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Edward Cullen VS Jacob Black

Starter: Bella_Swan Posted: 14 years ago Views: 6.1K
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Lvl 18
Omg, like I'm totally like sorry that I ever like questioned your age, d00d. It's so like completely mega like obvious that you are totally mature and....stuff.

I'm outta this one. It's a kid and I've had my fun.
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 28
Obviously team Edward.

People who are team Jacob are gay.
Rather Jacob.but what about creating a wGw section in this site?
Lvl 6
Really? Jacob?

Cool I guess..
Originally posted by Bella_Swan

Really? Jacob?

Cool I guess..

His looks are more down toearth-still really handsome-and this makes him more real.More likely to meet him
Lvl 24
she meant more likely to let him stick it in her butt. :P
Lvl 18
Just skimming this thread makes me feel like I just endured a weekend sleepover with 8, 12yr old girls... I double dog dare you to ! Your parents are here, time to go home.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum

she meant more likely to let him stick it in her butt. :P

Quite mean,but i'm not ...complaining!
Anyway post 1 is more than great!!really nice job
Lvl 6
Originally posted by Natasa


Quite mean,but i'm not ...complaining!

That was quite rude. It seems some people around these parts are so uncooth.
Lvl 12
Who's the broad in the pic (black panties, red bra)?
Originally posted by Bella_Swan


That was quite rude. It seems some people around these parts are so uncooth.

yes,it has to do with a thread i had open.But it is better not to complain see the thread
Why do women on here complain?
Lvl 24
ok. either the 2 of you had no idea that i was trying to be funny or you just have no sense of humor what so ever.

also, it has NOTHING to do with the fact that you had a thread open, i didnt even read your thread natasa.
Originally posted by FeFeHumHum

ok. either the 2 of you had no idea that i was trying to be funny or you just have no sense of humor what so ever.

also, it has NOTHING to do with the fact that you had a thread open, i didnt even read your thread natasa.

Sorry,misunderstanding!! But if yoou had just read the topic of my thread,you would understand my reaction!

So,no complains,just support for JACOB
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 11
A common misunderstanding with this movie is that "Edward" is a bad actor, he actually isn't that terrible so much as in the first movie he didn't like the way his character was being portrayed so didn't even really try, and the DIRECTING isn't good. The actors are in a major film, they know how to act, they just have to do as they are told by the director and script and they can only improve on that so much. "Bella" is a so-so actor with near to no emotion besides gasping and screaming in any of her movies but in this particular series I can't tell how much of that is her and how much is the director and script.

As to the actual question, I'd pick Bella? Lmao. Which you oh so thoughtfully left out of being a choice. In most other cases I'd probably pick Edward as a friend.
Lvl 22
Originally posted by Bella_Swan


That was quite rude. It seems some people around these parts are so uncooth.

Ok let me break this down for you. This site it called and we prefer topics of hot women, sweet cars, gaming, etc. etc. not some prepubescent fantasy of a 12 year old. I don't know any male(s) that interested in this "movie", if there are any they are probably not interested in this site since we don't have gay material here.

Is that clear enough for you or do you still not get it?
This entire thread is and a total waste of bandwidth on this site, when there are much better thing to look at or read here. Now if you feel i am being unjust or mean then please by all means let me know, because its obvious i really care about this subject, now if you don't mind i have something relevant to do after this (hang)...
Lvl 11
Originally posted by firereign

This entire thread is and a total waste of bandwidth on this site, when there are much better thing to look at or read here. Now if you feel i am being unjust or mean then please by all means let me know, because its obvious i really care about this subject, now if you don't mind i have something relevant to do after this (hang)...

So, just to be clear, if this thread is spam you posting a 2 paragraph message would just, in fact, INCREASE the "spam", also making your post, on this thread, spam.... =)

The books are decently written, even if they use rather simple sentence structure. Keep mind her target audience was 13 to 17 year old girls. The movies are terribly directed and scripted with marginal acting, but again, the target audience is not going to be able to notice as they are ruled 100% by pre-conceived fantasies they obtained by the books. I have read well over a thousand books and the ones these movies are based off of are NO WHERE near the best, not even close in their genre (vampire related fantasy) but they aren't the worst either. A better book by Stephanie Meyer is The Host. Slightly older target group with that, portraying some questions about what humanity would do in that situation.

Just because you don't like something doesn't make it bad or worthless; I assure you (with no offense intended, because it is the exact same for my own opinions) that the vast majority of the world doesn't care about your opinions. If you don't like something, leave it be. Negative comments like that instead of just not posting don't actual make them like whatever it is any less, just make you look like an ignorant, self absorbed ass =)

I don't care myself for the movies much at all either, and the books are mostly just ok, but that doesn't make this thread spam, nor does it make "Twilight" or the other books/movies bad, it just most likely means that you are, in fact, not the target audience.
Lvl 20
I don't get it. What exactly are we supposed to choose here?

PS: Come on guys. It's WBW, but we're all allowed to post. She put a lot of work into those posts. Don't be dicks.
Lvl 59
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