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ONLY if you think I could be in Maxim, click this thread

Starter: VeraLynn Posted: 17 years ago Views: 12.6K
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Lvl 19
Glad I don't live in states, all the ladies here would fight for me.

Just joking, a bad joke. A really bad joke.

Really bad.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 12
Originally posted by Ascaris

Glad I don't live in states, all the ladies here would fight for me.

Just joking, a bad joke. A really bad joke.

Really bad.

really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, bad
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 19
Let's add few "really" words more in it and it's all good.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Originally posted by rainbowdemon

vera *distinctly* asked for the opinions of people who thought she was attractive

If someone is going to ask for opinions, they must be able to accept ALL of them. End of story.

I don't think these "perverts in shining armor" are as concerned with understanding your point as much as they are trying to e-save their damsel in distress.

They should drop their dicks (and their swords) for once and realize that these girls don't give a shit what side of the tracks they are on.

RD never said she was unattractive. In fact, he said she is good looking. Thats not the fucking point.


Originally posted by Dag
Some were to harsh, but that's what you get asking a bunch of keyboard porn directors for their opinions.

* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 6
Originally posted by rainbowdemon

People simply kept asking me for more pictures and it just went from there.

Any girl who's ever bared a tit on this site gets that.

I don't mean here. I mean I posted 3 photos of me standing in my parent's living room with a big baggy t-shirt on and the photos were from the waist up. They asked to see more photos of me from that.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 6
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum

isnt any link that leads to monitary gain of a member considered spam?

considering kanzen had a wii fund link, i think i can over look this

plus just because people believe in her and submit her doesnt mean it will happen for sure, it only puts her in the running... the gain is for the magazine to decide.

That is my goal. Thank you for understanding.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 17
Marissa, I think you are very beautiful and, of course, desirable. I put my vote in for you, however, I PERSONALLY think you are TOO classy for a magazine like Maxim. I don't happen to think it has much more worth tan say, MAD, but if YOU want to be in it, MORE POWER TO YOU! Good luck!
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 6
Originally posted by rainbowdemon

The main problem is the this girl posts a few pictures here, and basically says, now tell me how hot I am. But don't say anything but that. When, in fact, I think she's rather plain. But nobody's supposed to say that.

IMHO, this is kind of funny to me. *I* think I'm plain. I posted the photos (or links to, whatever, semantics) simply to share my photos. I get a LOT of comments from people thanking me for posting... so I assumed.. ASSumed... that maybe more people would like to see my photos. For free. I guess I'm an a$$ for assuming that this is a free-for-all photo posting site. There are ALL kinds of photos here, from water sports to hairy women. Do you all bash those photos in their own forums too?

I've gotten a lot of positive feedback and have decided to use people's high opinions of me (Why, I don't know, since my sh*t stinks, too...) toward a purpose like furthering my modeling career... because I do honestly get tired of hearing how "perfect" guys think I am. I am not perfect. I get tired of hearing that I am. I'd prefer that these passionate people who like my look would put their energies into helping me with bigger modeling jobs than telling it to me. Maybe some day some bigwig will think I'm "perfect" and offer me a modeling job that will pay me a few thousand dollars. It sure would beat worrying about gas money like I do now.

I was simply trying to coral those who tell me just how hot they think I am and have them tell MAXIM or XS MAGAZINE how hot they think I am.

I don't have a chance in hell of doing any more modeling in my life if I don't put myself out there in the public eye somehow. Sure, it's self-promotion.. but I don't have an agent. It's all me, people. If I post photos and people respond to them - positively or negatively - so be it. There is still no need for rudeness or insults.

If the moderators ask me to please not post anything that points to a different web site, and it's agreed upon as the consensus, I will stop. Until then, if you don't want to read any of my posts, skip over them. Stop looking at my pictures. Go ahead and shun me, talk behind my back, if it will make you feel better.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 12
Originally posted by VeraLynn

talk behind my back, if it will make you feel better.

For some reason.... and I still haven't quite figured it out... I think it actually makes a lot of them feel bigger ( the Freudian sense ) to talk in front of your back. My sense is that it relates to unresolved hostilities towards their mothers...but not sure yet
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 19
Originally posted by VeraLynn


That's a nice word, just needs to be used more often.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 13
confuscious say: "one who fishes for compliments often catches shit"

you're certainly promoting your site here, and, that's cool and all, we all gotta make a living, but don't defend it like you're doing it for love of your own booty, even *you* must be tired of your modeling photos by now.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 6
Originally posted by Dagnabbit
Actually she did. She purposely made this thread for positive feedback only after her other thread had a lot of negative comments in it. Some were to harsh, but that's what you get asking a bunch of keyboard porn directors for their opinions.

