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Do you have state CCW license?

Starter: Jeff613 Posted: 16 years ago Views: 4.5K
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Lvl 11
"Hasn't evolved since the wild west"! 90% of violent crime involving firearms is carried out by criminals who are not legal gun owners. Also it's a good jod that you aren't allowed to own guns in Denmark. If you take into account the size of the country and the number of citizens inhabiting that country, Denmark has the worst Heroin problem in the world and that is from figures released by the World Health Orginisation in October 2007!!!!
Lvl 5
Originally posted by twwain


i'm not sure, well for those of us that choose not to carry, would want those that carry to protect us in the event some shit may go down. isn't that what cops are for?

let's take a look at the recent shootings in the US, where the hell were the CCW holders, when innocents were being gunned down?

Yes, let's look at the recent mass shootings in the US. Every single one in the last 15 years has taken place in a famous gun free zone. Ask yourself, where were the police while people were being massacred? I can tell you. They were in the parking lot, planning how they were going to enter the mall, or the school, or the office building, while sheep were cowering behind counters and filing cabinets, praying the shooter did not come for them.

The police are not there to protect you. The police come after something bad has happened, unless you are terribly lucky, and some moron decides to commit the crime while the police are there eating a jelly donut.

How do you think the crime rate in YOUR town or city will fare, if the government of your town or city decides they will make it a police and gun free zone? Do you think criminals will stop being criminals because no guns are allowed there?

Again, why do you think there are fire extinguishers in buildings? I mean, if there IS a fire, you can just call the fire department and "wait" for them to show up. Don't worry about that guy that is on fire. He can wait for the fire department to come and put out his fire.......They are there to protect you from fire right?

Did you know that a police officer is NOT obligated to risk his own life or limb to save yours? Soo, if the situation you are in is something he or she feels is too dangerous to him or her, they CAN choose NOT to help you or save you. So again, your own protection and self preservation is the only thing that will ultimately save your life. Give it some thought. Why do you want to entrust your life to someone else doing their job?
Lvl 11
Hey Dontwantoi, Don't waste your time and energy. There are so many people out there that think those who choose to carry are the "bad guys" in some way or another. There is not much in the way of "crime prevention", just crime solving. You are so right, unless of of our finest is at the exact location where a crime is taking place, you have to look after yourself. If that means pleading for your life whilst a crack addict has a gun to your head or taking a shot first to protect yourself, well that is your choice. I would rather have the chance to try and protect myself than plead with the criminal that my dog needed feeding at home. I carry a Kimber.45 in a waist holster and a Walther PPK in an ankle holster.
Originally posted by Rocky00017

As for the comment about the crackhead with a $50 9mm, Do you honestly think you could pull your gun out before he freaked and shot you first?Lets be realistic here.There are times that carrying a gun will do you no good.Perhaps it's just the security some people feel by having it.

Maybe, maybe not. I have acute situational awareness, so chances are less for me being caught in that type of situation but regardless I would at least like the option of defending myself rather than to just roll over and take it in the shorts like a coward.
Lvl 11
ack! religion, politics, and guns!

i'm really not pro or anti gun. somewhere in the middle, i guess.

it's interesting to read from those of you who do carry that your justification for carrying/owning, amongst others, is due to the the lack of crime prevention or that law enforcement does not have an obligation to protect it's citizens. personal view or fact?

let's take a moment for those "emergency services" personnel who have died in the line of duty for their selfless act. more notably sept 11, '01, nyc!

on another note: i'd love to duke it out with fisty cuffs but in this day and age you never know what someone may have on their person. shame, real shame. a smack to the head would do a some people some good.
Lvl 5
Originally posted by twwain

it's interesting to read from those of you who do carry that your justification for carrying/owning, amongst others, is due to the the lack of crime prevention or that law enforcement does not have an obligation to protect it's citizens. personal view or fact?

let's take a moment for those "emergency services" personnel who have died in the line of duty for their selfless act. more notably sept 11, '01, nyc!

