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Schlicker Spam, now with gimpyness

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 13 years ago Views: 15.2K
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Lvl 27
I can "SEE" more jokes on this subject to be on the way
Originally posted by F1098


they could't be too expensive. we don't go for bi-focals, ya know ?

Business plan...

out the window
Lvl 28
I'm honestly devastated.

My father will hear of this!
Lvl 59
I'm not particularly surprised that people are dumb and don't know the hotter of two women when they see them.

I am a little surprised that a self-selected group of people who frequent a site that exposes them to lots and lots of very hot women would still not be able to recognize that Angelina is by far the hotter of the two.

It's like a bunch of dudes who hang out at a gym 5 days a week not being able to do a simple push-up.
Lvl 22
I see fine thank you....

Perhaps the three that voted for her would like to take another look at Joli thru my glasses?
Lvl 28
Lvl 27
So much awesome going on here
Lvl 11
Originally posted by EricLindros

I'm not particularly surprised that people are dumb and don't know the hotter of two women when they see them.

Way to hang in there.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Xzibit

U Mad?

Yes..I mad.
Lvl 14
Lvl 28
This seems legit....thoughts?

Lvl 27
I know nothing of the alcohol making, but sounds like a winner to me, just wonder if it tastes any good
Looks good
Lvl 28
Sounds decent.
It's probably cheaper and quicker to rock down to your local Japanese grocer and nab a few bottles of saki $6 a pop
Lvl 28
I was more in it for the experiment..not so much the getting drunk.

I don't really drink..
Lvl 22
It is good but it may take a few tries for you to get the process down right.

Now for the negative.... That stuff WILL give you the worst hangover in your life. You'll be looking for someone to just kill you.

(you can also use cheap grape juice) Just sayin'
You should dissect a frog
Lvl 22
You could also test it on your brother for some good lols.
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