank you" isn't as important. it all seems sort of whiny, you post to share, then get angry that people take what you give....kinda defeats the purpose of giving it in the first place.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 24
i'll delete what i want.

and its not about "cool guy points" "points" or anything else none contributers would know.

is gratitude really lost on you all?

edit- unnecessary comment removed.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 44
Originally posted by mistral

i'm agree with you, that´s why i don´t post more like i did past months ago.... this site needs a clean up to eliminate leech people...

Make NPB's "sponsor" & contributors only
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 11
bangle, quit being a tool. whether or not you agree you can't just delete posts for no reason.

everyone gets all in tizzy when people look at porn they posted. i could find most of these galleries in 15 minutes or less. why should i thank some guy for going on wild cherries and posting hotlinkable galleries i saw 3 times on different sites? --

gratitude isn't lost, i still thank anyone who posts quality material, but it's all re's now.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 44
And I have no problem with lurkers, there are ones here that have been here since the begining, I just hate to see subjects lost do to inactivity, no one really bothers to look @ anything other then "most recent" posts.. I try to... Found some of the best material that way
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 51
Originally posted by ObsoleteRealism

i'm agree with you, that´s why i don´t post more like i did past months ago.... this site needs a clean up to eliminate leech people...

Make NPB's "sponsor" & contributors only

that´s would be nice.... but who cares what we think...
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 24
the fact is, they're posting stuff a lot of the members havent seen. just because some members have more time to do nothing but look at porn doesnt change that. you should then post original material instead of whining.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
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