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Edward Cullen VS Jacob Black

Starter: Bella_Swan Posted: 14 years ago Views: 6.1K
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Lvl 18
Originally posted by jenngurl23

A common misunderstanding with this movie is that "Edward" is a bad actor, he actually isn't that terrible so much as in the first movie he didn't like the way his character was being portrayed so didn't even really try, and the DIRECTING isn't good. The actors are in a major film, they know how to act, they just have to do as they are told by the director and script and they can only improve on that so much. "Bella" is a so-so actor with near to no emotion besides gasping and screaming in any of her movies but in this particular series I can't tell how much of that is her and how much is the director and script.

Are you suggesting that just because they're in a major movie they can act? That Edward guy acts like he's in a soap opera the whole time. Way over acted and way too much cheesiness on his part. I thought Kirsten Stewart did a good job.

So he didn't like how his character was being portrayed so he didn't try? That just makes me like him even less. He was nobody before this movie what gave him the arrogance to not try in his first major starring role or even have an opinion about how his character was being portrayed with absolutely no real experience? I know you were trying to defend him with that post but you just made him look like a 10 times bigger jackass then I thought he was when I thought he was only a "bad actor". Now not only do I think he's a bad actor I also think he's an arrogant over opinionated bad actor.

I actually thought Kristen Stewart played the role well but she's the only one.

Originally posted by RumDum

Also Also, Vanessa Hudgens is way hotter than the Bella chic.

Not even close. Kristen Stewart has the potential to be GORGEOUS. She just dresses down and looks like homeless shit when she dresses herself. When stylists fix her up the girl can compete against anybody in Hollywood. Hudgens on the other hand just has a "cute" kinda thing about her but it doesn't hold up against real beauty.
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 28
I can see why Robert Pattinson has some contempt for the part, he's going to be typecast so fucking hard in the future. He can be in anything and chicks will run up and be all "ZOMG EDWARD!". That would get weak pretty fast. Also, he had a co-starring role in Harry Potter and the Goblet of FIre. He wasn't really a nobody since having a large speaking role in a massive blockbuster is kinda srs biz.

Why the hell am I talking about this.

Lvl 12
This forum was really posted in the wrong site
Lvl 18
well I haven't seen the vast majority of the Harry Potters. I've seen some but I don't even know which ones.

Still, you're a nobody until your name is recognizable and nobody knew this guys name until this Twilight stuff came around.

Why should a guy have contempt for a part that made him rich and famous? The girls running up to him and yelling Edward is a very small price to pay for the paycheck he's gonna get for the rest of the movies. Plus he's got all the pussy he can know what to do with he just needs to check ID's.

A lot of girls I talk to think the guy is butt ugly including my wife. That's part of why she didn't like the movie because the books describe Edward as this perfect looking god like person and she doesn't even find him remotely attractive. He's got one of those looks that only appeals to certain people he's definitely not an across the board good looking kinda guy like Pitt, Clooney, Depp or me.
Lvl 9
Originally posted by Honda_X

He wasn't really a nobody since having a large speaking role in a massive blockbuster is kinda srs biz.

Originally posted by J-Swiss

Still, you're a nobody until your name is recognizable and nobody knew this guys name until this Twilight stuff came around.

As Honda said, people knew him from Harry Potter when he was cast as Cedric Diggory. and believe me, though you may not have known him, girls certainly knew him and were swooning over Robert Pattinson since 2005. Ridic.

...I haven't really given any thought to the fact that he was a wizard and a vampire in his big movies. Yea, he's probably screwed. Typecasting!
Lvl 12
this topic is so irrelevant to wbw,that has become popular!
Lvl 24
Cedric Diggory was the best darn Hufflepuff Seeker I ever knew about.
Lvl 15
12 post from the op and 7 pages and nobody has called spoof yet?

i mean really Honda this seems your style of shenanigans this cant be real....please say it aint sooooooo!!!!

and if it is this is ultra gay so the op is either "Tucking" definition here

or you are a 14 year old girl
Lvl 12
i suggest we should all invite rhe original poster to post someting sexier about her... Come on bella!!
Lvl 7
I clicked on this thread then started reading...after a few seconds I threw up in my mouth a little...
Lvl 6
Originally posted by efilnikufesin

12 post from the op and 7 pages and nobody has called spoof yet?

i mean really Honda this seems your style of shenanigans this cant be real....please say it aint sooooooo!!!!

and if it is this is ultra gay so the op is either "Tucking" definition here[ Link ]

or you are a 14 year old girl

Here is a picture I took for any doubters. I've gotten a few PMs trying to attack my credibility. As you can see by my well maintained and long nails, I am a girl.

Sorry if the letter is a little on the harsh side. It's just I didn't come here looking to start some sort of ruckus, I just wanted a male perspective on the Edward Vs Jacob debate as part of an ongoing project I'm working on.

OMG, Ashley Greene is on Ellen. You guys should check it out.

Thank you to those of you taking this as seriously as I had intended, it's making the time spent writing it worth while. Take care, friends.
Lvl 6
Originally posted by Bangledesh

Cedric Diggory was the best darn Hufflepuff Seeker I ever knew about.


I was so sad when he died. Now when I watch it, after seeing Twilight and New Moon, I cry so hard. Just like when Wesley died in the series finale of Angel.
Lvl 6
Originally posted by Penny_Lane

Have you ever seen the series finale of Angel?

Wesley dying is heartbreaking. He loved Fred so damn much and they never got to be together due to random acts of fate.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by somethingb

i suggest we should all invite rhe original poster to post someting sexier about her... Come on bella!!

Surprised that took 69 posts.

That being said, I'm with PPML; I choose Ashley Greene
Lvl 12
Originally posted by EricLindros


Surprised that took 69 posts.

That being said, I'm with PPML; I choose Ashley Greene

Yeah,she should show us,what goods she would offer to Edward.Because Bella,you have to admit that something brought you to this may love nude girls,or you may want to tease us...
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 59
Originally posted by somethingb


Yeah,she should show us,what goods she would offer to Edward.Because Bella,you have to admit that something brought you to this may love nude girls,or you may want to tease us...

She has.

I've seen her completely naked, and I wasn't disappointed.
Lvl 16
I love the series of Angel.

I still watch it in A.M. when I wake up. Although Ive seen all the episodes.

But true.
Lvl 11
Angel. Now That was a good series. Think I've watched it all the way through 2.5 times. Hated the ending though.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by jenngurl23

Angel. Now That was a good series. Think I've watched it all the way through 2.5 times. Hated the ending though.

There is a series of comics that continue the story, I read through a brief description of the events, and shit gets kinda fucked up.

All of Los Angeles goes to hell (the city) Wesley becomes liaison to the senior partners and is back in ghost form. It's pretty stupid actually. Angel has a pet dragon. I'm not making this shit up.

Season five was probably my favorite of the series. Those fucking puppets, god damnit that was awesome. I can't get behind any of this Twilight shenanigans though, I just can't.
Lvl 16
Originally posted by Honda_X


There is a series of comics that continue the story, I red through a brief description of the events, and shit gets kinda fucked up.

All of Los Angeles goes to hell (the city) Wesley becomes liaison to the senior partners and is back in ghost form. It's pretty stupid actually. Angel has a pet dragon. I'm not making this shit up.

Season five was probably my favorite of the series. Those fucking puppets, god damnit that was awesome. I can't get behind any of this Twilight shenanigans though, I just can't.

I hate to do it, but...

I AGREE, 100%!!
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