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Do you have state CCW license?

Starter: Jeff613 Posted: 16 years ago Views: 4.5K
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Just be thankful you live is a "Shall issue" state. Here you must jump through hoops and it costs ~ $450 for a two year permit.

As for the "Live in fear to carry" in Queens, you should know better.
Lvl 18
Originally posted by LeonRedbone

I have one. I'm not living in fear as bach implied. I just have the right to do it so why not? Just like having a driver's license. Its a right to do something you enjoy so do it legally. Also to let you all know, I wouldn't think twice about shooting anyone between the eyes if they think they can just walk up and take anything from me. I work hard for my shit so fuck them all who think they can steal from others, they deserve to be dead.

I would like to know why you feel like you must have a gun on you. where do you live?
Lvl 18
Originally posted by ev1l0ne

Just be thankful you live is a "Shall issue" state. Here you must jump through hoops and it costs ~ $450 for a two year permit.

As for the "Live in fear to carry" in Queens, you should know better.

i don't see why? I have to travel in rough neighborhoods for work. i work in manhattan on the west side. people murded everyday many unsolved you don't hear about them. i worked with a guy that committed the last murder of '07. Just learn how to be safe. and don't run your mouth if you can't back it up.

i don't mean anyone here by that statement.
Lvl 14
I'm from California and my wife and I both have a CCW. We have never had our lives threaten, but if we were in a situation we at least have a way to defend ourselves. Basically - it's there if and when we need it.

To answer your questions - you have to learn how to carry and where. I use a briefcase and my wife uses her purse in the summertime. We use have it on our waistband during the winter months. We installed a certified safe in our trunk, which is bolted to the car itself, to places the guns in when we cannot carry them (court houses, ball games etc.). Selecting a gun is just doing some homework. There are tons of websites that will provide you with some tips and recommendations. Choose a gun that is easy to conceal, easy for you to shoot in control (do not use a caliber that is too strong), and has the safety features that meet you needs.

We haven’t had any issues with carrying. We are very responsible with the privilege of carrying and do not share the fact that we are carrying. No one needs to know.
Originally posted by bachiotomy


i don't see why? I have to travel in rough neighborhoods for work. i work in manhattan on the west side. people murded everyday many unsolved you don't hear about them. i worked with a guy that committed the last murder of '07. Just learn how to be safe. and don't run your mouth if you can't back it up.

i don't mean anyone here by that statement.

Not everyone is you and can protect themselves regardless of whether they roll through Queens, Oakland, Long Beach, Atlanta, etc. Not sure what your physical appearance is but I would be willing to bet you aren't a small guy based on your last statement.

I have been around enough to know that bad guys don't always think logically, In addition, no amount of martial arts training, boxing, wrestling, or just being a bad-ass in general will save you from a desperate crack head holding a shaking $50 9mm.

So your statement, although bold, may fit you and your life, to make a blanket statement like that and say it applies to all is naive.
Lvl 16
I have one. I dont always carry but I can when I feel I need or want to.
Lvl 8
I ask those who want to know if we carry because we are afraid, are you afraid because we carry? I have never heard of a person who has a CCW commiting a crime on anyone.
Lvl 8

None are required for any weapon except for fully automatics here in VT, well not CC but to own an Auto at all...

You're supposed to have one in NH where I used to live though...
Never got one there and never planed on getting one, the way I see it is the more "lists" you're on the worse off you and you're family are in the long run.
Lvl 5
Originally posted by bachiotomy


I would like to know why you feel like you must have a gun on you. where do you live?

Thats a stupid question. Would you walk into a hotel, and ask them why they "feel" they have to have fire extinguishers? Is there such a huge arson or fire problem that they find it necessary to keep at least one extinguisher on "every" floor?

Why do you have tylenol or aspirin in your home? Are you planning on having a headache?
Why do you take the pill every day? Are you planning on screwing someone today?
Why do you wear your seat belt? Are you planning on smashing head first into a brick wall?
and finally...
Why do you feel it is necessary to carry a gun? Because IF a bad bad man tries to KILL YOU, it will probably be the only reason why you can tell us the story yourself afterwards. If you don't defend your own life or that of your family, you are an idiot hoping someone else will do it for you.
Lvl 11
Originally posted by dontwantoi


Thats a stupid question. Would you walk into a hotel, and ask them why they "feel" they have to have fire extinguishers? Is there such a huge arson or fire problem that they find it necessary to keep at least one extinguisher on "every" floor?

