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Do you have state CCW license?

Starter: Jeff613 Posted: 17 years ago Views: 4.5K
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Lvl 14
I have been thinking of getting a North Carolina concealed carry handgun permit. I have always kicked around the idea of getting one, but the bad guys murdered fucking seven people in cold blood alone in Charlotte the week before Christmas, and they happened all over town, not just in the "bad" areas. So now I wanna get strapped.

Does anyone else have such a license? Have there been any issues with actually carrying a gun? And by that I mean problems with concealing it, finding a a good one to carry, having to remove it frequently to avoid carrying it where you'd be prohibited, etc? thanks.

* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 37
How about moving instead!?! Why live in an area where you feel like you need to be armed?!?
Lvl 6
I have one.

The Supreme Court has ruled that the police have no obligation to protect the citizenry. Couple that with the fact that the police are 95% reactionary forces and show up after the crime is done, it is incumbent on you to take responsibility for your own safety. This is the proper thing to do, rather than move or rely on someone to protect you. It is not overreaction. Crime happens everywhere. You do not have a crystal ball that tells you when a home invasion, a robbery, a carjacking will occur.

Personal Experience:

Louisville is the 8th SAFEST city in the nation. I've had a group of black men (racism not intended) drive up on me and threaten to kill me. While walking walking downtown a man approached me with a knife in his hand in broad daylight. I saw that and pulled out a weapon and he walked the other way. Etc. And I was in a good area. A firearm is just a good tool to have.
Lvl 11
I have a CCW from UT and AZ, and about to get one from FL (where I just moved) = so this means I have CCW privileges in all states that have a CCW permit! (due to reciprocity - 48 +/- states?)

check out...

FYI - a firearm will get you into more trouble than it will get you out of, and it carries a huge responsibility, so make sure you are prepared for this huge responsibility.
Lvl 9
There's a town in Georgia that requires all able-bodied adults to have a CCW license. The crime rate there is either zero or extremely close to it.
As a side note, a former co-worker of mine has a cattle ranch in Texas. He would have anywhere between $50,000 and $60,000 in cash on him after selling off a few heads of cattle at the local market/auction. He would have a loaded gun in his possession on the way to the bank and this was years before their CCW law went into effect. A couple of his wife's relatives were police officers and got on his case about carrying a loaded gun. Yet, they knew this was his livelihood and that he wanted to protect himself from being jumped
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 17
I have one in Virginia, have for years. I was a cop for a short time many years ago, so it was easy to get. I and mine feel MUCH safer. Being in the Washington, DC metro area, it's NECESSARY!first,later.
Lvl 18
only people living in fear carry.
Dont have one and dont need one but have several guns! Learn how to deal with the danger by maybe taking a self defense class. I know that an arm bar doesnt stop a bullet.... Although what is America gonna be with us all packing? Seems to me we will be going backwards to the old west!
Lvl 15
I live in NC too and I don't have any desire for one. I don't want one anywhere near my 2 year old son. Yes, I know responsible parents teach their kids about gun safety but I can do that without one in my house. Besides now a days you can shoot a robber as he's breaking into your house and the f'n legal system pretty much allows him to sue you.
Lvl 16
Just ask yourself this, Does the A-whole robbing you, Have his CCW license... (poke)
Lvl 19
I have one. I'm not living in fear as bach implied. I just have the right to do it so why not? Just like having a driver's license. Its a right to do something you enjoy so do it legally. Also to let you all know, I wouldn't think twice about shooting anyone between the eyes if they think they can just walk up and take anything from me. I work hard for my shit so fuck them all who think they can steal from others, they deserve to be dead.
Lvl 28
no, i don't. i do happen to carry a knife on me most of the time. just a simple folding license needed for that. :P
Lvl 5
Someone said only people living in fear carry.....

A gun is like a fire extinguisher. You don't ever need it until your shit is up in flames. It's a bit too late then to go buy one and to learn how to use it.

Someone else was talking about not wanting one so that they don't get sued if they shoot a burglar. Well, you should not be worried about shooting a burglar, be concerned about shooting the rapist, murderer, kidnapper that is acosting you or your child or family. Are you really going to worry about getting sued when your childs life is in danger? Wake up and smell the coffee.

My dad is a federal firearms dealer and I have been around guns all my life. when you are someplace and some crazy guy starts shooting and killing people, and now he is walking towards you rather have a cell to call 911 or do you rather have a gun to shoot him before he points and shoots you? If you are too stupid to defend yourself, then just let the gene pool thin itself out. Idiot people should just lay down and die, leave more oxygen for the intelligent ones.
Lvl 19
In my state you cannot be sued by a burglar or their family if you kill them. Once they are inside your home they are fair game. As a smart man once told me, if they are in the shed out back stealing the lawn mower, shoot the bastard then drag them in the back door.
Lvl 13
law of the jungle. if every other fukers got a gun, i want one to,
Lvl 15
Originally posted by dontwantoi

Someone else was talking about not wanting one so that they don't get sued if they shoot a burglar. Well, you should not be worried about shooting a burglar, be concerned about shooting the rapist, murderer, kidnapper that is acosting you or your child or family. Are you really going to worry about getting sued when your childs life is in danger? Wake up and smell the coffee.

To clarify - that is not why I don't want one. I was partially being sarcastic on that one. I agree - try to steal something from someone and you deserve to be shot. I don't want one around my son. I have a security system on my house not because I live in a dangerous area just a little added piece of mind. I respect people's rights to own guns - it's just not for me.
Lvl 11
Originally posted by LeonRedbone

...I just have the right to do it so why not? Just like having a driver's license...

who am i to criticize but owning a drivers license is a privilege and certainly NOT a right! like with a owning a fire arm it comes with a huge responsibility. i'm sure that just as easy as it is to obtain it's even easier to have it taken off of you should you do something stupid.

as per the topic. i'm in OZ, so no need for this shit! not sure if i would or not had i lived in the states. what comes to mind is that incident where the country singer, gary allen's wife shot herself in the head after he had just left the bedroom and she had taken the loaded weapon outta the safe. he was pretty messed up after that.
Lvl 14
Living in Houston and half of the most corrupt city in the U.S. moved here after Katrina, yes I have one. The crime rate here has sky rocketed. I was a Police Officer for 10 yrs and once I quit I stopped carrying. 15yrs later I now feel the need due to illegals, gangbangers, crack addicts,.... get the picture! I WILL PROTECT MY LOVED ONES!
Lvl 8
I carry because, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.
Lvl 16
I just like the pretty sparks that come out of the end of the barrel.
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