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How to make me sick

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 15 years ago Views: 2.4K
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I don't get it. All the dude has done so far is win the Presidential election. These idiots have honored him with a holiday for that? Maybe I should run for shop steward & if I win we'll have a holiday named " Bulldog" day. Geez gimme a break!.
I think it's awesome.
Lvl 21
good lord
Lvl 28
Fuck yeah, Obama..



Originally posted by Honda_X

Fuck yeah, Obama..




Hate to bust your bubble, but it's gonna be status quo. A Holiday for some one who has done nuthing, is pure bullsheet!
Lvl 21
Sounds like the county workers just wanted another paid holiday.
Lvl 20
Yeah, I'd have to agree. I think it's an ironic and perverse self-inflicted satire on their part. I think it shows the mindless zealotry and lack of sense some people had (or continue to have) for the man based solely on the color of his skin - the very thing we're all trying to put an end to.

Most unfortunate indeed.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Suckrates

Sounds like the county workers just wanted CHANGE.

..and it's being delivered.

@AB64: It can't really bother you that much can it? It's not really a big deal, it's kinda lame they just handed the dude a holiday like that,'s not really the end of the world.
Lvl 14
Originally posted by Suckrates

Sounds like the county workers just wanted another paid holiday.

If that was the case, then what day does JFK day fall on???
Originally posted by Honda_X


..and it's being delivered.

@AB64: It can't really bother you that much can it? It's not really a big deal, it's kinda lame they just handed the dude a holiday like that,'s not really the end of the world.

OMG, you just went off the deep end. I am so sorry why you can't see why this was pure crap, but maybe one day you will.
To declare a holiday for some one who has done nothing is crap! You are familiar with Washington, Jefferson & LINCOLN Aren't you????
Lvl 22
God damn them....Let's kick Their County out of the Union
Lvl 28
Originally posted by americanbulldog64


OMG, you just went off the deep end. I am so sorry why you can't see why this was pure crap, but maybe one day you will.
To declare a holiday for some one who has done nothing is crap! You are familiar with Washington, Jefferson & LINCOLN Aren't you????

Yeah, I am..I just don't care all that much. If they made a Stephen Harper holiday in Canada, even though he's a pretty big douche, I honestly wouldn't care. How much does a actual holiday effect you? We celebrate all sorts of dumb fucking holidays for no reason, what is one more? What difference will this make to you personally enough to upset you? Maybe it's an American thing, super patriotic and stuff. That's cool, people can choose to place importance on things they want, if this truly does bother you, I guess I can understand why, but in the back of my mind I just wouldn't care really.

But, I guess how I can see why it would be annoying, it would have been cooler if they had waited until he had actually done something interesting..He isn't even the president yet. But, like I said, is it really worth getting pissed over dude?

Oh, and I rated this thread a thread dude.

It might be better suited to The Panel though..
Lvl 11
"Commissioners passed a measure that would close county offices for the new annual holiday and its roughly 40 workers will get a paid day off."

When the Govnt pays you for doing nothing, I believe it's called welfare. They're just making sure they get their "fair share" Hail to the Chief!
Originally posted by Honda_X


Yeah, I am..I just don't care all that much. If they made a Stephen Harper holiday in Canada, even though he's a pretty big douche, I honestly wouldn't care. How much does a actual holiday effect you? We celebrate all sorts of dumb fucking holidays for no reason, what is one more? What difference will this make to you personally enough to upset you? Maybe it's an American thing, super patriotic and stuff. That's cool, people can choose to place importance on things they want, if this truly does bother you, I guess I can understand why, but in the back of my mind I just wouldn't care really.

But, I guess how I can see why it would be annoying, it would have been cooler if they had waited until he had actually done something interesting..He isn't even the president yet. But, like I said, is it really worth getting pissed over dude?

Oh, and I rated this thread a thread dude.

It might be better suited to The Panel though..

I never ever said I was pissed off. I was merely pointing out how STUPID people get over things. Who know's, I may have even voted for him. I'm just not the stupid and over the top type. If he does something outstanding for mankind, I will be the first inline to vote for a holiday.
He is very popular almost enough to be the antichrist! And yes the hype is ridiculous Im biting at the bit to see what as some call a black JFK can pull off! Keep in mind he is a half breed! I bet I pissed someone off with that truth . Atleast there wont be another four years of Bush
Originally posted by assman3

He is very popular almost enough to be the antichrist! And yes the hype is ridiculous Im biting at the bit to see what as some call a black JFK can pull off! Keep in mind he is a half breed! I bet I pissed someone off with that truth . Atleast there wont be another four years of Bush

Hell, he already told us we won't be out of the war EARLY & is entertaining Afghanistan. Change? 2 wars instead of 1.
And no, I am not a fan of Bush with his mis-intelligence.
Originally posted by americanbulldog64


Hell, he already told us we won't be out of the war EARLY & is entertaining Afghanistan. Change? 2 wars instead of 1.
And no, I am not a fan of Bush with his mis-intelligence.
Hope you didnt misunderstand what I was saying! I agree with you 100% so far!
Just another holiday for the government workers who already get too many off. Just another form of charity, which is just what he promised. Pathetic, perhaps honoring someone who actually did something would have been a better choice.
To all that have posted here so far.
Lvl 27
I really don't have much to say that already hasn't been said, I just think its pathetic for a holiday to be given to someone for no other reason other than he's black, or part black
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