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Finish the Sentence vol. Onety-Seven (A New Beginning)

Starter: bustMall Posted: 12 years ago Views: 45.2K
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Lvl 19
( Diesel Dykes please....)
Lvl 28
Originally posted by F1098

( Diesel Dykes please....)

(no Dumb Dykes either....... we're talking about the the Abbot)
Lvl 19
....but the humble and pious Abbott ( promotion from monk ? way to go no tech !!) resisted the tempation of the fetching young nun, and with great pain he said.....
Lvl 28
...while pumping a fist in the air "Dogs Rule. Cats Drool."...
Lvl 19
....he fell over and tumbled down the hill and into the local cat house, where he saw opportunity for some missionary work among the fallen angels who worked there, and began with....
Lvl 28
... taking young Katje by the hand and saying "Dear Cat-girl,....
Lvl 19
....saying " I love you for more than your recipes....."
Lvl 28
, but for your twinkling eyes and fuzzy tail, too"...

Lvl 19
.....and the way you purr when you see another cat girl, who winks back at you to......
Lvl 28
... set the stage for a little cat scratch fever, and some...
Lvl 8
Lovin which made him...

Hi y'all
Lvl 19
Hi Deucie ! Missed ya doll !
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Deucie

Lovin which made him...

Hi y'all

...get a little tingle in his...

(Hope you're doing OK)
Lvl 19
........remaining leg, after the tragic incident with the lawn mover chewed up his left.......
Lvl 28
...little toe, which is of course, why they call him Abbot Togo...
Lvl 19
...being the mispelling of his nickname which was Abbot To-Go, because of his popular out call religious services which frequently included.....
Lvl 8
Tingling sensations from all...

I'm doing well and miss y'all too
Lvl 28
... crusty build up on the the inside-front of his robe, accumulated from years of...
Lvl 19
.....faithful attendance at WBW, really sloppy table manners, and ........
Lvl 28
... and a tissue shortage at the monastery...
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