I made the new thread to clarify my point of the thread since everyone chewed me out over how they were only responding to the topic. It obviously did not work. I was not looking for if I am hot or not. I already realize that there are a lot of people who find me attractive, some who think I am plain, and others who like my big breasts but find me to be ugly. That's been established. I don't need to hear all of these opinions again. What I wanted was those who happen to find me attractive to put their "YOU ARE SO FREAKIN' HOT" messages in a place that might benefit me as a model. Like Maxim's e-mailbox or FHM's e-mailbox or XS Magazine's e-mailbox. Hearing just how "sexy" or "gorgeous" I am no longer improves my ego. I'm now 30 years old and my self-image is well-formed. I don't need anyone's opinion to help me feel good about myself. I'm no longer a teenager!

My point was, *IF* you are one of those people sending me all of those nice compliments, could you please send those thoughts to X or Y because hey, it could really help me out, thankyouverymuch.

Got it now?
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 10
Too much drama for a cars website.

*leaves thread forever*
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 6
Originally posted by thehbfactor

ANYONE would be offended by someone saying something rude like that... especially when the person puts themselves out on a limb to do it; that's just not a nice or necessary thing to do. i don't ask for peoples "opinions" of me... THAT'S NOT THE POINT OF POSTING, i just post and hope they like it. for me, it is fun reading the posts, but i don't base my entire self esteem on whether guys on this website think i'm attractive or not. is it nice to hear, sure. i don't even respond to 90 percent of the posts or emails. i guess what i'm saying is that the material of the site does not warrant people being assholes. if you don't like me that's fine, but don't be an asshole to me. it has nothing to do with the rules of the site; it's a matter of common decency.

vera *distinctly* asked for the opinions of people who thought she was attractive... i don't see anything wrong with that. what i do see wrong with that is that a lot of people used it as a reason to be an asshole and call her ugly. if most of the people on this site who went around insulting people were face to face with any of the girls who self posted here in person, they'd bite their tongue. you just don't say rude shit like that to people, unless you're a middle schooler.

and i do think she is attractive.

You seriously just took the words out of my brain. I'm in shock and honestly just not sure of what to say.

I wish some of these insulting/rude people WOULD start acting in person as they do on a site like this. They'd probably learn some real life lessons pretty quickly.

(Thank you for the compliment... strangely enough... )
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 6
Originally posted by Joker_makes_fun

BTW ….thank you Vera for your contribution to this site …..

You're welcome, Joker. Thanks to ALL of you who are coming to my aid here. Sometimes I just can't find the right words. Thehbfactor, she knows exactly where I am coming from and it honestly made my jaw drop as I was reading her first post in this thread. Thank you very much, Hbfactor. It means a lot to me.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 19
This thread lacks cars.

* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 6
Originally posted by caribonz

talk behind my back, if it will make you feel better.

For some reason.... and I still haven't quite figured it out... I think it actually makes a lot of them feel bigger ( the Freudian sense ) to talk in front of your back. My sense is that it relates to unresolved hostilities towards their mothers...but not sure yet

It's been shown that people who make fun of other people to put them down do it because... they are not comfortable with themselves. They point the negative finger at someone else to purposefully put the negative attention they think THEY deserve on someone else. "Oh, I've got a small penis and am overweight... so if I can point out that this girl is ugly and let everyone think on that, nobody will point out that I am fat, I think I am ugly, and I feel I will probably never get laid by any woman with a body mass index under 30."
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 6
Originally posted by Ed.

confuscious say: "one who fishes for compliments often catches shit"

you're certainly promoting your site here, and, that's cool and all, we all gotta make a living, but don't defend it like you're doing it for love of your own booty, even *you* must be tired of your modeling photos by now.

I am very much tired of my own photos, but I love the work. It keeps me limber as I often have to be in interesting positions for artistic nude work. I also simply enjoy having fun joking with a photographer as we do photos. A happy, having-fun, being goofy model looks a lot more comfortable in photos than someone who just stands there and lets someone take pictures. I honestly hate having to go through the photos to choose them and edit them. Looking at myself for a couple of hours is not my choice of what to do with my time... but if I could only get higher-paying jobs where the photos are taken, get a good chunk of income to pay off some personal debts, and someone ELSE edits and publishes the photos... that'd be nice.

The only way for me to find someone who has the power to get me a job like that is to get my work out there and be noticed. Yes, NOTICED. It means I need to say, "HEY! Look at my pictures! I do this kind of work!" Being shy or reserved are generally not a good traits for a model.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 17
whats the x or y?
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 6
Originally posted by DirtFloorPoor

whats the x or y?

X or Y would be places that might have the slightest chance of offering me some good modeling work or anything in that direction.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
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