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Hi Im WyldOne

Starter: WyldOne Posted: 21 years ago Views: 7.1K
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Lvl 13
Okay time for me to spank the monkey and get some sleep! Adios!
Lvl 12
I wouldnt mind getting stoned with xxxBOOMxxx that girl is smokin!!! Did you check her out? Pj? Wyldone? She is gorgeous!
Lvl 21
Lvl 12
what are you talking about?
Lvl 12 talking abotu xBoomx, this is MY thread...I am very very overprotective of it
Lvl 21
:: gets a stone ::

:: wings it RepeatPete ::
Lvl 13
weed who sad weed
* This post has been modified : 21 years ago
Lvl 12
sorry, but you can still appreciate something like that... especially with your tendency to find your tounge in girl's asses... I would think.

feel free to correct me if im wrong.
Lvl 12
::catches stone in his hand, throws it through sphtman's monitor:: no more social life for you!
Lvl 12
HEY! you leave Spht alone!
Dont make me angry repeate..or Ill know you upside the head soo damn fast
Lvl 12
haha... sorry, dont want to get you riled up... you look like more than a handfull

but in all fairness, he threw it at me first!
* This post has been modified : 21 years ago
Lvl 21
Lvl 22
Ehem... I'm late...
Welcome Melissa!
Enjoy your stay!
Lvl 14
Two handfulls?
Lvl 12
anything more than a mouthfulls a waste
Lvl 12
well I hope no more than two handfulls b/c I wouldnt want anyone else sharing dat ass! Except for maybe your girlfriend... bow-chika-wow-wow
Lvl 22
rather than throwing stones, why not publicly IGNORE repeat until he learns his lesson? who is in?
Lvl 14
You know, guys hate it when you say that about THEM.
Lvl 12
not to take the focus off you again Wyldone, but that second pic that you posted is HOT!!! whered you get it?
Lvl 12
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