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Cocaine scooters and whatnot SPAM

Starter: Davey45 Posted: 10 years ago Views: 106.4K
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Lvl 19
My oldest brother has trouble in relationships. Like, he just finalized his fifth divorce and sent this to us to show what he has learned. What a hoot !!
RiffRaff, Bangledesh find this awesome.
Lvl 8
You know, red heads, strippers, women named Tiffany.
Lvl 27
Great stuff!
Lvl 8
Originally posted by F1098
My oldest brother has trouble in relationships. Like, he just finalized his fifth divorce and sent this to us to show what he has learned. What a hoot !!


Although, five marriages? He's not a quick learner is he?
Lvl 24
Ladies, women, Canadians and the Dutch-- Take note.

Lvl 25
Comcast keeps customer on hold until it closes to avoid canceling his service;

The one thing you absolutely need to do to get bogus Comcast charges refunded;

Man documents the return of all of his hardware to Comcast, Comcast still charges him for unreturned hardware;

Comcast spending $110,000 on award dinner for the current FCC commissioner, doesn't see why anyone thinks that's a problem;

Florida man accused of killing his roommate asked Siri where to hide the body;

Texas anti-gay leader Jonathan Saenz's ex-wife leaves him for another woman;

The internet hit 512K BGP routes yesterday, causing widespread network issues;

Doctor forced female employee to ‘motorboat’ her breasts before calling the worker a “titty baby”;

Woman caught trying to smuggle 1.7 kilograms of cocaine in breast implants;
Lvl 22
Connie was a Babe.[Blacklisted]
Lvl 6

Lvl 59
Omuh has a large baguette
Lvl 59
I've seen it.
open baguette bb.
Lvl 25
It was actually his gf's.

How emasculating that must be.
Lvl 6
Bangles be getting a Howa 1500 in 300 Win Mag soon.
He's super excited.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Kanzen
It was actually his gf's.

How emasculating that must be.

He has a sexy french accent. I'd do him if I was a hot girl who wanted some french baguette.
Lvl 3
spam is delicious..
Lvl 71
100 tokens, French talking
300 tokens, showing baguette
500 tokens, baguette in mouth!
Lvl 8
Well, there's this guy.
Lvl 19
Guaranteed to maintain Portland's weirdness for sure.

Also...if you really want to be annoyed click on the vagina discussion on the sidebar. So lame.

Originally posted by Davey45
Well, there's this guy.

Originally posted by F1098

Also...if you really want to be annoyed click on the vagina discussion on the sidebar. So lame.


News flash...women hate the word cunt.
Lvl 19
both of those people were incredibly annoying

Originally posted by Sugarpie

News flash...women hate the word cunt.
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