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Seriously, LISTEN up!

Starter: ObsoleteRealism Posted: 19 years ago Views: 16.9K
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Lvl 15
Originally posted by ObsoleteRealism

Ok so heres the thing, I was reading some posts here and there about how people on WBW are getting lazy, this is a more recent issue, seems alot of the members prefer to leech or lurk instead of simply saying thank you to the posters.

Some have said it is in fear of getting bashed or saying the same thing someone before you said, who cares, if you can come up with nothing better simply hit "quote" and type "DITTO", I have talked to a few of the posters in the NPB's forum and alot of them have noticed this as well.

I know there is alot of material being posted and consistantly, even alot by me. So whats up with people not being able to say "Nice thanks" or "hope to see more", we are people who enjoy bringing content to WBW and the member that appriciate it.

What it's comeing down to is many people are getting bored posting, I do it so people will enjoy as do many others, if we don't see that people are enjoying then it becomes pointless, it this just a matter of being lazy or is there something bigger going on?

Hope to see things pick up in the NPB's forum or I will just drop my picture sharing and move to the lounge, remember this, it's not just me... many of us are getting bored for doing all we can to try to make the members happy...

As Is OR

I've never said it, "thanks for all the posts" and "thanks for the kick in the ass"
wbw and those that post kick ass the rest of us.... well
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 15
Originally posted by robin4str8

still we have a HUGE leecher population

So what?

Back when I did post a lot, I did it for my own amusement. I honestly didn't care if I got "props" or not. I did however get disappointed from a lot of the whiners. After a while, you just get to where you want to choke teh living daylights out of punks whose only contribution is to bitch and moan about an unshaved snatch. Well whoopty fucking doo bois, not every girl that gets naked in front of a camera without getting paid looks like a porn star. Actually, I guess that negativity thing that Diz talked about a few days ago is nothing new. My opinion, if you don't like something, just keep your mouth shut. The best way to deal with it is to post something you do like.

Let's see, other things that contributed to me not posting so much anymore... well, there were a few mods at the time that were heavily pimping buying a sponsor account. And they weren't just promoting the positive sides of doing so, but were being hypercritical, IMO, of those who didn't buy. It just got under my skin. The site lives and breathes on the contribution of the community, and there's honestly no real reward for being a busy contributor, short of 'cool guy points'.

Anyway, I guess my point is to just stop worrying about it. Do whatever makes you happy, and be content with that. If being #1 contributor means all to you, then by all means, go for it, but just dont' expect more than that. If sharing some pleasant T&A with your buds is all you want, do that. If getting "props" means all to you, then dammit, you better be freakin selective about what you do post, because this is a tough crowd. "Props" is about quality, not quantity, and your idea of quality may not jibe with the majority, either.

In any case, just stop whining about it. You're harshing my mellow. Have another beer and chill out.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 12
i agree with the last sentence
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Been there.. Done that.. Perhaps again..
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 12
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 12
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 9
Originally posted by Bangledesh

hotlinking is legal. if you dont want the pics viewable, disable hotlinking... the galleries are set into public domain because they want to advertise.

I assume from the certainty with which you say this that you are a lawyer with experience in International Copyright Law, in which case I apologize... But the friend to whom I showed the site (who *is* such a lawyer) simply laughed when I said the site claimed hotlinking was legal - his exact words were "well, they're naive and they should get proper legal advice". I also have nearly 20 years experience as a software developer dealing frequently with copyright issues and what you say goes against everything I understand about copyright law.

I've said my piece on this - I'm clearly the only person here for whom this is any kind of issue, so I won't labour the point any more. I apologize for wasting everyone's time.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 13
word, if you cant be bothered to type a line (takes max 10 secs.) then you are not worthy of whats been posted. however i do like the ...quote ....ditto....
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
i dont get it...
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 18
i don't envy whoever has to read all of this for modding sake. sucks to be you.

on topic: ever wonder why i've chosen to sponsor the site, enjoy the pics, and spam instead of contributing? OB is right, contributors (with one or two exceptions) don't get a lot out of what they do. WBW is a big enough community now that no one here (diz and senja included) can't please everyone.

i hate to crap on all of you contributors who work so hard (god knows it is a lot of work), but wake up: this is life. not everything goes the way you want it to. assholes abound in the world, and one will always be there to shit on your work. i promise.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 22
Originally posted by Atavist

hotlinking is legal. if you dont want the pics viewable, disable hotlinking... the galleries are set into public domain because they want to advertise.

