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Hi Im WyldOne

Starter: WyldOne Posted: 21 years ago Views: 7.1K
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Lvl 24
Lvl 12
Lvl 18
can't post shit last i checked
Lvl 12
i think you can still upload though
Lvl 14
theater and psych? psych for me..then went for an msw
Lvl 18
i've had no luck
Lvl 12
double major Marketing + Pub. Rel. Than law school WHOPEE!!!!
Lvl 24
boys, try the feedback section. this is a welcome thread.
Lvl 12
whats that mean?
Lvl 18
i've tried on different threads
Lvl 24
it means youre getting off topic, this thread is about wyldone
Lvl 14
Are you in training for the"WBW CREW" or something?
* This post has been modified : 21 years ago
Lvl 18
you right fefe
Lvl 12
HIya FeFE...mickster told me about you
Lvl 24
no... i was just pointing out that this thread is for welcoming her, not for that. were you trying to be an ass by pointing that out or something?
Lvl 24
wyldone, hello are you enjoying yourself so far on the site? always good to have more females here
Lvl 18
i love your avatar fefe
Lvl 12
yeah I am...its always good to have more girls everywhere
Lvl 14
I apologize FeFeHumHum "Welcome to WBW WyldOne"
Lvl 12
yeah that avatar is great... especially now that these two have been introduced hehe
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