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guy opinion needed.

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 12 years ago Views: 7.8K
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shes so pretty though. look at her. (I wont keep these up long)

-too late-
i'm nothing compared to that.
* This post has been modified : 12 years ago
Lvl 14
she is hot!!!! beautiful lips and gorgeous smile!!!!!
lol yeah
Lvl 22
Originally posted by ramsann

shes so pretty though. look at her. (I wont keep these up long)

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i'm nothing compared to that.

dont worry, you look MUCH better!
Lvl 13
^ shes not as pretty as you.

and you being pregnant with his child, even if you were not pregnant. its wrong. he shouldnt need other girls. especially one you suspect him of cheating on you with. that should send up a flag in any guys mind wether he cheated on you or not, "stay the fuck away from this girl" because thats trouble for him. and if he doesnt have the sense of responsibility to hang around by your side after he got you pregnant, then hes definitely not ready to be a father. listen, if he wants to be a douchebag, you already have him by the balls, literally. you claim him as the father an you want to get the child covered by the state medically? then a state prosecuter will make him legally have to pay child support. you dont even have to pay court fees.
Lvl 19
at the very least he'd use a new "secure" email and facebook account.
Lvl 11
Definitely wrong. If there's been enough there to cause him to say he'd stay away, he should be staying away.

She looks kinda skanky. Cute, but probably not "bring home to mom" material.
he gave me his password but changed it like 4-5ish months ago.

and i dont feel like hacking into his crap. i know i'll find things that will hurt me.

he did things that hurt me even when i had his info. hah
Lvl 13
sometimes you need to see things that will hurt you.
and he DISAPPEARS on the weekends. literally MIA. no texts. nothing. Thursday-sunday. like i dont exist during the weekend.

i feel so emotionally drained. i've put everything i can into this guy.

oh well, lol. sorry for my pity story. just a dumb night.
Originally posted by ramsann

i only have proof he lied to me about hanging out with her and he told her he was down for her to suck his dick all she needed to do was call.

Nah srsly I was just reading some news and saw this, dunno how legit but could be what happened

Users are venting their anger on internet forums, saying the site is sending requests to "friends of friends" or people in networks they have joined.

This may be workmates the user doesn't want getting their personal information or photos, ex-boyfriends or girlfriends or friends with whom they fell out. Often the users only realise when their news feed shows that the friend request has been accepted.

And I just voted neither cause facebook gets weird spammy viruses and shit all the time.
Lvl 14
I think you need to move on, if he treats you so bad, and you have to worry about him cheating, you need to move on. it will be tough at first, being a single mom, but in the lnog run he doesnt seem like a good father for your kid or possible husband.

You are young and beautiful, I am sure that there are lot of men who would love to treat you and your son like gold, you deserve better, you just dont know it yet, cause you are so used to being treated like crap that you dont think you can do better, but you can......
Lvl 28
What thegame14 said is exactly what I was thinking.

Ditch this dude ramsann before you lose more of your life to him.

I know it's easy to say. I'm not pregnant, never will be, but this little boy is going to graduate high school before you know it. And as hard as it is to say this,... there are thousands of great people in this world just dying to adopt healthy young babies. It's always worth a consideration. Tough decision, but you have a tough road in front of you also. I wish you the best with it, but regardless of anything else... seriously this dude just sounds like a shit-turd, which is by definition, double shitty.
Yeah I reckon thegame14 has pretty well summed it up.

I did mention that glitch thing but that's only a possibility like the things you're talking about. I just wouldn't rely on using fb to come to any sort of legit conclusions. What's that saying? "Go with your gut instinct when setting goals because more often than not it'll be right". You should just put him and her aside and concentrate on the more important shit, don't let it do your head in. If you put it on the back burner and let it simmer for a while the truth will eventually come out, 99% of the time it does and from what I've read the dude does sound like a bit of a skanky bitch.
Lvl 21
Originally posted by ramsann

i'm nothing compared to that.

Do not compare yourself to others for you may become vain and (or) bitter.
Lvl 53
If you cant trust him then you dont feel good either, ditch him and look for a better guy.
Lvl 21
is it appropriate adding a girl on facebook you were screwing around this time last year and basically cheated on your girlfriend with while she was pregnant? a girl you KNOW you've told your girlfriend you'd stay away from.

That *sounds* wrong, because he's obviously still thinking about her if he made the request. But maybe she made a friend request and he just accepted it... I don't know Facebook a lot but "friends" seems meaningless there. Chat archive or phone records would be more conclusive.

and he DISAPPEARS on the weekends. literally MIA. no texts. nothing. Thursday-sunday. like i dont exist during the weekend.

That is clearly worse, no offense intended, but what actually are you doing with this jerk? Fuck him. He doesn't seem reliable to be a father nor a husband.

i feel like such a fat, ugly, lard compared to her.
I would lie if I say I find pregnant women attractive, but if you're the pregnant blonde woman I was on the spam thread, I wouldn't worry much
Lvl 7
Originally posted by ramsann

seriously, if one of you guys say something nasty, i will NOT tolerate it. if you haven't seen around the forum, i don't take jerks lightly.

so. real reason this thread was made.

is it appropriate adding a girl on facebook you were screwing around this time last year and basically cheated on your girlfriend with while she was pregnant? a girl you KNOW you've told your girlfriend you'd stay away from.

like legit.. i don't know what to do anymore.

right of him? or wrong?

Totally wrong kick his ass to the streets there is something seriously wrong with the picture!!
Lvl 8
Originally posted by ramsann

i don't have legit proof he cheated on me physically. even though my gut tells me he did.

i only have proof he lied to me about hanging out with her and he told her he was down for her to suck his dick all she needed to do was call.

i don't know what happened after that.

Go with your gut girl.. if a lie about hanging out was told chances are you're right.
Been there done that & it sucks..

You're a beautiful girl Ram, & trust me baby weight is not hard to take off at all. You're going to be back to your knock out self in no time & have your bundle of joy always by your side..
Originally posted by Dagnabbit

I thought you'd already been done with this. Didn't you say you were officially single in the spam a while ago.
i really don't even think it's your place to have an attitude like that.

we broke up. he came crawling back.

like always.
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