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Finish the Sentence vol. Onety-Seven (A New Beginning)

Starter: bustMall Posted: 12 years ago Views: 45.2K
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Lvl 22
she could draw the Monk to...

Lvl 19
....the hawser, which would lift the Monk to the yard arm, where he saw.........
Lvl 28
a glimpse of Bust and Deucie hiding in the crows nest (everybody wondered where they'd gotten to)

(F- Finally the "rope" makes sense. I hadn't looked at this story in days)
Lvl 9
but after a few days it became obvious that they were...
Lvl 28
...stay up there forever...
Lvl 8
Up until...
Lvl 19
...yes, It's true. Keith Richards was tired of falling out of coconut trees and from the top gallants he cried "scorpions in all your underwear" and took the....
Lvl 28
...Beast of Burden in his hand and yelled "I Go Wild", so Bust handed that old Stone his bottle of Patron, grabbed the rigging with one hand, D in the other, and as Juan Valdez passed by in Bust's hopped up Formula, he swung to the stern bench seats in a perfect Ian Hunt like move, that left all on board the Miss D looking woefully at their dinghy for they knew B & D were on the lam again...

(see ya on the other side of the world, ya wannabeeme's)

Lvl 19
........but Bust'm seems to have chosen poorly because a leaking dinghy is, not the best choice for the drunk and foolhardy former deckhand. So as the leak turned into a flood, Duecie doesn't wait for disaster and grabs, F's arm and swings aboard the black schooner "HMS Camel Toe" and heads off toward less polluted waters to the south.

Bust'm is stuck at 40 fathoms, soon to become chum. Poor lad. Deucie softly said....." He had such style, but with bait for brains, he ...."

( Sail on good ship Camel Toe! )
Lvl 28
(again, dear F, you make no sense. Did Richard hand you the Patron bottle???? The leaky dinghy is still tied to the riggings, and the hopped up Formula is long gone. The Formula IS NOT the dinghy. And it don't leak. She rides over those waves at 60 knots burning 60 gph, even the lowly "Camel Toe" has no hope of catching her. There are no arms to grab, or sinking dinghys...unless you foolishly tried to follow us... try again from the last point of the story. I know ya can make something good of it. )
Lvl 19
(With deepest apologies to the Good Mr. Monk who hates when I go off course, please allow me a response. I have been slimed by BM....

Dear Bust'm

1. The bottle was empty

2. oK it was a Go Fast dinghy.... sez you

3. The good ship Camel Toe....will be renamed Camel TOW after this escapade where we......duh ! haul your soggy ass into port

4. See point 3. You fast, me slow.....and just like Elvis I have a honorary DEA badge and get a reward for your undeclared contraband

Now, back to your 60gph on one dollar of gas fanatasy.....)

Your friend always, F.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by F1098

Now, back to your 60gph on one dollar of gas fanatasy.....)

(That was funny. I mean real funny. And can only be truly appreciated by one that's been held hostage by the criminals that own the fuel pumps at a marina.)
Lvl 19
.....and as the noble ship Camel Toe returns to her native waters (having dispensed with the 'friends of OPEC' GFD), Deucie comes up the companionway
and tosses a line over the side to troll for dinner. "what a life !" she says to Captain F., who rewards her with........
Lvl 22
a taste of bust sushi and a glass of...
Lvl 19
Chateau d'Yquem. First administered in small licks, then dribbled down the neck and collecting in her......
Lvl 28
Lvl 19
( Grey's Anatomy fails me in locating this "nightmare" thingy.....something located only on men ?)
Lvl 28
(she's living a nightmare.... apparently from the bump on the head I inadvertently caused when landing in the Formula, which is the only plausible explanation for the twist in the story. We'll talk more when you catch up with us.)
Lvl 19
(You'll be released from DEA custody soon ?)
Lvl 28
... so as the sudden loss of consciousness subsided, and D awoke to electrifying thrill of skimming across the top of the chop at 65 mph, wind in her hair, she said "Oh, thank goodness, it was just a nightmare". Bust looked at her a little funny, then just smiled as he turned his face back into the wind...
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