I gotta question... As a beautiful Bi young woman... what kind of porn do you perfer??? Straight or lesbian???
your thoughts...
she means
aww I lost them all to the site
and that admin is wondering why he had 50 hits in 5 minutes
did you have your pics on that site?
about a third of the pics i see on that site..I also see on this site..lol
I hope Nightcrawler wins for the next week that picture is amazing... I hope I dream about it tonight... and than maybe Wyldone sneaks through my window to join in the festivities....
anyway... not sure if you saw that question I asked eariler Wyldeone, which type of porn o you prefer as a sexy bi mama? Lesbian or straight?
well come on now little mama Im gonna need more than that! Which gets you the hottest?
With regards to the Nightcrawler photo, I believe I have posted some photos of the same chick. Just check my uploads. Took me awhile to remember where I had originally grabbed the photos from or whether a friend had sent them...it was indeed another site. Yeah, the chick is hot.
10-4 will do, over-and-out
Hey WyldOne,
With regards to that photo of you and a guy with a bunch of your friends, do you have a larger version to post? Two of the chicks in back look cute too (not, of course, to detract from you) but it is hard to tell because they don't come through well in the photo. The two chicks are the chick in the flower print dress and the one with the light blue top.
That you Wyldone??? The sucker???
Wow. Just pulled up that photo with you (I assume) sucking on the tit. Hot.
yeah it looks like it could be you??? If so keep um comin and make me a happy boy!