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Throw something at the next poster! phase 2

Starter: DEMO Posted: 17 years ago Views: 13.2K
  • Goto:
Lvl 28
enjoys parade...throws bill
Lvl 13
catches bill, realises it's for a huge amount.

Throws freshly emptied wallet
Lvl 26
Catches Empty Wallet, but inside is a credit card ! Maxes out the card

Throws Maxed Credit Card
Lvl 13
catches card - shits himself at the size of bill, until he realises it was the card he stole from honda.

Throw smug sense of relief.
Lvl 26
Catches Smug Sense of Relief and i am happy it was Honda's card.

Throws tears of joy
Lvl 28
is touched by tears of joy - throws tissue
Lvl 15
catches tissue, uses to dispose of relieved love juice from the joy of realising my credit card aint maxed out, due to the fact i don't av 1.

throws extremely long response to a thread of this nature
Lvl 28
gets bored by response, throws boredom
Lvl 15
catches boredom, realises it's no fun.

throws a party.
Lvl 28
enjoys party, throws mess
Lvl 15
misses mess, i aint cleaning it up!

throws broom to Honda.
Lvl 15
throws dustpan to poon-tang to help honda clean up
Lvl 15
fuck that for a laugh.

throws it straight back to earlyriser.
Lvl 11
intercepts dustpan

throws a broom
Lvl 28
uses broom to fly, throws plane tickets
Lvl 11
catches tickes scalps them throws ...

Lvl 20
Catches money, quickly gets to a Go-Go bar spends all the money on girls and beer....

Throws a large bar tab...
Lvl 26
Catches Bar Tab and pays it (I am kind) Cleans up Go-Go girls

Throws Mucky Towel
Lvl 20
Catches mucky towel and sniff's it.... In the process also catches herpes....

Throws herpes....
Lvl 7
Go get a SHOT!
  • Goto: