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All Americans Should Watch this Film.

Starter: JonM Posted: 17 years ago Views: 9.3K
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Originally posted by thekwant

European cars
Poor manufacture quality
Manufactured in Europe

and thats where you are totally wrong my friend. to get the "Made in Germany" stamp (like i.e. Porsche has) only 60% of the cars parts have to be manufactured in germany. the rest can be from everywhere.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 51
Originally posted by Ascaris

Americans are only people who love american cars. Patriotism at it's best.

:: insert the most sarcastic emoticon here ::

yes... i love my american car
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 3
Screw cars buy a truck and be a man... Sure European cars are nice but I wouldn't say the quality of them are any better than American made cars. I had a Ford truck that lasted 300,000 rough miles and never gave me a problem. All I did was change the oil and get some belts replaced, nothing else. Show me a European car that the maintenance is low and the durability is high.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 8
I know this is my first post and probably coming off as an asshat but I dnt care. If we really cared about auto handling or whatever you guys across the pond like Im sure we could. Do you not remember the FORD G40 that slayed your precious Ferraris at your OWN RACE. We did that in the 60s just to prove to Enzo that we could. Im sure we still can today too if we really wanted to. Most of us Americans are just interested in straight line performance. We dont have the Autobahn or any other roads like that. Go brush your teeth
* This post has been modified by Bangledesh : 17 years ago
Lvl 7
Originally posted by j0lly

and thats where you are totally wrong my friend. to get the "Made in Germany" stamp (like i.e. Porsche has) only 60% of the cars parts have to be manufactured in germany. the rest can be from everywhere.

I agree... "fine" German (and Swedish [softspot for saabs]) cars are an exception to that rule. BTW, I agree to ignore the ownership semantics. A saab is a swedish car, not an american car even though its owned by GM (iirc, only around 4% is in america). Just because a daewoo or vauxhall is american doesn't mean its our fault. They certainly weren't engineered here, we just profit off of them. The biggest problem I have with some posts here is the broad assumption that the location of the manufacture is as important as the engineering. A lot of the top level engineering work comes out of america (and germany [and a little from japan]) for cars manufactured everywhere.

The other major point to be made here is that in american we don't have the need of a small, nimble car. Europeans seem to universally point out that american cars are big. Its usually because of their monstrous fucking engines. In other words, we care a hell of a lot more about 0-60 than skidpad (as a general rule). I'd argue europe is the opposite.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 5
JonM, you are extremely ignorant as this post and others I've seen from you have shown I don't know why I'm bothering to reply. I suppose I'm just bored.

OK, so the video shows us what? One person's opinion about a bunch of what? American's have different tastes and needs, it doesn't make European cars BETTER, just DIFFERENT. The majority of the US (especially large cities) are connected by massive freeways with little to no curves. Spending more money to design a car that will handle better at the cost of a higher price tag is completely stupid for the average american car buyer who wants something to haul them around, be comfortable in traffic, and feel powerful when they nail the gas.

OK so he didn't like the corvette because of road noise and fuel economy, honestly, most americans don't CARE about road noise and fuel still handle's well on the track, is powerful and has good brakes. I've driven a C6 corvette across the desert from LA to Vegas and back and it wasn't nearly as bad as he makes it out to be anyways.


Mustang vs. horse comparison...the horse can make MUCH tighter turns and has MUCH less mass to throw around. Do that same comparison on a more appropriate course and the results would be much different.

Mustang vs. Exige, give me a break. Completely different class of car. How are you going to take a weekend trip in the Lotus with your girlfriend and a couple bags? You can't. Great car, but not fair to compare it to the Mustang.

Escalades are not meant to go off-road, PERIOD. They are meant to haul around crap and kids all day in style. Landrovers ARE meant to go off-road, and they are owned by Ford anyways.

H2's are pieces of shit, I'll agree with that one.

A 1989 Licoln Continental compared to a 1989 Jag??? Gimme a fuckin break, what is this test trying to prove? That you can drive a Jag through a lake but not a POS Continental?

300M, once again, not designed for the race track, so why test it on one?

Next...Let's interview some drunk people walking down the strip in vegas about European capitol cities, that sounds like an excellent, unbiased sample. Can many European's name every US state capitol? No. Are there stupid people in Europe? Plenty of them. Moot point.

Why is he even driving a Dodge Pickup, they aren't meant for the track, they are meant to tow shit and haul shit around...they do both very well.

All and all, clarkson is extremely biased. If you are trying to say that American cars and European cars as groups cannot be compared, you are very correct. If you are trying to say that European cars as a whole are BETTER than American cars, you're talking out of your ass.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 12
Originally posted by RickSmythe

American Rubbish?

