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Hey You!..Fitness Guys.

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 14 years ago Views: 10.3K
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Lvl 37
Originally posted by waywardson

I don't work out and I'm not in shape but I'm not fat and I have a boat

Exactly the same with me except I'm fat and don't have a boat.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by azdesertrat

right...what happened to the "100 push-ups a day?" remember you guys were all going to do that last year?? slackers.(beer)


A few of us made it. I was honest that my last 30 or so were pretty poor form..but meh. lol

It was the same thing with that, I started it around March-April for the same reason, I hibernate during the winter..
Lvl 59
I'm eating like shit today, which is sorta ok since it's basically my last eat-like-a-fool day for the next few months.

It's so weird though, because even though the food is good, I get pissed at myself for eating it because the last couple weeks I've transitioned into my "Summer eating" diet, and every time you get off of that it's like you just added a few wasted days, and I hate that.
Lvl 28
I had to eat hamburger helper as a side dish with my chicken breast...I had to eat around the noodles.

Starting to feel pretty chickish..

But man, worth it.
Lvl 18
Originally posted by Kanzen


I dropped 25lbs in 2 weeks. Ate way too much crap and did nothing for a great while working too hard during back to back to back work issues. Not ready for my close up yet Mr.Demille, but I will be at fighting weight soon. Just need the UFC heavyweights to stop all the damn wrestling. Striking is where it is at!
Lvl 28
How the balls did you lose 25 lbs in two weeks?
Lvl 59
Lvl 28
Lvl 8
Hellacious dump?
Lvl 18
For abs I do a routine an old navy seal I used to work with taught me. I have no idea how to explain it in text because I don't know the official words for the movements but basically you do 15 crunches (with your legs in motion as well as your upper torso) then 15 crunches on each side, then 15 alternating type crunches where you do the same position as the first crunch except you touch your elbows to opposite knees. Then I start over again and keep going until I can't anymore. I've never counted really just going until you're absolutely fatigued is the goal.

I don't diet at all ever. Diets and eating right are for chicks and obese people. I eat what I want when I want and make no effort whatsoever to calculate or record any of it and believe me nothing I eat is at all healthy. As long as you workout hard any food you eat just serves to feed your muscles and help them grow (I have no idea if that's scientifically accurate but it works for me)

Originally posted by EricLindros

It's so weird though, because even though the food is good, I get pissed at myself for eating it because the last couple weeks I've transitioned into my "Summer eating" diet, and every time you get off of that it's like you just added a few wasted days, and I hate that.

Originally posted by Honda_X

I had to eat hamburger helper as a side dish with my chicken breast...I had to eat around the noodles.

You guys are my boys but you both sound like a couple of chicks Want to come work out with my wife and her friends? Afterwards you guys could discuss your periods and watch some romantic comedies and cry together. It'll be a regular girls day! Just make sure dinners ready when the men come home
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 8
If you wanna be one of those hard-core body builder types, you really have to watch what you eat. However, just excercising will keep you in pretty good shape regardless of what you eat. Especially if you're a young whipper snapper like Honda. Once you hit your 30's, you kinda have to back off the chicken wings and pizza though. Even if you excercise regularly.
Lvl 28
I find myself more motivated to work out when I can see results as soon as possible, so that's why I always find starting off by eating better to be the best way to go, because then after two weeks it's "damn, this is working.".

@Swiss: I always cry during romantic movies.

Have you ever seen The Hannah Montana movie?

Tear jerker fo sho....She has the best of both worlds...BUT SHE HAS TO PICK ONE FOREVER!
Lvl 18
@davey: There's nothing magical about the number 30 that suddenly means you have to watch what you eat. If you go into 30 in shape with a good functioning metabolism there's no reason why that would just change because you turned 30. I'm 28 and in 2 years plus I'll prove that to ya. I know some 45+ guys who don't do much more then lift weights, drink beer and eat donuts and BBQ and they're still in better shape then most of this country.

@Honda: If I even had to eat better I wouldn't know how to. My diet consists mostly of large amounts of meat, pasta (because my wife's Italian), and potato variations. I rarely eat non potato vegetables (although I like them) if I'm not at a restaurant where they just automatically give them to you. The only vegetable I regularly like to cook and eat by choice is corn on the cob because there's just something cool about foods you eat with your hands.
Lvl 28
Man being young is totally fun and badass..
Lvl 18
My birthday was 2 days ago and I turned 28. Am I still young or am I old now? I still feel young, I still look young, young chicks (21+ I don't mess with kids) still love the hell out of me but yet I hate teenagers music and the way they dress and wish the fuckers would keep their trash off my lawn.

So I'm torn I guess you could say.
Lvl 8
@ Swiss: Nobody said the second you turn 30, you'd get all fat and shit. Just that it's nature for your metabolism to start slowing down. Also your body doesn't produce as much testosterone as you age, making it harder to gain and maintain muscle mass. Don't get me wrong, anybody who is lifting weights is doing more than most of this country. I also believe in the power of conscious thought. In that people who don't worry about things such as tremendous weight gain are less likely to gain weight than the person who stresses over their diet constantly. I do hardly any cardiovascular excercise. Running fucking sucks. I stick to my weight training regimine (which is not very stressfull) and I stay in decent shape. The more muscle you have, the more calories your body burns.
Lvl 28
I decided a few days ago that it may be inappropriate for me to date a 17 year old.

I was kinda bummed out about it really.

Also, running does suck...a lot.
Lvl 7
If you want to get bigger muscles and see results, do 3-5 sets of 5-8 reps for each muscle group. If you're combining secondary muscles, like triceps on chest days, you should do a set or two less on it. I usually run 5-10 minutes just to warm up for the weights, and suggest the same for you since you hate it and you don't seem to need it much. If you're seriously looking for cardio and hate running, build a circuit training routine. You will get big and cut in much less time at the gym.

What you eat is important, I believe vegetables are the most important part of my routine. Eat less simple carbs (white bread, beer , potatoes, etc) lots of veggies and protein (no more than 30 grams for every 3 hours, and that's a lot on your kidneys). Do that and you're going to be ripped.
Lvl 20
Originally posted by davey45

you kinda have to back off the chicken wings and pizza

whatcha talkin bout willis
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