an equal opportunity tease... thats very modern of you
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WyldOne 21 years ago
You have not impressed me are hereby banished from my queendom...*turns up nose*
RepeatPete 21 years ago
I didnt know I was supposed to be impressing you... hows THIS!!! ::Flexing his butt-cheeks::
EricTheViking 21 years ago
repeat-she asked you to leave her thread, a moderator has asked you to chill...are you going to force yourself into a banning before you will leave? you are not making a good first impression on anyone here....and most everyone on this htread has spent alot of time on this site...these are not the people to upset. just stating facts.
* This post has been modified
: 21 years ago
RepeatPete 21 years ago
thank you for your analysis... very informative, rivoting stuff... truly.
And everyone is getting along just fine without you calling me out. Ok. thanks!
And everyone is getting along just fine without you calling me out. Ok. thanks!
PJ+ 21 years ago
...natives getting restless...unga bunga...unga bunga...gonna git you...unga bunga..
I think he's just living up to his name. Pete and Repeat.
I think he's just living up to his name. Pete and Repeat.
lil_winker 21 years ago
ok kids..time for me to leave..see you later young lady,,thanks for the pics..
RepeatPete 21 years ago
Anyway... Wyldeqon, i cant hold this pose forever, my ass cheeks are starting to hurt from flexing... ::Another walnut is cracked by the butt-cheeks o steel::
Anyway... Wyldeqon, i cant hold this pose forever, my ass cheeks are starting to hurt from flexing... ::Another walnut is cracked by the butt-cheeks o steel::
EricTheViking 21 years ago
i didnt call you out, she did.
pete and repeat were on a boat, pete jumped out and who was left? repeat was left without a membership to the site.....
pete and repeat were on a boat, pete jumped out and who was left? repeat was left without a membership to the site.....
Sphtman 21 years ago
Dawn of the Dead?
(House of the Dead sucked ass)
(House of the Dead sucked ass)
* This post has been modified
: 21 years ago
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