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Instead of Crystal Defanti, somehow we ended up with Threadkiller's sex tape. SPAM

Starter: hydrahead Posted: 15 years ago Views: 19.6K
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Lvl 28
Man, when I'm super, Donald Trump rich...I'm going to hire six attractive women to carry me places.

Imagine how balla it would be to see some dude being carried through the mall by hot wimminz?

"Slow down wimminz, we're coming up on Gamestop, prepare to lower teh Honda."
Lvl 28
Originally posted by EricLindros

Why am I hungry at like 2 am?

Because sex machines need fuel.
Lvl 24
I like how you go from Super Donald Trump Rich to being in a mall.

And why is 2am a bad time to be hungry?
Lvl 59
I dunno...because most restaurants are closed?
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Bangledesh

I like how you go from Super Donald Trump Rich to being in a mall.

Even if I were insanely rich, I would still go to the mall.

Where the fuck else am I supposed to get my shitty food court fountain drinks?
Lvl 24
I'm hungry...

And umm... buy your own food court?
Lvl 25
There is always Taco Bell, if you enjoy 2AM food, and shitting up till 8AM shitting.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by Kanzen

There is always Taco Bell, if you enjoy 2AM food, and shitting up till 8AM shitting.

Do what?
Lvl 28
Man, I was talking with my friend the other day about the PS3, we were talking about how much we're going to play it when MW2 comes out. Then some douche comes out of nowhere and is like PS3 is for fags who like wasting money. the middle of our conversation.

I was kinda shocked, and then I started laughing and said "You know, I've always been curious...what does Bill Gates dick taste like?" Then he just fucked off.

Also, Kanzen having just posted has nothing to do with that. I've been looking to buy an Xbloawkx online, and it just reminded me of it. Just so Kanzen doesn't think I'm baiting him, with my trolling shenanigans.

So yeah, I've been looking to do more casual gaming, and my PS3 is just too serious for that type of I've been thinking about getting one of the casual gaming consoles (Wii, Xbox360)...pretty cool business.

Lvl 25
Originally posted by Bangledesh


Do what?




Take that, coherency!
Lvl 28
Man, I could go for some orange juice.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Honda_X

Man, I was talking with my friend the other day about the PS3, we were talking about how much we're going to play it when MW2 comes out. Then some douche comes out of nowhere and is like PS3 is for fags who like wasting money. the middle of our conversation.

I was kinda shocked, and then I started laughing and said "You know, I've always been curious...what does Bill Gates dick taste like?" Then he just fucked off.

Also, Kanzen having just posted has nothing to do with that. I've been looking to buy an Xbloawkx online, and it just reminded me of it. Just so Kanzen doesn't think I'm baiting him, with my trolling shenanigans.

So yeah, I've been looking to do more casual gaming, and my PS3 is just too serious for that type of I've been thinking about getting one of the casual gaming consoles (Wii, Xbox360)...pretty cool business.

[ Image ]

Lvl 25
Originally posted by Honda_X

PS3 is just too serious for that type of thing

Lvl 59
New news is no news.
Lvl 24
My 360 randomly threw an E66 error at me the other day. :
I had none of that business though, and restarted, and played me some CoD4.

And, I really want food right now.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Kanzen

I know right. My friends and I were watching some Blu-ray movies the other day on our Xbloxes.

Oh wait, no we weren't.

*brings up format war....then giggles slightly*

Lvl 25
Lvl 59
How in the shit can this list exist, yet not have George McFly on it?
Lvl 24
BRB food.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Kanzen

Actually..I of them does both..

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