Why do you have tylenol or aspirin in your home? Are you planning on having a headache?
Why do you take the pill every day? Are you planning on screwing someone today?
Why do you wear your seat belt? Are you planning on smashing head first into a brick wall?
and finally...
Why do you feel it is necessary to carry a gun? Because IF a bad bad man tries to KILL YOU, it will probably be the only reason why you can tell us the story yourself afterwards. If you don't defend your own life or that of your family, you are an idiot hoping someone else will do it for you.

here we go. comparing tylenol and the like to carrying a weapon is a ridiculous statement to make.

let's refrain from abusing one another. there really is no need to. from someone who admits to carrying a concealed weapon you of all people should know this.

i'm not sure, well for those of us that choose not to carry, would want those that carry to protect us in the event some shit may go down. isn't that what cops are for?

let's take a look at the recent shootings in the US, where the hell were the CCW holders, when innocents were being gunned down?
Lvl 8
Eh Capn' looks like a we got ah shitstorm comen in!
Originally posted by twwain


i'm not sure, well for those of us that choose not to carry, would want those that carry to protect us in the event some shit may go down. isn't that what cops are for?

let's take a look at the recent shootings in the US, where the hell were the CCW holders, when innocents were being gunned down?

Well typically there isn't cop on every street corner here in the US. From past experience, criminals don't usually misbehave or commit random acts of violence when armed police are around.

As for "Where were the CCW holders" . That is a good question. I would be willing to bet there were very few if any in the store at the time. In addition, the handgun VS 7.62 battle has been won more times than not by the person holding the rifle. So for someone to get a bead on this shooter would require they get behind them. That is not always possible. In addition, the CCW holder must have the balls to confront the shooter. Not all CCW holders are that brave just as cops aren't nor a small percentage of military personnel.
Lvl 18
Originally posted by dontwantoi


Thats a stupid question. Would you walk into a hotel, and ask them why they "feel" they have to have fire extinguishers? Is there such a huge arson or fire problem that they find it necessary to keep at least one extinguisher on "every" floor?

Why do you have tylenol or aspirin in your home? Are you planning on having a headache?
Why do you take the pill every day? Are you planning on screwing someone today?
Why do you wear your seat belt? Are you planning on smashing head first into a brick wall?
and finally...
Why do you feel it is necessary to carry a gun? Because IF a bad bad man tries to KILL YOU, it will probably be the only reason why you can tell us the story yourself afterwards. If you don't defend your own life or that of your family, you are an idiot hoping someone else will do it for you.

I'm sorry you feel that's a "stupid question". I guess you feel everyone should carry a gun. The thought of everybody having a gun... is a scary thought. I'd probably get killed from a stray bullet. Too many idiots have guns as it is. forgetting basics such as gravity. who shoots a gun in the air in a city? too many people. Most people that have guns do not handle them safely and do not go to firing ranges. I'm not anti gun. i'm all about a shotty in the crib. I know with my temper i'm better off without having a gun on me, i feel there would be less trouble if people weren't afraid to take a punch in the face or a few lumps.
Lvl 19
Originally posted by Jeff613

I have been thinking of getting a North Carolina concealed carry handgun permit. I have always kicked around the idea of getting one, but the bad guys murdered fucking seven people in cold blood alone in Charlotte the week before Christmas, and they happened all over town, not just in the "bad" areas. So now I wanna get strapped.

Does anyone else have such a license? Have there been any issues with actually carrying a gun? And by that I mean problems with concealing it, finding a a good one to carry, having to remove it frequently to avoid carrying it where you'd be prohibited, etc? thanks.


move to a "gun free zone"...
like Virginia Tech...
that works REALLY WELL< doesn't it??

