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Finish the Sentence vol. Onety-Seven (A New Beginning)

Starter: bustMall Posted: 12 years ago Views: 45.2K
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Lvl 19
.....and so in dire need of laundry services he returns to the convent for their....
Lvl 28
...Super Soaker Suds gun that the monks often use to....
Lvl 19 pictures anonymously on the internet to impress others in the not-so-ecclesiastical community , with....
Lvl 28

... and, well, I guess those pictures posted with Super Soakers shorted out their modem, and now...
Lvl 19
....for something entirely different, he....
Lvl 22
walks through lonely halls and wonders what...
Lvl 28
.... Dom Delouise was wearing the night of the big...
Lvl 12
.... goat fellatio contest.....
Lvl 19
....which was surprisingly popular among tourists, outside the.....
Lvl 15
...Olympic velodrome in London, however .....
Lvl 19's success was derailed by the domination of the North Korean team , who won all the.............
Lvl 12
...goats over with their amazing charm ....
Lvl 28
... hairless bodies, and little pinkies, which they used to...
Lvl 12
... stir their tea as they had no teaspoons....
Lvl 19
....whilst they thought of the simlarities between real spam and serial story telling....
Lvl 12
..... but luckily they got distracted by a rather irate bright purple moth ....
Lvl 19
....which is what LSD can do to ya when you are..........
Lvl 28
...stuck in a monestary with nothing else to do...
Lvl 12
.... other than molest the nuns by making them get tramp stamps ...
Lvl 28
... of the most ornate henna, designed and applied by the...
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