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Hi Im WyldOne

Starter: WyldOne Posted: 21 years ago Views: 7.1K
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Lvl 12
I like this one
Lvl 22
as i stated somewhere else, i am NEVER wrong

wylde, it took me a sec to recognize you with the new avatar....i wondered who the nrew guy was

ps. zarq, what the hell is your avatar anyway? it looks like a muppet thats all stoned and paranoid
Lvl 17
Welcome, youre rubber cell will be numbered 100442
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 13
Welcome Melissa
Lvl 20
Yikes, i bet that Wit is gonna be pissed.
Lvl 23
Eric, it's a Dust Puppy, from User Friendly (
A drawing of the character is here:

It fits me, I guess.

Lvl 22
ah, thank you
Lvl 23
you're welcome. wanna smoke?
Lvl 22
i quit smoking tobacco (ciagarettes anyway, cigars i have from time to time) last august. marijuana like 10 years ago, so, no i will pass

mick, what would wit be upset about?
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