Pretty, but it just wont handle like a car should!!
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 12
Originally posted by Exhibitor


Yes, Americans have high rates of obesity and the country manufactures garbage cars. And LA is the only place that gives Vegas a run for it's "too-tacky-to-be-real?" title.

But the UK doesn't make *any* cars whatsoever. The guy claimed ownership of a Mercedes Maclaren. That's German, not British.

When did the British convert to DC electricity in their cars anyway? Have they done it yet?

If you're going to bag on American cars, you can't really do it from a British nationalist perspective.

I would go as far as to say, volkswagens overall make the best, most reliable, price holding, reasonably priced, most quality vehicles in the world.
Toyota and Honda are far larger and more economical, respectively, than any European auto maker (especially British). Last I checked, the Honda Civic is the least expensive to own and operate over the lifetime of the automobile. And if you look at VW: 1) it's not British and 2) the 90's VWs were total junk.

The Big Three automakers deserve plenty of criticism, and the guy in the show was being gonzo and dismissive for 'entertainment,' but claiming European cars as triumphs of British engineering is laughable, and if you want to go EU-vs-US in autos, you have to include Italian, British, French and Turkish cars which are all sub-US, hands down.

I never said once that it was about The U.k cars versus the U.s Cars, its European Cars versus Americam cars, and just in case you didnt know, the U.k is part of the Giant that is the European Union!
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 12
Originally posted by SuperPirate

Here's my comment that will get deleted... or me *talked* too. Go suck on a Mini's tail pipe...we dominate the world market in everything because all American products are cheapo pieces of shit... How about those planes you like to fly around in? Pretty sure we invented those.... American industry maybe stomped by cheap Chinese child labor and Microsoft call centers in India..but we sure as hell beat the shit out of Europe.

* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 7
I have to agree, American cars are shit.. But our women are better looking
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 6
Originally posted by ThievinHonky

I have to agree, American cars are shit.. But our women are better looking

This is so right over weight cars and women you want big cars not women Europe car and women ROCK!
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 9
Well I'm New here and well this is my first Post, so here we go...

Clarkson is always going to say Europeans cars are better BECAUSE he is British. "But dont get me wrong i like europeans people I even have friend from Germany and France"

-This is his Video so he is going to make it so that Europeans look good…But I do agree that in quality Europeans cars are better BUT much much more expensive.

-I and well why didn’t he compare the Corvette to any European car???? Yes because he know the Corvette will smoke them…Prove is here

-About the SUV’s...well that was so damn that they didn’t go on the same direction…yea u know the answer = is his Video

-About the Stangs well I really don’t like stangs, but the Roush stage3 is a really good car but why would u compared with the little no weight Lotus Exige S well because he know that the lotus handles good on corners and yes most of the race was corners.

-About the sound OMG why would u compare a 50 years old car to a new car…Anyways I love the sound of Muscle cars but I’m not a fan of Mustangs

-it was rediculus to capare a BIG truck to the Ariel Atom…why could u compare them OH yea to make Europeans look good. Good luck on a raining day, the Dodge is a truck, and the uses of a truck have absolutely nothing to do with the Atom…that was just stupid.

-The Viper…well viper is just Brutal Power and great to get u ass kill but I’m sure I will die with a smile lol…And like I said before why not the Corvette vs the BMW…oh oh I know here the answer

-Anyways The Show is for Europeans viewer so I guess he is just giving them what they want to see. And is find, I would do the same if i had a TV show. Anyways on this Show TOPGEAR I just go with the stig's opinion

-AND Before u say u damn American… I’m not American and proudly Mexican. But lets not do a nations war ok
And if u wonder what car I have well I drive a Chevrolet Camaro which I know is not good on corners BUT…is not like I going to take it to the track. Well sometimes I do, but just to the 1/4 mile track but just for pure fun.

Well I guess it got kind of long but oh well hehe… BTW Merry Xmas and happy new year
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 27
This entire thread is bullshit, its a bunch of guys and maybe a woman or two giving their opinions, which in my opinion is bullshitting
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 19
Originally posted by Demonicmale

This entire thread is bullshit, its a bunch of guys and maybe a woman or two giving their opinions, which in my opinion is bullshitting

Yeah, and some fucking schmucks think they have the only correct opinion. Sometimes my point doesn't find it's way straightly because my native language is Finnish, not English. Too bad I don't have all the fancy words in my mind to mock other people.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 20
Originally posted by ThievinHonky

I have to agree, American cars are shit.. But our women are better looking

sorry, australian women are taller and blonder and they tend to buy the guys drinks
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Originally posted by thekwant

and thats where you are totally wrong my friend. to get the "Made in Germany" stamp (like i.e. Porsche has) only 60% of the cars parts have to be manufactured in germany. the rest can be from everywhere.

