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Throw something at the next poster! phase 2

Starter: DEMO Posted: 17 years ago Views: 13.2K
  • Goto:
Lvl 13
Catches the grenade so happends that I just have the extra pin for that
Trows the pin from the grenade
Lvl 26
Catches pin and watches Alex get blown up from live grenade

Throws bits of Alex
Lvl 13
catches myself and glues back together
thorows an empty tube of glue
Lvl 26
Catches empty tube of glue and gives it a sniff, bad mistake as my balls drop off

Throws Testicles
Lvl 13
Catches testicles, ewww i dont want them
Throws Testicles
Lvl 13
catches Punnani's Discarded testicles and puts them in a jar for blackmail purposes.

Throws ransom note for testicles
Lvl 26
Catches ransom note and pays to get testicles back

Throws £1 coin
Lvl 10
catches $1 coin, pockets it

throws apple core
Lvl 13
catches the apple core and plants it in the ground.
throws a handfull of dirt
Lvl 26
Catches dirt and wonders how the £1 coin turned into $1 ?

Throws Confusion
Lvl 13
catches confusion gets confused and ...
throws back the confusion
Lvl 26
Catches confusion and gives it to... now i am more confused, decides to move home

Throws Suitcase
Lvl 28
uses suitcase to store files - throws binder
Lvl 15
catches binder, uses to store my own files.

throws blank documents.
Lvl 28
fills documents with facts - throws library
Lvl 15
catches library, gets a decent education.

throws degree in the air.
Lvl 28
catches degree, uses it to get a job - throws mcdonalds application
Lvl 14
catches mcdonalds application.... tries to fill it out but when it got to the "what disability's do you have that allows you to mess every order up"...... then realizes why he has no bar b q sauce for his nuggets and gets pissed - then throws his chicken nuggets
Lvl 20
Catches chicken nuggets and eats them since he doesn't have the energy to cook.

Throws a newspaper he doesn't want.
Lvl 13
reads newspaper - apparently there is a war on.

Throws Challenger Tank
  • Goto: