yes, and to top it off shes into anal. w00t! where were girls like this, last summer?! oh yeah... hawaii. damnit.
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WyldOne 21 years ago
you guys really dotn want to see the guy I dated to get over really...really...REALLY dont
Hornyone 21 years ago
yes, and to top it off shes into anal.
WHAT? How did I miss that?
WyldOne 21 years ago
I need to get more pictures of my body, I am kind of ripping you guys off arent I?
Hornyone 21 years ago
with an ass like mine, who wouldnt be into anal?
OMG! Now I'm in love!
RepeatPete 21 years ago
yes major leauge ripping-off is going on here! Give us something to drool over! please
WyldOne 21 years ago
there was a time when the only way I could have a decent "O" was by anal...but that wa a while ago
lil_winker 21 years ago
I had a gf who went with me to get over her gf and then we both went back to her was a life altering experience
Hornyone 21 years ago
Dare I ask.......ok, nothing ventured.....WyldOne how do you feel about tounge to anal. As in my tounge to know
WyldOne 21 years ago
Dude, repeat..dotn beg, please...and these guys drool over me clothed...Im not gonna show my titties or coot just because you want me to! These guys havnt even ever asked for it!
WyldOne 21 years ago
And I hardly ever wear thongs..thier expensive, and not to comfortable sometimes
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