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Edward Cullen VS Jacob Black

Starter: Bella_Swan Posted: 14 years ago Views: 6.1K
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Lvl 6

Which Team R U?

  • Team Jacob

    58.33% (7)

  • Team Edward

    41.67% (5)

Votes: 12
What's a girl to do?

Everyone is entitled to have an opinion, and NOW is the time to voice YOURS!

Duh, Edward is So0o much hotter than Jacob, but that's is just my opinion.

I know, I's like comparing a beautiful sunset to another, slightly less beautiful sunset, like say, there is a tree in your way slightly obscuring your view, and you don't want to get up or something. It's a question I think you should voice your opinion on. I mean, this is a site about what guys want and not what girls want, so I guess you'll pick whichever one you think is tougher, or better at getting ladies and all that, but still. I'm curious, so don't let me down. XD

Alrighty guyz, lets break this down into a short bio on both for those of you unfamiliar with the Twilight Saga. (yeah right, like anyone hasn't seen Twilight)

Edward Cullen:

Edward meets Bella Swan, a human girl whose thoughts he is unable to read, and whose blood
smells overwhelmingly sweet to him. After first seeing Bella, Edward fights a growing attraction
to her, but after saving her life on several occasions, he succumbs and eventually falls in love
with her. Edward admits to Bella that he is a vampire, and that although he retains the physical
body of a seventeen-year-old, he was actually born on June 20, 1901. His adoptive father,
Carlisle Cullen, transformed him into a vampire in 1918 to prevent him from dying in the
Spanish influenza epidemic in Chicago, Illinois. Carlisle instilled in him a sense of morality
uncommon in most vampires, and central to his way of life is the refusal to consider humans as

However, Edward constantly warns Bella against being with him, perceiving her life to be at risk
if she continues to associate with him. Bella's love and confidence in Edward's restraint cause her
to ignore his warnings, even after she becomes the vampire James' target. Unlike the Cullen
family, who are "vegetarian" vampires (committed to only feeding on animals), James regularly
feeds on humans and will not stop until he drinks Bella's blood. With his family's help, Edward is
able to save Bella from James' predations, but how to assure Bella's continued safety remains an
open question.

Edward's fears for Bella's safety intensify when she cuts her finger and is almost attacked by his
brother Jasper. In an attempt to protect her, he convinces her that he no longer loves her, and
moves away with his family, leaving Bella heartbroken. Edward finds it difficult to live without
Bella, and becomes severely depressed at the prospect of an infinitely long and meaningless life.
After he mistakenly learns from his sister Rosalie that Bella has committed suicide, Edward
attempts to convince a group of Italian vampires, the Volturi, to kill him. Together with his sister
Alice, Bella rushes to Italy and stops Edward before the Volturi can destroy him.

Edward explains why he left, and apologizes to Bella. She eventually forgives him entirely, and
they continue with their relationship as though Edward had never left, with the exception that
Bella has ties that cannot be broken with a werewolf named Jacob Black. Bella successfully
seeks the support of Edward's family on turning her into a vampire. While Edward is furious at
the prospect, he later agrees to change her himself if she agrees to marry him first.

..and that is pretty much all of this, the definitive romantic tale of our generation, to this point in time.

Jacob Black:

Distraught over Edward's leaving after Bella's life is jeopardized by Edward's family, Bella finds
friendship with Jacob and slowly emerges from her months-long depression. Their friendship
grows strong, but Jacob also develops romantic feelings for Bella that she does not reciprocate.
Jacob, a member of the Quileute tribe, is descended from an ancient line of "shape-shifters" that
assume wolf form. The Quileutes are vampires' mortal enemies, and Jacob undergoes his first
transformation into a wolf in response to a new vampire threat. He becomes busy patrolling the
forest with his pack, searching for vampires in the area. When Bella is caught by the vampire
Laurent alone in a clearing, she is saved by Jacob and the wolf pack, who chase and kill Laurent.

Bella, who has been taking dangerous risks to feel closer to Edward, impulsively jumps off a cliff
and almost drowns, but Jacob saves her life. After Edward mistakenly believes Bella has died,
she and Edward's sister, Alice Cullen, rush to Italy to stop Edward from killing himself, leaving
Jacob hurt and angry. Jacob is disgusted by Edward's return and by Bella's willingness to take
him back after he left her. Jacob reminds Edward of his tribe's treaty with the Cullen family,
which states that the Cullens are not allowed to bite humans. (Edward would totally win in a
fight anyway, so like it even matters, but anyway.)

