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Edward Cullen VS Jacob Black

Starter: Bella_Swan Posted: 14 years ago Views: 6.1K
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Lvl 16
Not that I would know what I'm talking about but I would have to go with the vampire.

Only, because I think vampires are kinda bad-ass. Vampires and Zombies. Although Im not sure vampires are supposed to be "awl-sparkly and shimmery" IMO..


The only reason I know this, is because I made the mistake of killing time when the first movie came out. I thought it was a Vampire movie. I didn't know anything about all the books or pre-teen following.

I still am a firm believer in the fact that Vampires don't sparkle or shimmer.

I give you points for effort in your thread also.
Lvl 16
Oh yeah, and Honda is right.

The guy that plays the other guy, has the total ghey gene..

So, by default, he should lose already.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.
He just can't play a cool teen heart throb.
Lvl 16
Also Also, Vanessa Hudgens is way hotter than the Bella chic.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by jenngurl23

As to the actual question, I'd pick Bella? Lmao. Which you oh so thoughtfully left out of being a choice. In most other cases I'd probably pick Edward as a friend.

Lame, the other one is totally better than Edward.

Jacob. The Jacob one.
Lvl 24
Also, Bella Swan doesn't look that bad in that first pic.

In others... it's kinda not a good sight.
This thread is gay!!!
Lvl 16

Lvl 28
Originally posted by Bangledesh


Lame, the other one is totally better than Edward.

Jacob. The Jacob one.

Whoa, you had best pump yo brakes there sir. Jacob is a weepy girl, this Edward chap literally wants to fuck that girl, TO DEATH. That's badass. He doesn't want to be her gayass friend who is constantly shirtless.

The man wears fucking jean shorts, seriously.
Lvl 16
Originally posted by Honda_X


Whoa, you had best pump yo brakes there sir. Jacob is a weepy girl, this Edward chap literally wants to fuck that girl, TO DEATH. That's badass. He doesn't want to be her gayass friend who is constantly shirtless.

The man wears fucking jean shorts, seriously.

Are we the only two that understand this?

At least the shimmering vamp wants to bang her.
The other dude wants to learn how to pick up more dudes on her list..
i would certainly pick up jacob.i would find him much more interesting to spend time with
Lvl 6
Mr.Bubbles, stop manipulating magazines to suit your homoerotic agenda.
Lvl 9
ok. Let me help this situation out a bit.

The obviously choice here is Alice:

non Twilight pictures of Alice (Ashley Greene):

exactly. Bombshell.

Bella + Alice = 2 very pastey, yet 2 very hot girls.

They should write that storyline into the movie.

Anywho. If you decide Alice isn't the way to go, and you're still battling the Edward vs Jacob drama... Let's just have a look at the facts, shall we.

Let's look at the debate as purely the best person to fuck:

Edward: Vampire. which, in turn, means freezing cold, and unfortunately puny body.
Jacob, in one word: Jacked. I mean, have you seen his muscles?!

Now, if you can be having seriously good sex with muscle man who is sure to give you what you want, than why would you choose a puny little freezing cold dude who wants to eat you? Doesn't add up to me.

Let's move onto the next logical topic of discussion, meal time. Would you really want to sit down to dinner with a plate of food in front of you and have Edward sitting across from you behind an empty place mat imagining you served up dead and raw. Maybe it's just me, but that's a bit unsettling.

My last point as to why Jacob is the only logical choice (after Alice, of course): He sleeps. and he'd probably be pretty damn comfy too, I mean, wolves have to be warm and cuddly, right? The other option, if you for some reason are still stuck on Edward, is for him to sit in the corner of the room and stare at you while you sleep. How does everyone not think that is fucking creepy?! The dude doesn't sleep! and he's cold and uncuddly.

IMO, Edward has nothing on Jacob, besides maybe cheekbones, and eyes that are pretty only some of the time.

Having said all of this, I vowed to never jump on this particular bandwagon and thankfully, I still haven't. But as long as the world is going to fight over Team Edward or Team Jacob, I'll voice my opinions. I haven't read the books and I only really watched the movies to understand why my girlfriend wants a vampire boyfriend so badly. I mean, wtf. I can't be that for you!

I can't believe I spent the time to REWRITE this post. I'm such a procrastinator. Damn finals.
Lvl 15
This is a better pic of Ashley Greene
Lvl 16
Vampires are gay now, apparently being immortal gives you a taste for the cock.
Lvl 9
Wow. Even with Google safe search off, it's filtering out naked pictures of Ashley Greene? My google is lame!

Mmm. I rest my case, she's hot.
I haven't seen it and don't plan to anytime soon, if it somehow finds it's way into my bluray collection in the future and I'm bored with some nice bud lying around I'll probably give it a sqiz but until then I can't give you an answer. btw this thread is spooftastic

Originally posted by montanamax

This is a better pic of Ashley Greene
[ Image ]

The bottom half ain't bad either
Lvl 4
none? they both look gay
Lvl 12
Vampires playing baseball ... that was the dumbest scene I've seen in a movie in a long time. All in all, I didn't like it, neither did my wife. But my 12 year old niece loves it. So I gues if that is their target audience, it's a hit.

I don't even recognize the one dude, Jack. He must be in part 2 or something.

By the way, True Blood on HBO blows this shit away.
Lvl 8
Wait....I'm not familiar with this movie but from what I've read here....Vampires eat people? I thought they just sucked their blood, thus turning the victim into a vampire.

BTW: I vote for Count Chocula with the Count from Sesame street a close second.
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