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You Wake Up Lost and Confused...

Starter: WARPIG Posted: 18 years ago Views: 6.7K
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Lvl 27
Every good story has at least 1 sex scene, let's go for: B

::: cross fingers and hope for the best:::
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 12
B for me.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 9
<sarcasm>Suprisingly</sarcasm> B, we boink her first. Unsure how she managed to get us to the cabin. Unsure about that whole "beast exploding out of her belly"..thing. Unsure about the cuff on her wrist, or even the note on the table or the car on the road or our aching wounds....BUT, lets do her!

Kissing you pationately, she holds you tight...her soft lips, warm tongue...her taste...pure heaven. You take her face in your hands...licking her lips, her tongue...looking deep into her soft blue yes, scanning down to her low cut soft nightgown of some type...her breasts are small...and firm...and tight. Further down, her gown is split at the see her soft inner thigh, smooth and soft as she spreads her legs further...her tummy...her panties...a more perfect body you've never seen.

You must have her. Laying her on her back...with a few swift are inside her. She wiggles and squirms beneath your weight...beginning to buck her hips toward you..taking you deeper and deeper..her body shaking more and more violently with each and every hard thrust you give her...

Youre close. She's close. Then in a scene straight for a porn vid, you and her laying down some serious fucking for several mintues. Like Pro's...pounding, thrusting, screaming, arching, spitting, squirting, cussing! .....OH MY both explode in a huge and overwhelming orgasm, rocking the bed, the cabin, and yourselves into the a moment of bliss unrivaled by anything you have ever experienced...

Do we:
A. Lay there, hold her, talk
B. Fall asleep
C. Smoke
D. Get up and find some answers
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 27
I need a cigarette after that = C
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 11
My first thought is C... although if she's a non smoker, she doesn't seem the sort of chick you want to piss off. So I'm going for D.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 15
Awesome thread I'm going for D
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Im surely tired after all this, but need the rest of the story, so D
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 23
C followed quickly with D.....
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 9
D.....let's find out what the fuck is going on
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 25
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 12
would prefer B but i think D would be more beneficial
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
I'd prefer A. But D's also good.
Lvl 9
D. We get up and find some answers.

(bonus mission!) Upon getting up, the woman begs to suck your dick oblige...and she commences to give you the best blow job ever!

NOW...getting up, cleaning up, clearing your head...looking down at your spent whore girl friend still laying on the bed covered in spooge..."Who....are you?"

"Im Marsha", she explains. "You dont remember last night?"

"Ummm. No", you say.

She goes on..."We were both drunk, at the bar...laughing and having a good time. Then, what we THOUGHT was an earthquake...the entire club was shaking and rumbling...stuff was flying and falling from all over. 100 people were there, and you and I...then, IT came!"

"IT?" you gulp and ask.

"Someone..or something..from the floor itself...rose..into the middle of the dance floor, like it just 'appeared' there, from below. A small and frigile looking old man, black trench coat, grey beard, and a cane. He waved his cane into the air...and the next thing I remember, ALL of us were in that chasm where you fought that beast."

"O....k", go on.

"Thats it", she replies "Thats the last thing I remember. The next thing I knew I was laying on that alter, where you rescued me."

*thinking to yourself*...100 people? trapped? old man? boy that was some good pussy though. wait!..100 people? trapped?

"What should we do," you ask.

"Ohhh...I dont know, how DIE" she abruptly cries out....leaping from the bed, drawing a blade...and holding it to your neck!...*demon voice*.."YOURE USE TO ME IS OVER....!"....

Do we:
A. Break free, run to chasm
B. Break free, kill the bitch
C. Break free, tie her up
D. Try to reason with her
Ill go for a C
Lvl 12
c senoir....
Lvl 10
she did actually gave a bj cause she wanted to, can't kill the bitch. gotta be c. awesome thread dude!
Lvl 27
Give her a chance, go C.
Lvl 12
ok she's a bit psycho, but she's just blown me so C. she might be into that kind of thing.
Lvl 9
C. We tie her up.

Breaking away from her knife, you spin around behind her, wrapping your arm around her a choke hold...squeezing the very life out of her body..."Whyyyyy?" scream in her ear...She weakens, and drag her to a chair, and begin to tie her up...making sure to do a good job.

Finishing the job, you stand tall...looking around, wiping the sweat out of your eyes...deep breath, you think "Fuck this shit. There are 100 people trapped and I WILL save them all!" as you grab your axe and her knife, and bolt out the door into the frozen dark night.

Following the snowmoblie tracks and blood stained snow though blinding frezzing winter night, you eventually come upon the crevice...and that mans headless bloody body. THIS time you decide to search it! Finding: 2 pair 9mm with 8 extra clips, 2 grenades, a sword and one C4 bomb with timer. Nice!

With new found courage, you LEAP down the dark decline, finding yourself at the entrance to the tunnel ahead. Lighting up a torch, you look around this small chamber. To your left, a smaller tunnel with a trail of blood leading in. To your right, a hole in the cave floor with a rope tied off and hanging through it. Ahead...the chasm of Hell...

Do we:
A. Tunnel to the left
B. Hole to the right
C. Chasm of Hell ahead
D. *scream* "Can anyone hear me?!"
D. And after that toss a coin.
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