I assume from the certainty with which you say this that you are a lawyer with experience in International Copyright Law, in which case I apologize... But the friend to whom I showed the site (who *is* such a lawyer) simply laughed when I said the site claimed hotlinking was legal - his exact words were "well, they're naive and they should get proper legal advice". I also have nearly 20 years experience as a software developer dealing frequently with copyright issues and what you say goes against everything I understand about copyright law.

I've said my piece on this - I'm clearly the only person here for whom this is any kind of issue, so I won't labour the point any more. I apologize for wasting everyone's time.


* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Originally posted by Atavist

hotlinking is legal. if you dont want the pics viewable, disable hotlinking... the galleries are set into public domain because they want to advertise.

I assume from the certainty with which you say this that you are a lawyer with experience in International Copyright Law, in which case I apologize... But the friend to whom I showed the site (who *is* such a lawyer) simply laughed when I said the site claimed hotlinking was legal - his exact words were "well, they're naive and they should get proper legal advice". I also have nearly 20 years experience as a software developer dealing frequently with copyright issues and what you say goes against everything I understand about copyright law.

I've said my piece on this - I'm clearly the only person here for whom this is any kind of issue, so I won't labour the point any more. I apologize for wasting everyone's time.

Could you ask your friend for an exact statute (law act, don't know what word to use) that says it's illegal? According to Dutch law of course.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 18
Originally posted by Atavist

hotlinking is legal. if you dont want the pics viewable, disable hotlinking... the galleries are set into public domain because they want to advertise.

I assume from the certainty with which you say this that you are a lawyer with experience in International Copyright Law, in which case I apologize... But the friend to whom I showed the site (who *is* such a lawyer) simply laughed when I said the site claimed hotlinking was legal - his exact words were "well, they're naive and they should get proper legal advice". I also have nearly 20 years experience as a software developer dealing frequently with copyright issues and what you say goes against everything I understand about copyright law.

I've said my piece on this - I'm clearly the only person here for whom this is any kind of issue, so I won't labour the point any more. I apologize for wasting everyone's time.

you're absolutely right. the copyright owner has the right to determine where and how their content is displayed, ignoring the thought of bandwidth theft. however, bangle is right too - hotlinking for some places is about advertisement. i give two reasons for this:

first: sites stamp their pics. ever wonder why?

second: if someone doesn't want you hotlinking, its a simple .htaccess file change to kill it. any webmaster worth a shit knows how to stop hotlinking.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 44

Can we please keep it on topic...

This isn't the point of this thread...
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 11
Originally posted by ObsoleteRealism


Can we please keep it on topic...

This isn't what the point is...

yeh drifting off did get on to this?
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 13
Great topic OR!

I noticed a long time ago that there are lots of lurkers here. I don't really have a problem with people who do not wish to participate in discussions, but a simple "thx" on a picture/movie thread or post goes a long way. Hell, even if you don't like what you see - respond! Those of us that take the time to share like to know how we're doing.

This problem also extends to votes. The current #1 photo has over 71,000 views, but barely over 2800 votes. Why? Unless you're on dial-up, voting on a pic takes less than a second.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
any hotlinking issues direct them at Diz or Senja please, theyre the site owners
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 12
Well obselete is right, i don't always comment but if i see something i like well i will comment on it with a nice pic or great shots, however some things i just don't find worth all of that and i know that I've not posted much either but i've been around for a while to notice all of the leeching.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 8
nice avatar there, W Warrior.

see i leave comments and say thanks

* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 8
hello all i know the last person you want to hear from is a nubie but im going to throw in my two cents worth this is the best fucking site on the internet. ive not posted yet cause i got dial up ten fucking years to up load but will be up upgrading soon .so well done all uploaders for the coolest site ever.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
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