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Seriously, LISTEN up!

Starter: ObsoleteRealism Posted: 19 years ago Views: 16.9K
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Actually I dont think we really have a problem with people commenting at all. I bumped a thread of mine tonight and got 16 positive comments in an hour...

* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 12
You Got Positive Replies?
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 9
Originally posted by ObsoleteRealism

I know there is alot of material being posted and consistantly, even alot by me. So whats up with people not being able to say "Nice thanks" or "hope to see more", we are people who enjoy bringing content to WBW and the member that appriciate it.

I guess one of the things that mystifies me about WBW is how so many people blithely break the law here without any apparent recognition that they are even doing so. Just because the site allows you to hotlink copyrighted material doesn't mean that you're not totally in breach of copyright law by doing that: every time you post or hotlink an image from a pay site, or any other copyrighted material, you break the law - and in the process expose yourself to legal action (however unlikely that may actually be).

Now, I'm not being judgmental about this: if other people have a flexible view of copyright law and are happy to break it, then that's their choice - but I don't have a flexible view of copyright law, from too many years of seeing my own copyrighted material abused. For this reason, I will never post or hotlink material I know to be copyrighted (which is damned near everything).

My point here is NOT a criticism of people who post - hell, they're mostly why I keep coming back, and more power to them; I just wanted to explain that there may be reasons why people don't upload material that have nothing to do with laziness or lurkerness.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 12
still we have a HUGE leecher population
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 11
and now, a word from a consumate lurker.
to begin, I show my thanks by paying to view the content on wbw, (which annoys my wife to no end) so you can't fault me so much as the people who view and don't thank in any way.
Now, I post here, because perhaps I, a "newbie", despite the fact I've been a member and visitor far longer than many of you I see posting in this thread who are not "newbies", can shed some light on what is going on.
In the beginning, I was afraid of being flamed for what I had to say, so I remained silent. Once I saw the community was ok, I was willing to post, but only when I had something actually useful to contribute to a thread, which as you can see by my diminutive post count is rarely, but then I tend to keep more to other parts of the site and off the forum, I think in my year and a half of membership, I've only visited the forums maybe 10 times.
Another reason I remain silent is that I lack the noteriety that would otherwise make up for stupidity in any comment I make, ergo, higher chance of flaming, which has never happened here, but many such as myself with experience on other forums, both from newbit and senior member end of the stick, know that new comers take a harder beating then anyone on forums.
I adminstrate or moderate many forums, where I've dealt with "people who won't talk" perhaps I can share some advice from my years of experience with this type of thing. My experience has always been most positive with removing post based rankings. This removed the stigma from new comers and draws the community closer. On a forum, members, believe their post based title should bring them special privaledges, one of those especially is to ride those of lower rank, I've banned my share of users for this, and make it as loud as possible, so that everyone can see this isn't allowed. But, we'll assume thats not your problem here, as I've never once seen "stfu newbie I'm a demigod and that's why j00 suck" posted. Another problem, which I suspect is more likely the root of the thing is simply people don't say anything if they don't have something useful to say. It's not a matter of ingratitude. Most forums don't want bumps, or other useless spam posts made, they clutter threads and data-bases alike, making threads look messy and hard to follow. Most experienced forum goers learned this elsewhere and followed the trend here. Every forum I work on, *bump* = *banned* as I like to tell my users, just for the above stated reasons. Perhaps, you might be better served by posting a poll in your image thread for "thanks" and then people can just vote thanks and not be forced to post if they really don't want to.

*edit* ok apparently this post made me not a newbie anymore, but the point still stands
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 12
They already fixed the spam problem, with a tread
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 5
Originally posted by unforgiven

and now, a word from a consumate lurker.
to begin, I show my thanks by paying to view the content on wbw, (which annoys my wife to no end) so you can't fault me so much as the people who view and don't thank in any way.
Now, I post here, because perhaps I, a "newbie", despite the fact I've been a member and visitor far longer than many of you I see posting in this thread who are not "newbies", can shed some light on what is going on.
In the beginning, I was afraid of being flamed for what I had to say, so I remained silent. Once I saw the community was ok, I was willing to post, but only when I had something actually useful to contribute to a thread, which as you can see by my diminutive post count is rarely, but then I tend to keep more to other parts of the site and off the forum, I think in my year and a half of membership, I've only visited the forums maybe 10 times.
Another reason I remain silent is that I lack the noteriety that would otherwise make up for stupidity in any comment I make, ergo, higher chance of flaming, which has never happened here, but many such as myself with experience on other forums, both from newbit and senior member end of the stick, know that new comers take a harder beating then anyone on forums.
I adminstrate or moderate many forums, where I've dealt with "people who won't talk" perhaps I can share some advice from my years of experience with this type of thing. My experience has always been most positive with removing post based rankings. This removed the stigma from new comers and draws the community closer. On a forum, members, believe their post based title should bring them special privaledges, one of those especially is to ride those of lower rank, I've banned my share of users for this, and make it as loud as possible, so that everyone can see this isn't allowed. But, we'll assume thats not your problem here, as I've never once seen "stfu newbie I'm a demigod and that's why j00 suck" posted. Another problem, which I suspect is more likely the root of the thing is simply people don't say anything if they don't have something useful to say. It's not a matter of ingratitude. Most forums don't want bumps, or other useless spam posts made, they clutter threads and data-bases alike, making threads look messy and hard to follow. Most experienced forum goers learned this elsewhere and followed the trend here. Every forum I work on, *bump* = *banned* as I like to tell my users, just for the above stated reasons. Perhaps, you might be better served by posting a poll in your image thread for "thanks" and then people can just vote thanks and not be forced to post if they really don't want to.