Lvl 11
I live here in Georgia, I got mine about 3 years ago and it was so damn easy. Just go to the local county courthouse, fill in the Application and have fingerprints taken. They are then sent to the local police, FBI and the NCIS. After about 4-6 weeks you will get the permit in the mail if everything checks out. As far as carrying the firearm, just remember not to carry it to a bank or post office, also an establishment that serves more booze than food. One down side is that every time a cop see you with it you will be subject to an intense interview on the spot and a quick computer check. The guy that said he doesn't want one because of his young son has got to remember one thing, if you are carjacked or robbed in a remote place they will probably shoot you so as to leave no witness.
The town talked about in Georgia where it is law to posses a gun is Kennesaw, about 20 miles north of Atlants. Also the guy who said that you should learn self defense instead of carrying a pistol is a fucking idiot, Try and move faster than a bullet travelling at 1200fps.
Lvl 19
Originally posted by twwain


here we go. comparing tylenol and the like to carrying a weapon is a ridiculous statement to make.

let's refrain from abusing one another. there really is no need to. from someone who admits to carrying a concealed weapon you of all people should know this.

i'm not sure, well for those of us that choose not to carry, would want those that carry to protect us in the event some shit may go down. isn't that what cops are for?

let's take a look at the recent shootings in the US, where the hell were the CCW holders, when innocents were being gunned down?

well, that's part of the problem, isn't it?? The CCW carriers are LAW ABIDING. Virginia Tech?? Gun Free Zone. The mall in Utah?? Signs out front telling you weapons are prohibited. Works well, don't it?
Lvl 7
Again a subject that will always have arguments from both sides.I personally do not and will probably never carry a gun.I do however respect the choice of some to own one.As long as the person is responsible enough I see no problems.However That in itself is a problem.How many people do you know that own a gun are not responsible?Lord knows half my neighbors aren't responsible enough to own a gun,but probably do.On the other hand I have several friends that carry and are very responsible.As for the comment about the crackhead with a $50 9mm, Do you honestly think you could pull your gun out before he freaked and shot you first?Lets be realistic here.There are times that carrying a gun will do you no good.Perhaps it's just the security some people feel by having it.
Lvl 11
Listen to Billk,
I have been carrying mine for over 3 years and never drawn it from my holster, just once have I pulled my jacket aside to let a group of people know that I had it. If the students at Virginia Tech had been allowed to carry, How many of them would have died?, only a few before someone put an end to that situation.. The problem is that mass shootings in the US over the last 2 decades seem to have become fashionable but so many states have bullshit CCW laws that no one of these victims had a chance to defend themselves
Lvl 37
Sounds to me like the US hasn't evolved much since the wild west. Glad I live in a part of the world where I don't have to worry about stuff like the thing mentioned in this thread!
Lvl 8
The problem with a lot of peoples statements is that they criticize law abiding gun owning american citizens by saying "where were they?" And then when we do get our CHL or CCW whatever you want to call it we're called radicals or idiots. Let me remind everyone that it is the damn consitution that the right of citizens in these United States to own and bare arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED! The fact that there are concealed carry laws is a direct violation of the 2nd ammendment. It would be a lot like saying you can't criticize the president unless you have a permit for it. The reason for the second ammendment also has nothing to do with hunting as many people in congress haven't the slightest idea. The reason our forefathers made this amendment is because when criminals strike there are law enforcement officials to step in and take care of things, but who will do this when the law enforcement officials are the ones who are getting out of hand? So yes, I have a CHL as it's called here in Texas, I can carry a semi-automatic pistol and a revolver. Also, in Texas, there is a thing called the "castle law" where if someone breaks into your house or your property or the property of someones house who you are helping watch, you have the right to shoot that person without fear of legal action by the person's family or the state for that matter. Also, as of September, 2007 the need to retreat first to a threat was lifted, so in other words if someone threatens your life you no longer have to attempt to diffuse the situaiton first, you can pull out your pistol and end the threat that way. This is a very hot button issue with people but it really shouldn't be. If you look at the instances where mass murders happened where did they happen? They happened in so called "gun free zones." Have you ever heard of a mass shooting at an NRA convention or at a hunter's extravoganza? No, criminals target the weak and easy, and if you don't have protection than lets face it, you are weak and easy. Feel free to PM me if you would like to continue this conversation.
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