I agree... "fine" German (and Swedish [softspot for saabs]) cars are an exception to that rule. BTW, I agree to ignore the ownership semantics. A saab is a swedish car, not an american car even though its owned by GM (iirc, only around 4% is in america). Just because a daewoo or vauxhall is american doesn't mean its our fault. They certainly weren't engineered here, we just profit off of them. The biggest problem I have with some posts here is the broad assumption that the location of the manufacture is as important as the engineering. A lot of the top level engineering work comes out of america (and germany [and a little from japan]) for cars manufactured everywhere.

The other major point to be made here is that in american we don't have the need of a small, nimble car. Europeans seem to universally point out that american cars are big. Its usually because of their monstrous fucking engines. In other words, we care a hell of a lot more about 0-60 than skidpad (as a general rule). I'd argue europe is the opposite.

good to see atr least one in here that understands how to argue

i agree with your point that americans dont have the need for a "small, nimble car". well just wait until you have the same gas prizes as we have and you will look into smaller cars for sure.

for the rest of you: stop the bashing in here. There was tons of sarcasm in this video and of course it was not meant to be a real competition between european and american cars because we all knew in the very begining that he will make sure that europeans will win. so lets take this not to serious and start laughing about it.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 18
we won't ever have the same gas prices as you because we consume so much fuel it keeps our prices low, if ours go up so do yours and you'll always be paying close to double what we do no matter how high it gets here. Besides, I'll take a nice big ass SUV that looks good over saving a few dollars on gas any day of the week. I'm a man and I need a man sized vehicle.

In theory if Europeans would start driving large SUVs you'd consume a shitload more gas which would in turn bring your prices down. So our large SUV's and big engines could possibly be the reason why our gas is so much cheaper then yours.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Originally posted by Swiss407

we won't ever have the same gas prices as you because we consume so much fuel it keeps our prices low, if ours go up so do yours and you'll always be paying close to double what we do no matter how high it gets here. Besides, I'll take a nice big ass SUV that looks good over saving a few dollars on gas any day of the week. I'm a man and I need a man sized vehicle.

In theory if Europeans would start driving large SUVs you'd consume a shitload more gas which would in turn bring your prices down. So our large SUV's and big engines could possibly be the reason why our gas is so much cheaper then yours.

that might be a reason why we signed the Kyoto and your country didnt

i am no tree hugger but if i have to pay 50% for my gas just to save our planet or drive a smaller car to reduce global warming, i am more then willing to do so. i dont need a 6 litre engine to prove my manhood.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 18
I don't either, but I need the leg room, the head room and I need to be riding higher then the rest of the traffic to be comfortable. Fuck the planet, seriously, we'll all be dead long before anything we're doing has a serious effect. Besides that, the whole world isn't gonna shut down all it's nuclear power plants or any other major industries that cause all the real polution and problems, nobody's gonna stop using aerosol cans or burning waste. Humans are by nature destructive creatures and that isn't gonna change. Technology creates pollution and destroys the planet, so either live like cavemen and save the world or just continue doing what we're doing. You either worry about EVERYTHING or worry about nothing. Cars are the least of our problems when it comes to ways we destroy this planet.
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Originally posted by Sails

When is the last time you Britts won at anything. If we had not saved you asses in World War II, all Europeans , including you Britts, would be doing the "goose step" and driving the Fuhrer's Volkswagens. Show some respect and keep your envy in check.

Nice comment retardo.
Just because you gave us a hand 50 years ago, it doesn't make up for the US killing the world today!
So you will get no respect from me.
Do you even know where Europe is??

And Volkswagen is a great car...

I have been to Europe about twenty times and am very proud of my European heritage. I have lived there three times in four different countries. My wife was born and raised in Europe as were two of my grandparents. My mother is a citizen of the Netherlands. I have owned four Volkswagens in all and still own two of them (I also own a Porsche and a BMW). One has been serving my family for thirty-six years and only failed five times. The first car I ever owned was a VW. I have never owned an American automobile and don't think I ever will.. In my earlier comment I was only attempting to knock a snotty Britt twit off his high-horse. Nothing against the rest of you Europeans.I like your cars the best.
* This post has been modified : 2 years ago
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