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Home-Wrecking lesbians, and the husbands that should be very afraid spam...

Starter: DEMO Posted: 11 years ago Views: 47.5K
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Lvl 25
Lvl 59
But not as gay as Bangles:,30640/?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=SocialMarketing&utm_campaign=standard-post:headline:default
Bangles prefers V-necks to nakedness.
Lvl 25
SP prefers Witches to Tanks.
haha...I tried playing it by myself first, before I make a fool out of myself by joining you guys. I'm finding that its a little tricky on a laptop with no controller.
Lvl 25
Keyboard + Mouse > Controller
Originally posted by Kanzen
Keyboard + Mouse > Controller

Hmmm ok. I'll try it with a mouse. keyboard and trackpad isn't great.
Lvl 25
> keyboard and trackpad isn't great.
> and trackpad isn't great.
> trackpad isn't great.
> trackpad

It may be the flu medication talking, but that's one of the funniest things I've read.
Lvl 59

yeah, trackpads + games are usually AIDS

Bangles used a trackpad.
Dear god.

Must start using mouse.
Lvl 27
Yeah, trackpads are awful, I gave up on mine for a beat up Microsoft mouse ages ago.
Lvl 25
So right now, I have two cam windows open. The one girl with the "better" body is doing virtually nothing entertaining. She isn't really chatting or moving, just sitting there. Meanwhile the other girl is dancing around, talking to everyone, and interacting with everything around her. Yet, she is getting less tips. You can tell who has been in the business a while because it was an easier route. :\
Lvl 20
Originally posted by Kanzen
So right now, I have two cam windows open. The one girl with the "better" body is doing virtually nothing entertaining. She isn't really chatting or moving, just sitting there. Meanwhile the other girl is dancing around, talking to everyone, and interacting with everything around her. Yet, she is getting less tips. You can tell who has been in the business a while because it was an easier route. :\

For some reason the image just came to me of you sitting there with your stack of tokens, shuffling them in your fingers like one of those poker players.

Trying to decide which one to go all in on.
All the tokies.
Lvl 25
Depends on the best show.
Lvl 28
Lvl 20
I could have sworn I saw Honda here for a second.

Nah, couldn't have been.
Lvl 27
Nope, that was but a ghostly apparition.
Yeah...pretty sure Honda died in a grisly scarf entanglement accident.

* This post has been modified : 11 years ago
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