*edit* ok apparently this post made me not a newbie anymore, but the point still stands

I totally agree with you man. I've been a member for a few months but never thought of posting cause of the flaming etc, cause lets face it, there's people out there that enjoy doing that sort of thing costantly.

WBW is a great site, and i just hope more people start saying thanks and appreciating peoples' hard work. I'll start doing it more in future.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 21
Damn, longass thread. So the conclusion is that we should all post more?
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 15
i want to say big props to posters. i do really appreciate what you gents and ladies do here. i try to leave positive comments in all posts i read. i guess my problem is all the shit i post is pro or from other sites. i have still to have a successful movie upload also. i'm about 0 for 10 now.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 22
blah blah blah.

im a leacher and i never say thanks and im proud of it!
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 51
Originally posted by Suckrates

Damn, longass thread. So the conclusion is that we should all post more?

nop, only to say "Thank You" to all us posts...

* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 51
Originally posted by EricTheViking

blah blah blah.

im a leacher and i never say thanks and im proud of it!

we understand you.... you are in the navy
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 6
HEY YOU GUYS, I LOVE YOU! wait, that sounded gay. but seriously, fuck all those bastards (and bitches) that are too lazy to type a few letters. i used to be one of those lazy bastards. but now i've come to realize that the regular posters are the heart and soul of this website. which is the best site on the net. from those of us that do type, THANK YOU AND KEEP UP THE AWESOME WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 24
Originally posted by Atavist

I know there is alot of material being posted and consistantly, even alot by me. So whats up with people not being able to say "Nice thanks" or "hope to see more", we are people who enjoy bringing content to WBW and the member that appriciate it.

I guess one of the things that mystifies me about WBW is how so many people blithely break the law here without any apparent recognition that they are even doing so. Just because the site allows you to hotlink copyrighted material doesn't mean that you're not totally in breach of copyright law by doing that: every time you post or hotlink an image from a pay site, or any other copyrighted material, you break the law - and in the process expose yourself to legal action (however unlikely that may actually be).

Now, I'm not being judgmental about this: if other people have a flexible view of copyright law and are happy to break it, then that's their choice - but I don't have a flexible view of copyright law, from too many years of seeing my own copyrighted material abused. For this reason, I will never post or hotlink material I know to be copyrighted (which is damned near everything).

My point here is NOT a criticism of people who post - hell, they're mostly why I keep coming back, and more power to them; I just wanted to explain that there may be reasons why people don't upload material that have nothing to do with laziness or lurkerness.

hotlinking is legal. if you dont want the pics viewable, disable hotlinking... the galleries are set into public domain because they want to advertise.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 21
Word! We're doing them a favor by hotlinking their pics.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 13
Let me start off by saying this. You guys have put together one of the best damn sites a married guy could ask for. The members and the WBW Crew do a damn fine job. I don't think it hurts anyone to say thanks. I know I am often to blame for this. Hell until reading this post I didn't understand that it even mattered. I vote on pics often but it looks like I need to do more to give back to this site. Hell maybe even one day posting a pic or two....My wife as a long way to go before that happens.

Thanks Again Guys You Do A Great Job Keeping This Married Man Happy!!!
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 11
Wørd - this place is awesome, and you guys rock for doing what you do.

I will never leech again. Okay, I won't leech during my free vacation to the desert for a year. Then when I get back I'll try to be more conscientious, but after a year with no WBW, I think I'll be too busy to type.

Meanwhile, for those of you who are afflicted (as I am) with a nasty cøld, try this:

I feel better already.

* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 14
My 10 cents..
Ive been here since 2003
Its my favorite site
I have made good "cyber friends" here
It is friendly (the spamming jackasses get jousted quickly)
It recognizes "senority" of members which creates a foundation for frequent activity and pride
Sometimes I get comments ..alot of times I don't ..this is due WBWs overwhelming size in my opinion..
Chase is a perfect example of a "regular" member who made it to the big time because of his quality posts
The nations of the world all meet here for the common thread that binds men (and some really cool chicks) wink wink to the WBW chicks
In my opinion as I have posted before..we need to have an "application" process for WBW in the future to avoid admitting deadbeats, posers (men that pretend to be hot chicks) and spammers...
Thats all I got..
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 24
we only wanted your 2 cents, take some back
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 8
I guess I am one of these leechers, how ever I do say thank you once in a while, yet I have a bad consious, because I should do it more often. SORRY SORRY SORRY!!
One day I will be able to pay back my debts to WBW and post good, sexy, hot, naked female bodies (legal of course)!!
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
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