Score: 3.67 Votes: 6
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guy opinion needed.

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 12 years ago Views: 7.8K
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right or wrong?

  • wrong

    91.35% (169)

  • right

    5.41% (10)

  • neither

    3.24% (6)

Votes: 185
seriously, if one of you guys say something nasty, i will NOT tolerate it. if you haven't seen around the forum, i don't take jerks lightly.

so. real reason this thread was made.

is it appropriate adding a girl on facebook you were screwing around this time last year and basically cheated on your girlfriend with while she was pregnant? a girl you KNOW you've told your girlfriend you'd stay away from.

like legit.. i don't know what to do anymore.

right of him? or wrong?
* This post has been modified : 12 years ago
Lvl 22
TOTALLY wrong!

(Kick that ass to the curb) Just Sayin'
Lvl 8
Definitely not acceptable. None of the girls I've dated would have put up with this. In fact I'm pretty sure if I had cheated on them and got caught that would have been the end of it. I hope everything works out for you.
i feel like such a fat, ugly, lard compared to her.

like really.

Lvl 14
I am sure if you took one of her facebook pics and a picture of yourself and put it to a vote, you would win by a landslide...
Lvl 14
oh and I voted for wrong, but if he cheated on you while you were pregnant, then he is just scum... he doesnt deserve such a hot woman, any mad who cheats on a preganant gf/wife, should be shot on the spot....
Originally posted by thegame14

I am sure if you took one of her facebook pics and a picture of yourself and put it to a vote, you would win by a landslide...
i would not do that. i'd probably get slapped in the face on here. haha.
Lvl 14
ok then you should just post naked pictures of yourself, and we can all tell you how hot you are and how he is a douchebag for friending this chick....
Lvl 18
Pregers is NOT fat. That is a dick move. As I tell my daughter, forget about everything he says, but pay attention to everything he does...
Lvl 16
I said WRONG! Sounds like he's either an idiot who thinks he isn't gonna get caught or he's looking for an easy way out by pissing you off so he can say, " It isn't my fault, she threw ME out!" where if this is the case he has the spine of a jelly fish. Regardless, once the trust is broken it is the most difficult thing in a relationship to repair . Trust must be earned and you do not earn trust by adding a girl on facebook you were screwing around this time last year and basically cheated on your girlfriend with while she was pregnant? a girl you KNOW you've told your girlfriend you'd stay away from.

One question on your statement. You use the phrase "basically cheated on you" Did he cheat on you or not?
Lvl 6
Wow. The parelels are heady here. Tonite, after we'd had a few beers, I just asked my gf why last night she FB friended the guy she slept with when she was still married. Her reason? "I dunno." SO i intend to take this up with her tomorrow. I voted wrong btw. to be continued...
Lvl 3
There's a big difference between "cheated on" and "basically cheated on."
Either way, a guy who cheats on a preggo is scum (especially if he's the father); but the morality of friending the cheat-ee (..or accepting a friendship request..) depends on what actually happened between them.
Although, it's also wrong that he's now friends with her because you've asked him not to, presumably clearly and with good reason. (you've gotta be blunt with us guys..)
all-in-all, I vote wrong, but your use of the word "basically" could draw a thin line.
At any rate, if he's upset you, he's probably done something wrong.
i don't have legit proof he cheated on me physically. even though my gut tells me he did.

i only have proof he lied to me about hanging out with her and he told her he was down for her to suck his dick all she needed to do was call.

i don't know what happened after that.
Lvl 18
Wrong, pure and simple
Lvl 59
I voted neither, because it depends on the person, their facebook account, etc.

For example, if the guy has like 75 facebook friends, most of whom are family and shizz, then yeah, it's kind of foul to add chicks you may have hooked up with.

If, however, the dude has like 1500 facebook friends like a lot of the people I know, then it doesn't really matter because there are probably people on there you don't give two shits about, so it's not like it means anything. Plus, adding someone publicly is better than just emailing privately or whatever; it shows that you're not trying to be too shady or something (although he still could be, you never know).

So, I don't really know enough to say one way or the other.
like 300 friends. no more than 320 i think.

idk. i'm starting to not even care. i just feel numb.
Lvl 59

300 or so is kind of low-ish, certainly low-ish enough for each new friend to kind-of, sort-of matter. It's like 67% shady.
Lvl 22
Originally posted by ramsann

i feel like such a fat, ugly, lard compared to her.

like really.


you are such an pretty girl, if he looks at others then kick his ass.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by trustno.1


you are such an pretty girl, if he looks at others then kick his ass.

Everything always resorts to violence with you!
Lvl 22
hey.. you know i`m a nice guy.
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