I've ran this same test on many other sites, but this one should give me a deeper insight into the male side of things. Here are some quotes from other sites challenges:


LeeLeeCullen says:

Edward and Bella love each other no matter what and Jacob can't take it so hes a big baby. I would most deffo rather have ice thn fire cu ice is cool and leaves you frozen Fire burns you, and I don't like hot things like when my feet have been under the covers too long...oh and, Dave, SCREW YOU! Twilight is the best saga of books/films since Harry Potter! All young girls wish that they could be in the fantasy story and they dream endlessly about what they would do if they were in Bella's place. Don't crush thier dreams by saying that its pointless. I know obsession can be a bad thing sometimes but please, let us have our fun and once were done you can go off into your mad world of ' Punch Face' (lol got it frm New Moon) but while your in fightso land we'll be the ones waiting paitently for you to return.
Think about that.


I<3Jacob says:

JACOB!!! I mean if werewolves hunt vampires Jacob is DEFINETELY stronger and have more stamina... Besides...hes H-O-T!!!

Wow really.


Jacob is a dog; Edward is a vampire. Do I really need to explain more? Plus Edward is way hotter, cooler, and more mature. He's a man while Jacob is a boy. But Bella is an idiot (or slut I should say). She flirts with Jacob obviously and in the third movie she realizes she loves him too. What a slut!



so edward i h8 jacob n he wuld pro want it doggy style all da time lol

Team Edward

Team Jacob (try to watch this without punching yourself in the face)

MORE Team Edward (She talks like a lobotomy patient, but makes good points)

I actually recommend watching that last one based on the line "Like I want my boyfriend going around town flashing his junk to everyone."

Powerful stuff.

Another thing to consider, I was one of Miley Cryus biggest fans for a LONG time. I cried when she shut down her twitter account, also, I cried during the Hannah Montana movie, as a girl in her late teens I tend to relate crying to how much I care about things. Anyway, I had one of THE BIGGEST Miley Cyrus fan sites out there, we had pictures and lyrics and forums, it was like this site, only with Miley instead of other chicks lol...Then this happened:


Miley Cyrus wasn't one of the Twi-hards pledging their allegiance to Team Edward or
Team Jacob. In fact, the teen star considers the whole "Twilight" world to be "a cult."

"I think it's like a cult... I think it's a cult," Miley told Sirius XM's The Morning Mash Up in an
interview that aired on Tuesday. "I think it's bad. I think it's like, just people get too into it."

The "Hannah Montana" star goes on to compare people's obsession with "Twilight" to the
public's fascination with models.

"For me, I think it's like when guys look at supermodels and they're like, 'That's the perfect girl,'
... That's what those kind of movies do to us," she continued. "They're like thinking that's what
girls should be like and not everyone is going to be Edward, hate to say it."

Miley might be anti-vampire, but she's very pro-pirate.

"Johnny Depp is way hotter than Robert Pattinson, for sure," Miley said when asked about the
actor nabbing People magazine's coveted "Sexiest Man Alive" title.

"There's not many things about me that are like a normal teenage girl. But the one like normal
teenage girl thing is that I think Zac Efron is the hottest person in the world.”

"No, I'm pretty cool," she joked when asked if she ever gets star struck. "I'm pretty much the
coolest person ever... no, I'm pretty cool. I'm pretty much the coolest person ever."

Coolest person in the world, at being a bad singer! Plus, if she’s 17 and she thinks Johnny Depp
is hot, doesn’t that make her like a reverse pedophile?! Gross.

Ewww, Zac Effron? Gay.


You see where I’m going with

Also, I used photoshop a lot when making my site (check avy) I just blinged it up for effect, I made the rest myself. I can make avys if anyone here wants to show pride for their choice. The movie NEW MOON is still in theaters so be sure to check it out..LOTS OF TIMES!!!lol

Here is a brief review from that bullshit IMDB site that is full of lying troll assholes:

In like, fairness and all that BS I'll post them in order, and just scroll how they're shown on the site, one or two might be negative, but, it's probably just gay dudes writing them because their girlfriend yelled out Edwards name in bed the night before.


