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Instead of Crystal Defanti, somehow we ended up with Threadkiller's sex tape. SPAM

Starter: hydrahead Posted: 15 years ago Views: 19.5K
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Lvl 59
Well, that's cool.

Creepus forgets sometimes.
Lvl 37
I hope Honda makes it back from the cabin kegger.

He's a nice looking guy and if none of the babes showed up he may have drawn a short straw.

Lvl 59
He'll make it back. He's canadian. Those canadians are robust. They live in the wilderness. With Moosen.
Lvl 21
Originally posted by EricLindros

He'll make it back. He's canadian. Those canadians are robust. They live in the wilderness. With Moosen.

And Molson.
Lvl 37
weekends are slow around here, only loozers and pron addicts
Lvl 22
Originally posted by ThreadKiller

weekends are slow around here, only loozers and boozers and pron addicts

I gotta agree with ya on that !

Lvl 37
HA, if Bangles wuz here he'd make you take out one of the "and's" and use a comma

He's kollidge edumacated ya know.
Lvl 22
How ya'll ta'nite T K ?
Lvl 37
Just got kicked off after typing another longass reply

I'll try again

Running on Mt notech

I fucking hate it when the Braves play on ESPN, they always lose.

Usually i have the game on while going through the babe and car gallery pasting "nice ass " and voting 7 for everything
Lvl 22
I watch very little TV all those commercials suck !

7's a nice go to
Lvl 37
I fucking hate commercials and the main reason I'm addicted to my computer

believe it or not I remember when the WWW didn't have ads, a cupla CA lawyers fixed that
Lvl 22
Yeah fuckin' that and the constant recap of the last 5 minutes when they return to the show leaves about 2.5 new minutes every 10
Lvl 37
Ol' Tk Needs his beauty sleep

"Goodnight Mrs. McGillicuddy, wherever you are!"
Lvl 59
Where did you go Mrs. Robinson?

Our nation turns our lonely eyes to you. Woo woo woo.
Lvl 22
Lindros , did you ever get turn signals working ?
Lvl 59
Oh, yeah.

Turns out it was the turn signal bulb holder that twists out. The one went bad....I figured it out when I switched them, and the problem changed sides.

It was kind of a pain in the ass to find the part, but the internet eventually came through. So now I can operate both turn signals.
Lvl 22
Now before I leave for the evening......

Lvl 59
I need to go to sleep.

But I won't. Just to spite myself.
Lvl 59
Well, I kept that charade up for 2 hours, but tireness is a bitch. You can't beat it. You can only push him away for a while. He's a persistent bastard.

Sorta like the serial killer in the movie that just walks after the chick who's running away, and no matter how fast and far she runs, he always catches up with her and decapitates her and eats her entrails and has sex with her hollowed out corpse. Well, in the movies I watch at least.

Unless she's Jamie Lee Curtis or Neve Campbell, in which case they get away, and there is no sex, and Jamie Lee Curtis becomes a prostitute and shows her tits to Lewis Winthorpe and Neve Campbell goes to a sleezy motel with Mr. Lombardo and has a three-way with Matt Dillon and Denise Richards.

That's sleep.
Lvl 24
Good story.
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