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Finish the Sentence vol. Onety-Seven (A New Beginning)

Starter: bustMall Posted: 12 years ago Views: 45.0K
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Lvl 22
One and only Abbot who was concerned by the....
Lvl 28
... apparent lack of humility among the nunny ranks whenever he'd break out his...
Lvl 12
.... large collection of bieber memorabilia ....
Lvl 28
( I L O L'd )

...that he liked to play with whenever...
Lvl 19
....he wanted to make a big impression on a newbie nun who had brought her own Bieber collection...
Lvl 28
... itty bitty Beiberty dildos...
Lvl 19
,,,,whic, b eing REALLY tiny was recommended for the purest of the daughters of Jesus who still had their virginity intact and only need the....
Lvl 8
Smallest bit of pain that gave them pleasure. Which they quickly ran to confession afterward to...
Lvl 19
....tell all to the silently fapping monk on the other side of the screen who seemed to have...

( hi Deucie !)
Lvl 28
( DEUCIE !!!! All is right in the world again )

... an obsession for these little immitation Bieber things...
* This post has been modified : 11 years ago
Lvl 19
.....and the real reasons for him joining the silent orders....
Lvl 8
Was that he got to test drive all of them...

Hello my friends.. missed ya!!
Lvl 28
Missed ya to ol' pal ( damn all three of us online at the same time... perfect for a and I gotta run. Story of my sad and sullen life. Don't cry F )

in the back seat of his Edsel...
Lvl 19
(F says that D is don't start the Dyke Pirate wars all over again !)

....but by his pledge to Jesus and the Abbott he could not say anything about test driving the nuns, so instead he....
Lvl 12
.... pondered on the complexities of life, wondering why it just wasn't enjoyable anymore when he inserted his....
Lvl 28
... thumb in his mouth, after...
Lvl 19
....playing with the nuns, who were far better at....
Lvl 28
finger sucking than he was...
Lvl 8
So he decided to have the nuns...
Lvl 19
......go for it. Go for the real thing and not those little Bieber dongs that he had them diddling themselves with. So with a great flourish he went to Amazon and purchased a whole case of.......
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