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Finish the Sentence vol. Onety-Seven (A New Beginning)

Starter: bustMall Posted: 12 years ago Views: 45.2K
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Lvl 22
(You kids play nice now)

....and the old Monk that she asks for the......
Lvl 8
The package she was looking for...
* This post has been modified : 12 years ago
Lvl 28
... which was of course, her very own box of "Bait-Boy Delight"...

Lvl 8
Ahhhh she screams out in delight when she's ready to open the box, but...
Lvl 19
....she knows that it is best to wait, because in just a few days from now....( 6 days to be perfectly that too redundant ? hmmm) the perfect moment to open it will arrive, because that day is........
Lvl 28
... the day that Juan & the Coffee Cartel plan to detonate the bomb under F's secret spy pad, 10 minutes after the scheduled start of ...
Lvl 22
the new millennium which would star.....
Lvl 28
...Elvis and John Denver in their "Paranormal IV - Rockin' Country Roads" tour...
Lvl 19
....available now in the $1 CD collection down at the Bust'm family yard sale.....
Lvl 28
... where even "The Donald" comes to shop for tips on the latest trends...
Lvl 19
and to sit in the front yard barber chair and have his 'doo' renewed by the legendary bait boy, hair stylist to the gulf glitterati....
Lvl 28
( I left the door open thinking you'd go with The Duck, but that was even better )

... on The Redneck Riviera, and home of the best kept secret this side of...
Lvl 19
( Duck is too obvious, and not nearly as funny as anything about that A hole Trump)

...the inner workings of the Dyke Pirates flag ship HDMS Wet Dream....
Lvl 28
... so named because the sleeping quarters leaked, with her single bedsheet sail, barely qualified to be called a junket in any asian fishing village, yes, how it stayed afloat was one of the World's Wonders...
Lvl 19
....thought Bust'm as he viewed his Craig's List dream. Meanwhile, Franceska had weighed anchor on her staysail schooner and was on the evening tide outta town.....
Lvl 28
...alone, on a life raft, without a paddle, bottle or evap still, where she'll have to rely on her claws to pry barnacles from the raft and snatch trigger fish from it's shadows...

(may she whither up and die)
Lvl 19
....thought Bust'm as he woke up from his nightmare, but she is still happily dry and content on her ship...

( follow da thread or at least explain the physics of these magical statements of yours )

Originally posted by bustMall

...alone, on a life raft, without a paddle, bottle or evap still, where she'll have to rely on her claws to pry barnacles from the raft and snatch trigger fish from it's shadows...

(may she whither up and die)

Lvl 28
... the good ship" Raftmusen..."

(cum'on prof, it aint that difficult. The good ship is anchored, you hopped in the liferaft during a routine safety inspection, and the tether line came loose... just how, shall remain unstated (insert devious giggle here), OK? So get with the program)
Lvl 19
( I have my crew do that......but at least you didn't plead "Bermuda Triangle" or any shit like that.)
Lvl 28
(crew, shmew...they are drunk and lazy dykers)
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