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Finish the Sentence vol. Onety-Seven (A New Beginning)

Starter: bustMall Posted: 12 years ago Views: 45.0K
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Lvl 12
... because only in an imagination can only truly say that they ...
Lvl 19
....will have the Halloween party of the ages, because no phone cams are allowed to inhibit the playfullness among.......
Lvl 8
The many funloving people there...
Lvl 28 Halloweentown, where F was crowned honorary Queen of The Damned...
Lvl 19
....... Wenches, Witches, and little black Kitty Kats, all of whom were too busy adoring each other's costume ingenuity to pay attention to the noise from .....

( but hey....let's not get ahead of ourselves here. There's still two weeks to go and I have to finish my project of painting the living room ( RED and very complex) and such before the party happens.)
Lvl 12
.... a talking vagina ...
Lvl 19
....which, for a ventriloquist's act, is damned fine entertainment and when "The Amazing Talking Vajay Jay" ( well rested after her world debut at Burning Man 2012) finished her routine we gave her a standing ovation and she and her...( puppet ? dummy ? WTF ???) took a bow and....

Originally posted by 0ghash

.... a talking vagina ...
Lvl 28
... just soaked up the roaring applause from her adoring array of groupie...
Lvl 8
Fans who love her get togethers and cannot wait to...
Lvl 28
...see the spectacle of Scarlet, the Mad-Rag Vag,

who looked surprisingly like Walter, and the three of them planned a Walter Biden tour in promotion of Obama, which was perfect since no one could really tell the difference between any of them...

Lvl 19
....was BM's fantasy but the talking vagina ventriloquist had some actually interesting in mind.

( politics ?that stinks)
Lvl 28
(I thought my effort was rather comical. That's what happens when you send a "..get your ass over to the fun forum...", then promptly disappear)
Lvl 8
And planned a very haunted evening just for Bust'M The Great, but...
Lvl 28
...when Bust described the bones of his skeleton costume, it intrigued D enough that she said "Maybe we should plan our own Halloween Partay", and...
Lvl 19 the sound of rattling bones, all the little children screamed and ran away to find their Moms, who were down at F's house watching..........
Lvl 28
...Scooby Do reruns while munching on butter-free popcorn and Diet Cokes, F's idea of a wild party, while the malbec and Patron were flowing freely back at "Bust's Boneyard"...

Lvl 19
....where five dogs were fighting over the only bone in the block, because
Lvl 28
... The happy couple just had a joyous send-off to Argentina, where the days are getting long, and nights are unforgettable...
Lvl 8
And still sipping on a fine tasting wine with the occasional shot of Patron laughing over an amazing meal and...
Lvl 19
wondering who let the dogs out.
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