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Instead of Crystal Defanti, somehow we ended up with Threadkiller's sex tape. SPAM

Starter: hydrahead Posted: 15 years ago Views: 19.5K
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Lvl 59
Thanks. It's 100% original.
Lvl 37
I had a cake made especially for Kanzen's birthday.

It was posted in one of the forums that only peoples with zero lives hang out.

There's plenty left. Just knock the greenish stuff off and you're good to go

Lvl 37
Closing in on 12 hours

A little helpful hint from Uncle TK

Lvl 25
Lvl 59
Your honey scares me.
Lvl 22
I just went back and looked at that . When I first looked I thought it was one of those Gremlin dudes ! ( I ran )

I feel safer now that I know that it's just his 'Honey '
Lvl 59
Ew. You like Kanzen's 'honey'

No thanks, brah. I don't switch hit.
Lvl 22
So you're a girl TOO ?
Lvl 10
ya know, i heard that rumor about cops and them sucking.....i heard it before Al Gore invented the internet.
Lvl 22
Originally posted by franklin

ya know, i heard that rumor about cops and them sucking.....i heard it before Al Gore invented the internet.

Hey Bubba how's it goin'
Lvl 10
going good....o am in the mood to eat some pussy
Lvl 10
k- im out..
Lvl 22
k- next......
Lvl 28

Yeah, I'm back.

Thanks for keeping an eye on my forum Drosdawg..

I'll probably post a short story tomorrow about the lulzy experience. Surprisingly acting like a gigantic douchebag for a day and a half can irritate people, and greatly amuse me. Here is a brief taste of the experience:

At one point, I was wearing two shirts in a double popped collar explosion of douchbaggery. Also, I drank Molsen Canadian.

I had a brief conversation with an older man about which foreign war I thought was the funniest. I wore my sunglasses the entire time, even in teh darkness. At one point, at the beach..I was staring at this pretty girl who walked over all smiles and giggles and was like "lol, y you starin at me"..and I was like "shhhh don't talk, it spoils the view".(which was the douchiest thing I could think to say).then my friend and I highfived...he was also in a popped collar shirt...I have some pics as well.

Stay tuned. If you read only one Honda story this year...make it this one.
Lvl 24
*stays tuned*
Lvl 37
Originally posted by Honda_X

Yeah, I'm back.

Thanks for keeping an eye on my forum Drosdawg..

I'll probably post a short story tomorrow about the lulzy experience. Surprisingly acting like a gigantic douchebag for a day and a half can irritate people, and greatly amuse me. Here is a brief taste of the experience:

At one point, I was wearing two shirts in a double popped collar explosion of douchbaggery. Also, I drank Molsen Canadian.

I had a brief conversation with an older man about which foreign war I thought was the funniest. I wore my sunglasses the entire time, even in teh darkness. At one point, at the beach..I was staring at this pretty girl who walked over all smiles and giggles and was like "lol, y you starin at me"..and I was like "shhhh don't talk, it spoils the view".(which was the douchiest thing I could think to say).then my friend and I highfived...he was also in a popped collar shirt...I have some pics as well.

Stay tuned. If you read only one Honda story this year...make it this one.

Sorry mate but if you can remember anything, it wasn't a good party.

You do know how to charm the ladies though.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by ThreadKiller


Sorry mate but if you can remember anything, it wasn't a good party.

So say, he got laid by six hot chicks, all at once, in a marathon of sex throughout the night, then woke up the next morning they served him breakfast and a bj that would be terrible because he could remember it? Run-on sentence runs on.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by ThreadKiller

You do know how to charm the ladies though.

Ladies love that douchey shit.
Lvl 59
also, i'd like to point out that my breasts are sore.
Lvl 25
Wear a bra or stop changing clothing so quickly Eric.
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