This movie was awful. Edward runs around like a robot and Bella shows her true colors as a masochistic tool.

Half the movie was grieving. And the other half was people pretending they went through some sort of acting school.

Watch it if you are under 14. If you're older, use your common sense and watch something that has actors more experienced for the job.

Stephanie Meyer is a tool. How is she going to make a movie about vampires without ever researching them? It takes away from all the other vampire movies out there that were actually thought out.

Don't go in the light. Your chest will turn to diamonds!

Humm, never mind that, I can't seem to find a positive review, so I'll write my own:

I for one thought this movie was a vast improvement over the first, primarily because it stayed so true to the book. Weitz, unlike Hardwicke, wasn't itching to impose his own style on the story by using crazy camera angles and other weird stylistic elements that were nowhere suggested in the pages of Twilight. New Moon was fittingly glossy and stylistically neutral, appealing to a wider range of tastes. It was filmed beautifully and, to my great relief, had a much wider color palette than the first film. The first film had a very "Pulse" feeling to it, in the sense that everything had this weird blue tint.

In staying true to the book, all the very important scenes, the ones you've read a thousand times are sure to be there, making your squirm with delight in your chair as you watch them flesh out on screen. The acting was INCREDIBLE, with the exception of Jacob, who is a totally bad actor. Edward on the other hand was magnificent, I don't want to jinx it, but best actor oscar anyone? Bella was, well, how she plays every part, she looks like she's about to throw up at any given moment. Excellent movie, and if you liked Twilight, and LOVED the books, this one will be a definite 10/10. The greatest love story ever told. Take your girlfriends and wives, just don't be surprised if they yell out "Edward" later that night . Just be careful if it's a first date, becuase I went on 16 dates with ugly dudes just so they would pay for me to get in. , they thought we would sit together.

They call this movie lackluster? More like BLOCKBUSTER. Check it out, trust me, your numb-ONE Twilight Series fan.
Originally posted by Bella_Swan

What's a girl to do?

Turn into a lesbian.
Lvl 6
Originally posted by TheGrandDaddy


Turn into a lesbian.

I'm sure she would if her only option was you or like, being a lesbian, then she would totally chose to be a lesbian, rather than being with you. Does anyone have anything not totally gay to say?
Lvl 20
I gave you a five for effort, but I really have no opinion to offer.
Lvl 18
Did you confuse this forum with like a teen celebrity gossip site or somethin equally stupid?

This just makes no sense here. I did unfortunately see the first disaster they tried to call a movie. My wife wanted me to see it with her but even she (who loves the books) thought the acting was terrible and the casting was shitty.
Lvl 6
I can tell you guys are the macho cool guys on the site, but I'm sure you can put all that aside and like, maybe chose based on who you would rather have a beer with or something?

I mean, you guys have seen Twilight and everything, it can't be that hard to make a decision about who you think is cooler, can it?
Lvl 18
I'm guessing you're not even old enough to visit this site. Granted I know a ton of older women who love this twilight crap but they sure wouldn't ever put this much time into making a thread about it or even care about this "team" crap.
Lvl 11
Wife doesnt like edward says he looks to pale but I dont know didnt see the movie
Lvl 6
Oh I thiought the question was going to be who likes it in the ass more.

I am reaLLY BUMMED NOW. The one that looks like Clay Aikens less obviously gay brother gets my vote.
Lvl 6
Originally posted by J-Swiss

I'm guessing you're not even old enough to visit this site. Granted I know a ton of older women who love this twilight crap but they sure wouldn't ever put this much time into making a thread about it or even care about this "team" crap.

I don't kno where this hostility is coming from. I'm 18, and I just used blinge to style it up a bit, I made the avy myself.

I can like whichever film series I want, what are you, the film nazi police guy?

I like it because it's original and fresh, not the same remake of a remake we see every weekend. It's nice to see a story as original and romantic as Twilight. Don't be so closed off to things like this Mr J Swiss, you might find it as heart warming as I do.
Lvl 6
Originally posted by Bella_Swan

I can tell you guys are the macho cool guys on the site, but I'm sure you can put all that aside and like, maybe chose based on who you would rather have a beer with or something?

I mean, you guys have seen Twilight and everything, it can't be that hard to make a decision about who you think is cooler, can it?

