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How to make me sick

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 15 years ago Views: 2.4K
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Lvl 6
I hope I have some change left in my pocket after he is gone.
Fuck yeah, Obama..



Lvl 25
Skitee, Well Put!!
Lvl 29
The holiday is goofy, but we are talking about Alabama here...a state that celebrates Jefferson Davis day as well. The thread was about the holiday, but as usual, becomes an anti-Obama rally. I am sure he had nothing to do with the holiday and could care less. As for those who want to complain about him...give the guy a chance. If he doesn't deliver then send his ass packing after 4. It really is that simple.

ohhh...and have a nice, awesome day!
Lvl 11
Originally posted by faulty6six6

.... The thread was about the holiday, but as usual, becomes an anti-Obama rally.

Actually, here's the first sentence of the first post
I don't get it. All the dude has done so far is win the Presidential election.

... so no, this thread wasn't ever about "the holiday", it's about the absurdity of honoring someone with a holiday when they've done nothing of their own accord to deserve it.
Originally posted by brownell


Actually, here's the first sentence of the first post
I don't get it. All the dude has done so far is win the Presidential election.

... so no, this thread wasn't ever about "the holiday", it's about the absurdity of honoring someone with a holiday when they've done nothing of their own accord to deserve it.

You are correct sir & thank you for paying attention.
Lvl 18
I love holidays. Do I get off work?

I love my Jewish friends, but if someone said I could get a paid holiday for Hitler day..........
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Punly

As far as the holiday goes, I don't care who it was that won the election, I think it's ridiculous that a holiday would be passed that soon.
i agree with this !!! he hasn't done anything yet...
Originally posted by FATHERTIME

... i agree with this !!! he hasn't done anything yet...

Except to go back on his "promises" when he was stump speaking.
1. We'll be out of the world early, but where "entertaing" Afganistan.
2. He's got His own Democratic party pissed at him because he his keeping a low profile & trying to be smooth.
3. Change? Umm sorry folks, it's not coming the way everyone who voted for him expected it.
4. This thread was not about color, so lets not go there. Basically, it's about how stupid WE ALL ARE. When are we gonna take our fine country back? It's up to us, we Vote - lets just stop the old money club. This country was founded by certain beliefs & our money used to be backed by gold. Instead it is getting rather perverted & we sell our debt to other countries. They OWN U.S. now. I am done & pissed now.
Lvl 13
(tongue in cheek)...i'm glad we have received our "messiah"....osama obama is going to "save" us all..and our country..and our economy..we will see how wise the electorate was--or if they got duped. thisguy started running for president when he was in his in mid 20's. OK, big are on the stage coming january. we will see what you can do. you are a fucking joke. the saddest thing is : it is over for the usa ...we are done with this dumbass in power....bite the bullet. we are done as the world power. I will not read anything he says in print or on tv.....he is not my president. period.
Originally posted by faulty6six6

The holiday is goofy, but we are talking about Alabama here...a state that celebrates Jefferson Davis day as well. The thread was about the holiday, but as usual, becomes an anti-Obama rally. I am sure he had nothing to do with the holiday and could care less. As for those who want to complain about him...give the guy a chance. If he doesn't deliver then send his ass packing after 4. It really is that simple.

ohhh...and have a nice, awesome day!

For the most part I would agree. Considering we are talking about someone who was entertaining a presidential bid shortly after he became a freshman senator I must ask...

How long do we give the guy a chance to actually do something other than run for the next office?

Fortunately their isn't a position of "Supreme Allied Commander of the Galaxy" otherwise he would be running for that slot withing eight months.
Lvl 22
Originally posted by brownell

When the Govnt pays you for doing nothing, I believe it's called welfare. They're just making sure they get their "fair share" Hail to the Chief!

People in Alabama don't get enough welfare?
Lvl 24
Originally posted by ev1l0ne

Fortunately their isn't a position of "Supreme Allied Commander of the Galaxy" otherwise he would be running for that slot withing eight months.

Lvl 59
The holiday is quite ridiculous and unnecessary.

Originally posted by Dakkon76

Spoken like a true republican... he's going to kick the shit out of office, finally a prez who's going to focus on stuff at home and stay the fuck out of shit that isn't our problem.

Protectionism isn't the answer, bud. Things that happen outside of our borders actually have a substantial effect on a large majority of US citizens.

Originally posted by moss

I agree brownell!! Lets do simple investigation, Whats on his resume other than college? NOTHING thats what I thought!!Oh boy he is black; Great grounds for choosing the president in charge of our country and our kids future!!

Well, he was a US Senator, Illinois state senator and Constitutional Law Professor. But other than that, yeah.
Lvl 11
Originally posted by EricLindros

Well, he was a US Senator, Illinois state senator and Constitutional Law Professor. But other than that, yeah.

Obama was a US Senator? Maybe technically, but his accomplishment there have been unremarkable, and the only person he's really served since winning that title has been himself.
Constitutional Law Professer? So he has claimed, but that's an embellishment by all accounts; he never held that position.
This awt to give some people a better idea of what kind of state he came from (Illinois) & how politics are practiced there. Any one like to take a stab at what state has the highest number of elected officials in jail?
So a small, rural county is having a holiday. Big deal.

I'm not saying it wasn't premature in some ways, but I'm a little suprised that so many people are upset about it.

And I wouldn't say that Obama hasn't done anything yet. He was the first African-American elected President of the US. That is a huge breakthrough and represents the level of change of greater societal acceptance that once was seemingly impossible in the racially torn US of our grandparent's generation.

Someone in the thread asked if we had heard of Lincoln and Washington... sure have. I've also heard of Jackie Robinson, the first African-American to play major league baseball. We celebrate his accomplishment, and that is rarely (if ever) argued to be inappropriate, so I really don't think that it's inappropriate for a rurual Alabama county to celebrate this accomplishment.
Originally posted by americanbulldog64

This awt to give some people a better idea of what kind of state he came from (Illinois) & how politics are practiced there. Any one like to take a stab at what state has the highest number of elected officials in jail?
[ Link ]

So... that's fallacious reasoning. Just because other Illinois politicians have ethical concerns does NOT actually mean that Obama does. What's next? Are all Alaska politicians unethical and should be linked to former Senator Ted Steven's felony convictions? And are all Idaho politicians homosexual perverts who try to solicit blowjobs in airports? Give me a break. I was really hoping that these garbage attempts to show how Obama is unqualified by implying some sort of guilt by association would have ended when McCain lost the election on those shaky tactics.
Originally posted by brownell

Obama was a US Senator? Maybe technically, but his accomplishment there have been unremarkable, and the only person he's really served since winning that title has been himself.
Constitutional Law Professer? So he has claimed, but that's an embellishment by all accounts; he never held that position.

If there was any evidence of this at all, that would be great if you could present it. I suppose it depends on what side of the political aisle you are on when you consider who he has helped as a US senator. And yes, he was a constitutional law professor for 12 years. He claims it.... and so does the records department at the University of Chicago. And his hundreds of students. And former colleagues.

I'm all for people contributing to discussions like this, but come on...
Lvl 11
I said he's been un-remarkable, if you disagree, tell me what he's done.

No, he was NEVER a professor. He was a "lecturer" and a "senior lecturer", and he was only "part-time"

Screencap from the U of C Faculty page
Lvl 7
I am not sure "professor" is really a title earned so much as simply a University teacher.

It's not like "doctor" in which a prof has a phd.

I could be wrong but I am pretty sure lecturer and professor are synonyms.
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