and now, a word from a consumate lurker.
to begin, I show my thanks by paying to view the content on wbw, (which annoys my wife to no end) so you can't fault me so much as the people who view and don't thank in any way.
Now, I post here, because perhaps I, a "newbie", despite the fact I've been a member and visitor far longer than many of you I see posting in this thread who are not "newbies", can shed some light on what is going on.
In the beginning, I was afraid of being flamed for what I had to say, so I remained silent. Once I saw the community was ok, I was willing to post, but only when I had something actually useful to contribute to a thread, which as you can see by my diminutive post count is rarely, but then I tend to keep more to other parts of the site and off the forum, I think in my year and a half of membership, I've only visited the forums maybe 10 times.
Another reason I remain silent is that I lack the noteriety that would otherwise make up for stupidity in any comment I make, ergo, higher chance of flaming, which has never happened here, but many such as myself with experience on other forums, both from newbit and senior member end of the stick, know that new comers take a harder beating then anyone on forums.
I adminstrate or moderate many forums, where I've dealt with "people who won't talk" perhaps I can share some advice from my years of experience with this type of thing. My experience has always been most positive with removing post based rankings. This removed the stigma from new comers and draws the community closer. On a forum, members, believe their post based title should bring them special privaledges, one of those especially is to ride those of lower rank, I've banned my share of users for this, and make it as loud as possible, so that everyone can see this isn't allowed. But, we'll assume thats not your problem here, as I've never once seen "stfu newbie I'm a demigod and that's why j00 suck" posted. Another problem, which I suspect is more likely the root of the thing is simply people don't say anything if they don't have something useful to say. It's not a matter of ingratitude. Most forums don't want bumps, or other useless spam posts made, they clutter threads and data-bases alike, making threads look messy and hard to follow. Most experienced forum goers learned this elsewhere and followed the trend here. Every forum I work on, *bump* = *banned* as I like to tell my users, just for the above stated reasons. Perhaps, you might be better served by posting a poll in your image thread for "thanks" and then people can just vote thanks and not be forced to post if they really don't want to.
*edit* ok apparently this post made me not a newbie anymore, but the point still stands
* This post has been modified
: 19 years ago