I didnt see it since i am neither gay or a woman and the only people that seem to like this garbage for the most part are either or.
Lvl 6
Originally posted by kade

Wife doesnt like edward says he looks to pale but I dont know didnt see the movie

You didn't watch what is quite possibly the most romantic movie in the history of cinema with your own wife?

That is not cool man, you should see it with her, and then explain to her he's pale becuase he's a vampire, and that he actually looks like a marble statue of a god.
Lvl 18
It's original huh? That's a joke. It's a vampire/werewolf movie which has been done and redone to death. It's just a love story twist on the same tired shit that's been in movie after movie.

I've seen the movie like I said. Unfortunately the acting and the casting with the exception of Bella is so bad I don't know how anyone could find it heart warming.

I seriously doubt you're 18. My wife is 26 and loves the Twilight books but she agrees the movie was awful. I'm not saying older women can't like it, I'm saying they don't get obsessed over it like 14 year olds do and make long drawn out threads with pics/vids/comments about which made up "team" they're on.
Lvl 6
Originally posted by mrpogo1972


I didnt see it since i am neither gay or a woman and the only people that seem to like this garbage for the most part are either or.

I just assumed since it's opening numbers are VERY similar to The Dark Knight, and since EVERYONE had see The Dark Knight that pretty much everyone had seen this movie. Pull yourself out from under the rock DooD and check it out.
Lvl 24
swiss - perhaps bringing it down a couple notches is on order. though i cant say i completely disagree with you.

i did see the first Twilight movie and i am a female. for the sake of your thread id tell you if i had to choose between the 2, id pick edward only because i think he looks better.

that being said.... i doubt youll have a hugely favorable response here. the active forum posting members of this website is about 99.5% male and i have a hard time believing that theyll get on teams for picking which guy is sexier and "cooler" than the other. im not saying that our members are beyond discussing the movie, but perhaps not exactly in this light. also.... i think it had such excellent opening numbers because the BOOKS were so fantastically written, which so far no one has denied that i know of, but the movie left a hell of a lot to be desired.
Lvl 16
Originally posted by Bella_Swan

It's nice to see a story as original and romantic as Twilight.

I can really tell from that line that you really are only 18 or so.

Original? Only if you haven't seen any movies in the last 100 years.

Romantic? My two daughters like this stuff and I have had to sit them down and explain that if any guy treats them like Edward treats Bella I would be forced to shoot his ass with my shotgun (or put a stake through his heart) and bury him in the back yard.
Lvl 6
Originally posted by J-Swiss

It's original huh? That's a joke. It's a vampire/werewolf movie which has been done and redone to death. It's just a love story twist on the same tired shit that's been in movie after movie.

I've seen the movies like I said. Unfortunately the acting and the casting with the exception of Bella is so bad I don't know how anyone could find it heart warming.

I seriously doubt you're 18. My wife is 26 and loves the Twilight books but she agrees the movie was awful. I'm not saying older women can't like it, I'm saying they don't get obsessed over it like 14 year olds do and make long drawn out threads with pics/vids/comments from others about them.

Maybe your wife just hides it more because your obv a Twilight series hater?

I LOVE the books, I just like the movies. I mean, Edward and Jacob on paper are the same characters as Edward and Jacob on film, it's just so much more magical to see them in the flesh. A lot of guys dress up as characters from video games and such, is it really that far fetched that a girl can really get into a series? Like I said, I went on A LOT of dates with dudes so I could get into this movie for free. I plan on seeing it again tonight with another lame dude, and they don't really complain about it. I don't talk to them a lot afterwords. I just figure I'm doing my part, to open their eyes to the romantic world that is Twilight, so when they find an actual girl who IS interested in them, they know how to act. Also, the fact Edward is a vampire is what MAKES it so original dude. When have you ever seen a vampire that loved humans and DIDN'T kill people? Also, they're usually all bloody and gross and stuff, not totally super sexy.
Lvl 18
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum

swiss - perhaps bringing it down a couple notches is on order.

point taken. This thread is just makin WBW feel really myspace-ish right now.
Lvl 6
Originally posted by J-Swiss

point taken. This thread is just makin WBW feel really myspace-ish right now.

Myspace is s0o two years ago dude. Listen to that Humhum girl, she's team Edward. You could learn a thing or two as she is likely very wise and cool.
Lvl 24
no no, dont confuse. im team nobody :P
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