It is a fact. Do not confuse the fact that some members of law enforcement WILL place them selfs at great peril for a total stranger, with the fact that they are NOT obligated to do so. The US Supreme Court issued a ruling on this years and years ago. If I remember what I read correctly, someone tried to file a lawsuit against a police department because the officers refused to intervene during a riot. The court ruled that the officers are under NO obligation to risk their own lives if they feel it is too dangerous. Just like navy and coast guard rescue swimmers, they decide if they will or will not jump into the water to rescue you. If they think it is too dangerous, you are screwed. You cannot "force" someone else to risk their own life for yours, so in that case, who can you depend on????

and please NO ONE is taking away from the bravery of the fire department during 911. That said, even fire chiefs will order out their figherfighters from a burning building if it gets too dangerous. Better have your own fire extinguisher....
Lvl 4
I would love to own a handgun as a hobbie, but then with all the legal technicalities they have here in the state (New York, Nassau County). I rather not. Also, my wife gets trigger happy when she's pissed, I love her to death, but jail ain't a nice place to swap with your dear ones.

All i would say if you have tons of money (which the criminals will target you for) or live in a bad neighborhood, then get one and use it responsibly. Else don't bother with the headaches.
Originally posted by jbecause

I live in NC too and I don't have any desire for one. I don't want one anywhere near my 2 year old son. Yes, I know responsible parents teach their kids about gun safety but I can do that without one in my house. Besides now a days you can shoot a robber as he's breaking into your house and the f'n legal system pretty much allows him to sue you.

make sure u kill the fucker then they cant sue lol
Lvl 11
Originally posted by dontwantoi

It is a fact. Do not confuse the fact that some members of law enforcement WILL place them selfs at great peril for a total stranger, with the fact that they are NOT obligated to do so. The US Supreme Court issued a ruling on this years and years ago. If I remember what I read correctly, someone tried to file a lawsuit against a police department because the officers refused to intervene during a riot. The court ruled that the officers are under NO obligation to risk their own lives if they feel it is too dangerous. Just like navy and coast guard rescue swimmers, they decide if they will or will not jump into the water to rescue you. If they think it is too dangerous, you are screwed. You cannot "force" someone else to risk their own life for yours, so in that case, who can you depend on????

and please NO ONE is taking away from the bravery of the fire department during 911. That said, even fire chiefs will order out their figherfighters from a burning building if it gets too dangerous. Better have your own fire extinguisher....

yep, i do have to agree. there has to be a line drawn sometimes. if it's too dangerous for emergency services, well i guess that's how it is and understandably. but more often than not, they go into the shit storm day in, day out!

there's a retired battalion chief on here. perhaps, he should chime in with his 2c regarding this specific issue.

let's not get sidetracked, though. this is about guns.
Lvl 11
I have a few actually. A couple M16's (one mine and one the fiances). A couple M4 Carbine (one mine and one the fiances). Also have a 50 Caliber sniper rifle as well as other rifles/pistols.

My most prized one is a Gold Desert Eagle.

I also have a mossberg shotgun with a collapsible stock and pump in a frame on the wall that says break incase of zombies
Lvl 18
Originally posted by Pabst

I have a few actually. A couple M16's (one mine and one the fiances). A couple M4 Carbine (one mine and one the fiances). Also have a 50 Caliber sniper rifle as well as other rifles/pistols.

My most prized one is a Gold Desert Eagle.

I also have a mossberg shotgun with a collapsible stock and pump in a frame on the wall that says break incase of zombies
you've spent a ton of money on guns. must be toys to you.
Lvl 11
Well the M16's and M4's were from service.

The other I just bought for the hell of it. I shoot a lot, so yea. I spend about $1000 on ammo a week.
Originally posted by Pabst

Well the M16's and M4's were from service.

The other I just bought for the hell of it. I shoot a lot, so yea. I spend about $1000 on ammo a week.

5.56 and 7.62 isn't getting any cheaper.
Lvl 13
Shit aye... Thank fuck I live in NZ, where hardly any cat rocks around with guns and shit... Hell the majority of our police dont even carry firearms on them, while they are out on the beat... We have a relatively low level of shootings and murders here too, maybe because not every one is armed to the tooth, or maybe its something else ....
Lvl 4
yes definitely practice your constitutional right to carry a weapon. Here in texas they basically give them away to anyone that doesn't have a horrible record.

The idea here is this ... little bobby wants to stick up little sue ... little bobby sticks up little sue with a 9mm WITHOUT SERIAL NUMBERS (basically meaning the gun is illegal). Oh ..wait ..little sue pulls out a 45 desert eagle and smokes that fool.

Summary: Little bobby may be dead ..but he obviously didnt give a rats ass about gun laws. Little bobby will be in headlines accross the world ... blah blah blah was smoked by a woman with a legal pistol. Now ..everyone like bobby that would have tried to rob someone at gunpoint will think twice before doing it.

So have a basic right ..and obligation to protect whats yours ..including yourself against schmucks with parents that obviously didn't raise their kids right.

There will always be freak incidents where some drunk redneckish hillbilly hoosier with a legal pistol shoots his brother or neighbor or whatever during a 4th of july party ...but for the most part ..we need guns.
Lvl 24
I have a potato (Spud) gun and i am not afraid to use it !!

Lvl 37
Originally posted by stgeorge

"Hasn't evolved since the wild west"! 90% of violent crime involving firearms is carried out by criminals who are not legal gun owners. Also it's a good jod that you aren't allowed to own guns in Denmark. If you take into account the size of the country and the number of citizens inhabiting that country, Denmark has the worst Heroin problem in the world and that is from figures released by the World Health Orginisation in October 2007!!!!

Why take that into account? what does that have to do with this discusion? It doesn't change the fact that I live in a part of the world where I don't need a gun to sleep at night or to walk down the street, as you aprantly do in most of the US, acording to the reponses in this thread..
Lvl 19
Glad I don't have to even think about it.
Lvl 18
Originally posted by Pabst

Well the M16's and M4's were from service.

The other I just bought for the hell of it. I shoot a lot, so yea. I spend about $1000 on ammo a week.

$52k in just ammo a year.
Lvl 18
"An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life."
~Robert A. Heinlein

Begin rant--- I live in Arizona. It is an "Open Carry" state. (Meaning if it's in plain view, no permit is needed.) We also have concealed weapon permits (For ALL weapons, not just firearms.) and there are still homicides, rapes, burglaries, muggings, etc.
However, as a former Sheriff's Deputy and security specialist, I can tell you that the vast majority of these things happen to people who choose NOT to carry a firearm. I cannot recall ANY cases here where some jackass decided it was a good idea to take a shot at a citizen who was obviously carrying and appeared ready to use their weapon. Even STUPID criminals have SOME sense of self preservation.
I have, and use, firearms. I also have children. I have NO fear that they will access one of my weapons and do themselves or someone else harm by accident. They all know what guns are and what they are for. I've no doubt in my mind that my 4 year old daughter would shoot an intruder dead, and then apologize for having touched my pistol. --- End rant

Originally posted by Jeff613

Does anyone else have such a license? Have there been any issues with actually carrying a gun? And by that I mean problems with concealing it, finding a a good one to carry, having to remove it frequently to avoid carrying it where you'd be prohibited, etc? thanks.

No, I do not have a license. There are very rarely issues here with anyone carrying. In fact, I've been called upon more than once to back up a police officer in a pinch, when their backup was not available. Get yourself a small frame pistol of a caliber you can control, and find a place that is comfortable to carry it. Then keep it in the same spot ALL THE TIME. (You don't want to fumble around looking for it in an emergency.) Install an approved safe in your vehicle to store the weapon when you must leave it behind. And check the regulations on where you can and cannot carry. Be VERY aware of them.
But the most important thing is: Be DAMN sure that are willing to take another human beings life if the need arises, or don't even bother to carry. People who carry as a "deterrent" but who are unwilling to actually USE their weapon, just become victims who add another weapon to that criminals arsenal when they take it off of the corpse.
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